Friday, April 24, 2009

today started off with me turning my cell phone alarm off, thinking i was awake, and placing it on my face. 45 minutes later...i woke up. with less than 25 minutes to get ready, i skipped washing my hair and felt disgusting.

i had to do my current event. i am such an awkward person. i could sing my heart out in front of some classes and not care (english, social studies, civics, art, commoner) but i am so afraid in gov and start shaking. :/

finished our group project. i really love it. if you want to see it, it's right next to hallberg's room and is the painted one. check out the TR "engraved" on the willow tree. ;]

we're ~preparing~ for spanish III and a couple days a week we speak only spanish. when we do this, we earn little pesos. i had to ask something in spanish today. also, she asked me when my practice senior board was/whether it was the speech or interview/if i was nervous and i had to reply. haha we took a quiz, that i did bad on. i'm fine when i'm at school for the whole lesson and i never need to study, but from nationals i was really confused. hahah :P

social studies
i officially checked out that period. eric and robin were the only ones in the entire class contributing to the class discussion. it was so pathetic. i'm so tired of reading things in there. fml.

independent study
went to the office with the cart and got more paper for the teacher's lounge. locey was impressed with how fast i was and i decided i'm now a professional at these tasks. i should really work in an office or something as a temp. i know my way around the whole main office/lounge/that book room. mrs. yahn and mrs. scheidt address me by name now because i'm in there often. i helped a sophomore's dad (who was lost in the C building and had a cool, very strong European accent) find the main office to get ahold of his son. haha then locey made me write something for mr. brittain's blog.

the only thing i can remember really is the spooky in the middle game with the ball, and spook in the middle with megan where we were ridiculous to people in commoner.

after school
i took my hamlet test, it went well...ish. then i had to wait 45 minutes for jim to pick me up. i ended up outside in the sun reading my magazine. heather approached me with a weird look, took pity on me and drove me home. haha

i made a calendar on indesign that is from today until graduation, color coordinated and super cute. except it stresses me out hardcore because i realize i actually have to do all of those things.

i had a lot of energy so i alternated from running and speed walking on the treadmill for about an hour. is it weird that i was holding a magazine and on the treadmill at the same time? hahaha. i was really tired after that, so i went in the backyard and played with lily. then i collapsed (on purpose...ha) onto the grass and looked at the clouds because i'm true. thank God my backyard is fenced and no one can see me well. i was literally leaping around the yard and dancing funny with lily. HA.

after this, my mom decided to yell at me for a good half hour. my dad called to say he has a meeting with his lawyer this week and he's almost positive it won't be that big of a deal because i have the most say in my main location because of my age. he said it won't be as bad as i think. so that's great.

erm, i think that's it.
tomorrow i'm dropping off an application at amanda's work, because someone is about to leave and they will be hiring. amanda is going to give my app to her manager. last time she did this, they hired her friend. fingers crossed.