Thursday, April 30, 2009


So, I was taking a break from my pages and found this dress. It's exactly what I'm looking for, except the color is awk. I'm going to check it out in the store soon and see if the color actually is cute.

UPDATE: I found it in navy blue! Perf.

infamous college list.

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

i have a feeling that i will fall off the face of the earth in september and stay in touch with maybe 5 people from high school.

sounds good to me, actually.

Monday, April 27, 2009

Sunday, April 26, 2009

i love lily with all my heart, but my life would be so much easier without her. she's taught me a lot about myself, but still. it's hard.


i hate how there isn't anything in this house to eat other than the following things.

1. leftover pizza
2. hot dogs
3. frozen chicken nuggets
4. lettuce
5. cherry poptarts

i'm not a fan of pizza, but have had it for dinner three times this week. i get tired of hot dogs easily because i don't think they taste good, i had one last night for dinner. conner and i ate all the chicken nuggets this week when we weren't having pizza. our parents got into them too and soon they were all gone. i hateeeeeee cherry poptarts and refuse to eat them. so basically, all i've been eating is lettuce. i feel like a rabbit, it's ridiculous. i've had two bags of salad in three days. when i'm tired of salad as meals, i refil my water bottle.

this is so pathetic. my mom asked me if i want a hot dog for dinner and i said "not again! why don't we have real meals any more?" and she answered with "too many dishes. have a hot dog or go hungry."

another reason that i want to live at my dad's, he's an awesome cook, he's a healthy cook, there's always food, cooking is one of his favorite hobbies, he can count the times he's had fast food on one hand.

today i've had the following things: 9 bottles of water, 2 bowls of lettuce, 1 white chocolate lindt ball, 2 pieces of plain toast. i feel like i'm on a strange reality show or something.

this is getting really old.


every 2 minutes a bitchy remark comes out of my mom's mouth from the other side of the house hitting me where it really hurts on subjects i'd rather not talk about, where she knows she will get a reaction and make me cry.

i need out NOW.

Friday, April 24, 2009

today started off with me turning my cell phone alarm off, thinking i was awake, and placing it on my face. 45 minutes later...i woke up. with less than 25 minutes to get ready, i skipped washing my hair and felt disgusting.

i had to do my current event. i am such an awkward person. i could sing my heart out in front of some classes and not care (english, social studies, civics, art, commoner) but i am so afraid in gov and start shaking. :/

finished our group project. i really love it. if you want to see it, it's right next to hallberg's room and is the painted one. check out the TR "engraved" on the willow tree. ;]

we're ~preparing~ for spanish III and a couple days a week we speak only spanish. when we do this, we earn little pesos. i had to ask something in spanish today. also, she asked me when my practice senior board was/whether it was the speech or interview/if i was nervous and i had to reply. haha we took a quiz, that i did bad on. i'm fine when i'm at school for the whole lesson and i never need to study, but from nationals i was really confused. hahah :P

social studies
i officially checked out that period. eric and robin were the only ones in the entire class contributing to the class discussion. it was so pathetic. i'm so tired of reading things in there. fml.

independent study
went to the office with the cart and got more paper for the teacher's lounge. locey was impressed with how fast i was and i decided i'm now a professional at these tasks. i should really work in an office or something as a temp. i know my way around the whole main office/lounge/that book room. mrs. yahn and mrs. scheidt address me by name now because i'm in there often. i helped a sophomore's dad (who was lost in the C building and had a cool, very strong European accent) find the main office to get ahold of his son. haha then locey made me write something for mr. brittain's blog.

the only thing i can remember really is the spooky in the middle game with the ball, and spook in the middle with megan where we were ridiculous to people in commoner.

after school
i took my hamlet test, it went well...ish. then i had to wait 45 minutes for jim to pick me up. i ended up outside in the sun reading my magazine. heather approached me with a weird look, took pity on me and drove me home. haha

i made a calendar on indesign that is from today until graduation, color coordinated and super cute. except it stresses me out hardcore because i realize i actually have to do all of those things.

i had a lot of energy so i alternated from running and speed walking on the treadmill for about an hour. is it weird that i was holding a magazine and on the treadmill at the same time? hahaha. i was really tired after that, so i went in the backyard and played with lily. then i collapsed (on purpose...ha) onto the grass and looked at the clouds because i'm true. thank God my backyard is fenced and no one can see me well. i was literally leaping around the yard and dancing funny with lily. HA.

after this, my mom decided to yell at me for a good half hour. my dad called to say he has a meeting with his lawyer this week and he's almost positive it won't be that big of a deal because i have the most say in my main location because of my age. he said it won't be as bad as i think. so that's great.

erm, i think that's it.
tomorrow i'm dropping off an application at amanda's work, because someone is about to leave and they will be hiring. amanda is going to give my app to her manager. last time she did this, they hired her friend. fingers crossed.

Thursday, April 23, 2009

I just talked to my Dad.

We are officially starting the custody battle now. He made me wait a bit to make sure this was what I wanted and it's been two weeks. So, here we go. He's calling his lawyer to set up a meeting this weekend. In the meantime, I'm researching child custody in Washington state.

If only I was 18. 11 months until I am free from custody drama. But I honestly can't wait that long. This is affecting where I go to college. You would think if I am making big decisions like college, I would be able to decide if I live with my mom or dad? We'll see how this plays out. Merrrrr.

Wish me luck.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

anything can happen in the woods.

before school
My mom has the flu. Maria drove me to school. Colin saw the drop off. lolll.

late to english, leonardy was in a bad mood, started our group project, one of the girls in my group might be pregnant and one might not graduate. :[

social studies
popcorn reading, AYE-RABBS, Natalie was the big blue giant.

cake and brownies to celebrate!! :] talking, group talking.

after school
tried to upload photos, ended up cutting out/printing off feature articles and tips on how to write features for jared, watching rj's fighting videos. colin and i went to jamba juice. we saw katie danner, fylisha and her bf, cammi who graduated two years ago. then we went to taco del mar and ate sexy tacos. then we went over to border's [deja vu, last time we found the "don't you just hate..." book]. we were sexual beings, went to our favorite section, saw someone from else from vanguard, colin got hilary's birthday present [which is incredible, love love love], i searched for on sale books in the ~blowout~, talked about colin's beard.

i got home, played with lily, watched tv [thrilling!], changed my clothes, and started uploading the photos. colin gave me his memory disk [yayyy] and it took forever and a half to upload 1200 photos. once i did, i sorted them into folders for uploading, edited some. then my fb was freaking out so i had to upload them to photobucket, go on the home computer, go to photobucket, save the photos, and THEN upload to fb. fml. it took hours. so worth it though.

drew texted me "let's go get ice cream." randomly, so we did.
we went to cold stone, saw blake brown working. [meggy, i got the strawberry banana rendezvous] then we went to the park on 86th and went ~into the woods~. we had a ground-breaking conversation and i love drew a whole lot/we are hanging out more often that's for sure.

i came home, relaxed, worked on my portfolio, applied for 8 jobs at wild waves. ya ya ya.

tomorrow? working in the art room during 5th period with amanda. also, talking to ancheta, printing something at lunch and turning my portfolio into keen hopefully.

and apparently we have an editorial board meeting on thursday after school, which sucks because i told leonardy that i would take my hamlet test that day. and since the last meeting was, what? 2 hours, i now i have to take the test on friday. also, on friday i'm spending the night at lizzie's house and we're going to be very jonas-y. haha i almost forgot about that. i hope lizzie didn't forget. lol.

about to pass out.
OH WAIT. fun? fact. when drew was leaving, we hugged inside my house and katie (jim's big black dog) bit drew! it freaked me out. katie was growling. i think it was because it was a like, extended hug or something. after drew left, i told my mom and she said that katie is very protective and would kill anyone who got too close to me. she also said that katie hates men and probably thought drew was trying to hurt me.
the end. night.

Monday, April 20, 2009

A. in the font FloralTwo, if you type "42" (a number i was using for my pages) it comes out saying "TR". i died!!

B. i have a really good theory about locey/ her retirement, ask me about it at lunch or something.

C. i still love amy winehouse.

Sunday, April 19, 2009

three things about nationals.

nationals = absolutely incredible.
i'm not in a blogging mood tonight but i can say a few things.

1. i'm shocked i placed individually at all and it feels great to be a nationally recognized journalist.

2. i'm so happy we placed as a paper. 10th is better than not placing. we didn't place at all last year. (...)

3. i love my friends on Commoner so much. it's going to be tough to graduate and leave something good behind. of course we will all do it - but it will be interesting to see how it all plays out.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

tits galore on i love money 2.

hamlet worksheet

social studies
middle east map. coloring is so productiveeeeee. natalie attempted to read me from her play for dramafest but we're apparently not allowed to read in class.

world at a glance, check on hannah montana nationals people, haley and i started learning the hoedown throwdown. LOVES IT.

after school
starbucks with julie, novanet - very accomplished, hence other blog. pain with lily, see dailybooth. i miss blogging.

~the best years~

Study for Gov. test that I'm taking tomorrow after school. Colin, was it hard?
Clean room for random person inspecting our house tomorrow.
Start packing/making lists for Phoenix. I keep wanting to say Anaheim.
Go to store for random nationals things.
Stop breaking out? hahaha Seriously, the tension in my house is killer.
Fix one minor thing in my portfolio and give it back to Mrs. Keen.
Finish Novanet by June 1st or risk not graduating.
Bring Megan's peacoat to school.
Pay for Commoner shirt tomorrow.


(Teddy Roosevelt and I of course)

I worked really hardthis novanet and finished a bunchhhh of stuff. Only a couple more things to go. Woo hoo!

so amazing. :]

I saw a photo of someone I haven't seen/talked about/thought about in months and it took me by surprise. Who is this? Oh yeah - them. It was great what a little time could do. :]

swirliness, video, reading.

we learned the cha cha. i danced a lot. i got extra credit. i did the hoedown throwdown with my friends.

independent study
locey cried. i ran back and forth to the office carrying heavy things a lot. i was forced awkwardly into hallberg's class for a stupid reason. i got my planned absence signed by jim, iverson and leonardy.

after school
nap! reading, lizzie came over for a sec, nightly (i swear, haha) phone call with megan, started thinking about packing, cleaned my room, played with lily. it was really relaxing to not do anything. also, my house was freezing all day so i wore a blanket dress.

children should listen.
if only i could sing.

also: attend hannah montana nationals. hahahaha

Sunday, April 12, 2009

It's funny when you start to realize that people are treating you like an adult.

Like, my aunt just poured me champagne for dinner. And then I had red wine (gaga) with dessert. Haha

~growing up~

Saturday, April 11, 2009

time for a real blog!

I'm in a really good mood today. Maybe it's because I'm listening to Ben Lee. Or maybe it's because Battle of the Bands was a success last night? :]

We made over $1,700 last night for our charity and hopefully gave heartbreak hero some new fans. They are fantastic.

Last night there were three things I said numerous times.
1. It's really cool to see 20 people wearing shirts that I made.
It's not like I worked hard to make them, but it was fun to see.

2. I can't stop staring at the drummer in each band.
It's my favorite part. I have a lot of respect for drummers and find them the most interesting.

3. Hi!!!
Colin and I worked in the ticket booth office and sold tickets/did money. It was bomb seeing everyone come in and that room is fun. haha :] Everytime someone came to the window my automatically upbeat/friendly self said a high-pitched/excited "Hi!!" and it was funny.

We sat with Laurel and her too-old-looking/adorable-to-be-in-8th-grade-brother, Christian. Then Jarred and Kelsey Olson joined us. We all went into the ~mosh pit~ thing. I shoved Colin into strangers. Laurel shoved me really hard into this guy in front of me, who I apologized profusely to. Christian and I shoved Laurel into some bitchy girls. Kelsey and I imitiated this white krumping girl from phs with a star belt and yelled a "WHAT WHAT!" when it got really quiet down there. hahah TD and Caleb Allison MCed, they were good enough for dealing with rude kids and talking. It's not like I could have done that. haha

Oh, before the event started, (at like 3) Julie, Colin, this other girl, Faith and I started setting up. We made red arrows because apparently it's hard to find the P.A.C. We taped them up really classy and I made my "mark" on the P.A.C. wall. :]

quiz, reading, current events. my current event is now the in-depth for commoner. hahaha :D

senior boards presentations. i still am dead-set on doing the interview.

test, i feel good about it.

social studies
worksheet, surprise! eric was very very hyper and i loved it. natalie learned about the word "awk" too. hahah

independent study
locey left to go to the bathroom for the whole period. she ended up going to safeway and getting candy for easter/our boxes. she's going insane.

headline writing with our groups. YA waste of time. then stories, signing up for stories.

after school
since my grade in english was an F, i wasn't going to let locey or iverson see that on my planned absence, so i talked to leonardy after school. i turned in a missing worksheet that i found in my bag. and then did two of the SSRs i missed (I read the average american male for an hour, yaaa) and it took my grade from the F to a B. YAAAAAA. :] haha So, now I'm going to nationals. I just have to get my gov grade (~B- or C+) and 5th/6th period by Locey. haha We don't get grades in 5th period, just credits, so i don't know how that is working. elohel

Sidenote: I woke up at 2 p.m. last night. HOW? No clue.

Thursday, April 9, 2009


I'm failing english.
(these grades are a little old and i have a missing assignment from when i was absent.)

but still.
FML. I have to make up my SSR (YES! SSR still exists in regular english.) during lunch/link/after/before school until it's done. 45 minutes + 45 minutes = 1 hour, 30 minutes of reading to get my grade up?

Monday, April 6, 2009

I didn't realize

just how much work i had to do on my portfolio.
It doesn't help that i'm a perfectionist and like things to look clean/cute/me.

I've been working since 2.

Left to do:

personal essay
cover letter editing
table of contents
community experience essay

I bs-ed so much shit today, you don't even know. Thanks junior year self for not saving anything. FML! Also, thanks sophomore year self for not saving anything from English. Thanks senior self for saving complete selves (selfs? i'm tired) ass and being awesome on the computer/saving things. ahhhhhh.
This portfolio is a joke. hahahaha see, laughing.

Also, I'm thankin

Thursday, April 2, 2009