Saturday, January 31, 2009

today i spent with my dad. i just realized that i arrange my sentences odd. i could have just said "i spent today with my dad" regardless,

  • saw slumdog millionaire at the grand which was fantastic. i heart anwar. haha
  • went to dinner
  • went to trader jews where i took creepy photos of the indiest couple ever.
  • had smoothies that made me die
  • talked a lot
  • listened to john mayer
  • played with our dog, gus

i love my dad. :]

tomorrow: superbowl party with all the russell's tomorrow. like i care about sports...who is playing in the superbowl anyways? hahaha

i wish that

showers weren't such a production. i like wish i could press a button and i would have clean, pretty, dry hair and not have to fight for it.

i have a haircut at 11.30 and have get to get in the shower. haha i suck.
but this photo is kind of what i'm going to get today. i love how it's ridiculous to get your haircut and i never change it up too much. oh well. my hair will be a longer version of vanexxxa hudgen's minus the lauren smith mini-bang going on. ;]

Friday, January 30, 2009

one person that i just CANNOT stand.

if you've ever talked to me on a school day, you already know this. i have THREE classes with ______. I DID NOT KNOW WHO SHE WAS UNTIL THIS YEAR. she gave colin an award in spanish last year stating that he was "most quietest". she is loud, stupid, nosey, pushy, cocky, annoying, wears very large and unnecessary bows in her hair, matches too well where it's freaky, yells "brown power!" after anything having to do with anyone who isn't white/ celeste.

i'm sorry with you're friends with her but i just really had to say it to, i don't know, calm down? hahaha

also, i just watched part of _______'s backstreet boys video on facebook and it reminded me of how incredibly thankful i am to not have had any classes with her since 8th grade.

troot bawhx

good idea drew.

I have dreams at night of cutting off your head and raping the eyesocket of your skull.
Sad thing is, it really gets me off.
I wake up and masterbate sometimes.

you're too wrapped up in your "core four" you forget about me.

can i like... have your dilly bar?

-this will ALSO remain anonymous.

have all

still can't comment... lol.
i love you more than my song :]

You are nice, albeit weird.

You were right all along.

it won't let me comment you... buh.
but that video of 'love song' is amazing! :]
love, megan.
four, tres, two, uno!

I think you are a fuzzy pica!

You are a good listener.

you need to stop being so cocky. i know you know you're arrogant and you just think it's kind of cute, but honestly you're starting to alienate some of your friends.

stop thinkig the world revolves around you. you might not care what you say bluntly to someone but they do. just watch what you say because sometimes it hurts.

you keep going on with your life, no matter what.
you dont care what people think.
in a way, it inspires me.

EIC is totally in your grasp. Perform well during cub edition, and it's yours.

kathleeeeeeeeeeeeeen !

oh, cool, that kathleen was supposed to be a comment.
my bad.
this is hayley, btw.

the truth box fucking sucks
also I hate hairy vaginas

hhhhhhhhhhhhhHHHHHHH HHHHHHHHhhhHhhhhhhhHh hhhhHHHHHHHHHHhhhhhhh hHHHHHHHhhhhhhhhhhhhh h


i miss you.

i think taylor is confident with who she is. i respect that.

i think that you deserve better treatment than you get from a lot of people. you're very sweet, and you're also a good listener.

I think you're awesome, Taylor. You have been nothing but nice to me. You're always trying to stay positive and it makes others around you want to keep their heads up. I'm glad that you're back to your happy self.
Ily and I'm glad we're friends. I don't know what I'd do without you.

you hella tight

Hey Taylor. I'm just going to tell you that this is Kortney because i am just as bad as you when it comes to staying anonymous. haha. But, I definitely think we should become better friends. I have really gotten to know you this year, more than I think i ever have since we've known each other. I think you are a sweet, fun person, and i've enjoyed hanging out with you. ps. you are welcome. :D

Taylor, you totally deserved the comment below this one.
Whoever wrote that is equally as awesome.
Surround yourself with people like that and you'll do just fine :]

You are such a wonderful person. Your laughter and happiness is contagious and lightens every harship or stress in my life. People gravitate to you in hopes of absorbing some of your sunshine. Even when masked by jokes and "Taylor moments", I see a strong, intelligent individual who has the potential to make a difference in this world.

you have changed so much.
your not the same person i knew last year. i think you try to hard to have other people like you and want to be your friend.
also, you might want to actually put some effort into things now


it must be fun being Taylor.
your passion, spontaneity, laughter, confidence, and heart perpetuates even through your rough days.
keep your head up and never give in.
keep on looking forward, because you never know what may become of your future.

sometimes i feel like im not good enough to be your friend anymore

You're kind of annoying and easy to make fun of, but I love you anyway. And I never liked making fun of you.

you're ridiculous, but you're so funny. i like you a lot.

you're a really good friend and you don't deserve the treatment you get from people. ily.

i'm glad we became close friends this year. a lot of shit has been going on, but at least we went through it together. you helped me realize that this is just high school; when everyone's opinion seems to matter the most...and that its just a part of life. i'm hoping that next year will be a better year, and that we continue to become closer friends and have more good times. you are a true friend, and I don't know where i'd be without you. don't change

I have this unsatiable urge to stick my finger into your asshole and then lick it.

eat me outtttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttt

would you like fries with that?

so, mcdonald's called me today and i have my interview on monday after school. i feel odd about it. like, a job's a job. this will lessen my burdens. i can't wait to have money? it's going to be very rewarding i'm sure.

today was a half day. i would not even be going to school if it wasn't for the commoner coming out today.

math: hahaha you're funny. i skipped. no more math ever again! ever! ever ever ever!
english: it was dead silent and we weren't given any direction. my uno cards saved the day (again) and i played with three other people. haha i won. are you surprised?
spanish: mmm. we had mate. i was obsessed, i brought a huge cup of it to fourth period that adriana and i highly enjoyed.
civics: swirled, talked, swirled some more. robin asked what the culminating project was and i quickly responded with "a big book of hell"
studio: jenna was in there for a bit, i just swirled and read the commoner.
commoner: distributiiiiion/printed pages.
after school: played a VERY intense game of pictionary with laurel, kortney, chelsea, heather. we were screaming. like if you heard people yelling words and freaking out after school upstairs, that was us. here is a chart.

it was amazing though. um, yeah that's today so far? off to go ride my bike/watch the hills/real world. ;]

tomorrow... haircut!
and sushi and spending time with my dad.
sunday...commoner portfolio. fml! :]

Thursday, January 29, 2009

oh how i wish i saw colin pregnant in health.

let me start off with two things.

1. liy dug a hole under the fence, escaped around 4th period, jim couldn't get her back, she ran down 78th (78th!!!!), almost was hit by a car. chelsea took pity on me and drove me home during 6th period as i was crying, stressed and worried. i quickly got lily, it was such a relief.

2. commoner is fan-fucking-tastic. i'm very happy with everything. color? color?! color!! i wish we always had color. i'm also feeling good about my pages. kim complimented me on my td article which made me happy because she was being super sweet about it/she knows trevor. haha

math: ya final. we talked about black hair. it was a partner test.
english: ya final. 96% on it.
spanish: ya speaking final. i did fine and worried for nothing.
civics: ya final. missed some on matching. :/ 94%+ i'm assuming?
art: cried, painted for fun, cleaned out my locker.
commoner: thank you circle, i annoyed myself during, frantic texting with my mom during ty circle too. going home, missing the commoner party/reveal of the paper. :/ got lily, came back, stuffed papers.
talked about colin if he was a girl, td, laurel, chris olmstead, little caeser's cheese sticks. haha went home, etc etc. danny come over, looked commoner, he loved my pages which made me happy to have his approval. :] and then i read my favorite online blogs for an hour somehow?

my schedule is a bit messed up and hopefully mrs. michel will fix it in the next 12 hours when she reads my email.

kk gurlies. sorry i'm boring. i just am not into these days.

Wednesday, January 28, 2009


math: ya trick, article.

english: studied for test, sorta. i'm going to wing it tomorrow. i have a solid A in there, so i really don't care.

spanish: tea stuff, etc, etc.

civics: studied for the test, i'm very prepared. i found out that i did better than adriana on the SAT, i was shocked.

studio: painted my thing for the cbpa or whatevs.

commoner - 7:45 p.m.: photos, articles, editing, swirling, drinking cocoa, eating popcorn, doing cheer moves, spraying butter, talk shitting, nalgene drinking, you know the usual. :] oh and caty knows she's the new editor. woo hoo! i watched through the door. hahah [part has been removed] locey said some interesting things to me... oh and we took photos of rats, told locey that hodous never washes his hands, and locey paced up and down the hallway for a very long time... hahahahaa

this is the best issue we've had i think, i hope you all like it! we worked especially hard. :] comes out friday. ha ps, emily where am i for circulation? oh and the bakeoff tomorrow, HA. yaaa not baking tonight. elohelelohelelohelelohelelohel

tonight: catching up on skins, going to bed at 10.30. yesss. hey josh: come to commoner at lunch! oh and i mean josh aten, but josh velliquette you are welcome to come to commoner at lunch too i guess. haha :]

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

ya trues

i hate blogging during layout. i just want to go to sleep.

math: fuck math.
english: book project due, presentations, read everyone's board, collected candy. a kid in my class thought i was mrs. leonardy and asked me if he could go to the nurse. i pointed him in the direction of mrs. leonardy. i think it was because our outfits and hair were similar today? haha we look nothing alike though.
spanish: corrected our tests. she kept talking about it like this big old scary test that everyone failed. i got 43/46. which was amazing compared to the rest of our class. yikes.
lunch!: it was different with out all our language friends. jenna was an angel and brought me an inpanada [ya spelling] from taco bell. it was muy fantastico.
civics: worksheet for the book, review.
art: more of the student art "wasl" thing. i'm drawing two lemons and a pear. it's so gay.
commoner: layout, stress, working, eating, my mom brought us all subway, chips, pop and ice cream bars. laurel's mom visited againnn and brought almond ice cream bars. we worked, we had some very tense moments and found some problems....
caty was there and it was cute to see her working with us since she'll be the new editor at semester. oh yeah, tomorrow they get to find out. yay. i'm so excited. i love caty. which reminds me of j camp, which reminds me i need to send jenna photos! crap!

also, i'm not taking yearbook. i don't want it to get in the way of commoner and i want an easy and not as stressful second semester. lolz. um, so yeah. that was layout. i organized the fridge? jenna, jarred, josh and heather visited us too.

at one point i was at the wrestling match. jenna, we were in front of sean and alex, yur luvers. haha oh yeah and wrestling is SO AWKWARD. we watched it with locey and lisa. we love lisa. in case you didn't know, lisa is the janitor. we loveeeeeee her. she used to do second floor but now she does first. which is technically a good thing even though we never get to see her because she's being promoted to like the person in charge. but yeah, she's so sweet, knows our names/activites that we're involved in, reads the commoner, saves our vitamin waters for our wallpaper, etc etc. :] guys we must get lisa a present before graduation. she's such a nice person. haha

it's strange to be on a first name basis with the night janitors, huh? hahah

i got home at like 9, watched the duggars, toddlers and tiaras with lily until like 11. oops. and now i'm here. tomorrow is deadline. It'S CaLlEd a DeAdLiNe BeCaUsE iT kIlLs.

Monday, January 26, 2009

blueberry jam wins.

emily wins. she brought us dinner at layout. tomorrow my mom is bringing us a bunch of tacos. etc etc. i'm so glad we thought of this!!

my life is layout. i hate stress breaking out because of layout/school, it really makes me feels ugh.

off to finish english, article (?) maybe i will do it first period...yes that sounds better.. i'm tired. also, conner ran away from home! yay! but he returned. boo!

we all know the new editor at semester, sophomores are so cute. haha col, heather and i took photos at the hospital. it was stressful/awkward.

tomorrow: late night, td/clint/adams photos, finishing pages, ya ya ya ya ya.

note: if you want to visit us, either come in through the classroom or wait for us to get off our butts to get the door. ;]

Sunday, January 25, 2009

wish i

instead of working on my homework, i'm doing this.
if i had a bunch of money all of a sudden this is how i would spend it.

1. paying everyone back for gas money/assorted things.
2. robin's birthday present
3. the complete pack of the oc seasons 1-4 in a book because i have lost all of mine. :`[
4. save money for school/food/phoenix/florida/etc
5. clothes :]
6. magic bullet smoothie maker

Loretta Modern

Because of Disney Channel showing lots of swirly movies the past week, and because i've been having funny conversations about dc movies with lots of people, here are my top 10 disney channel movies. hahaha i tried to do 5, but there are a lot of ridiculous ones that i didn't know were dc movies. hahaha

10. going to the mat

summary: Jason "Jase" Newfield (Andrew Lawrence) is the new student at his school, and he is also blind. Thinking that his talent on the drums is his ticket to fit in, he shows off in music class, only to find out that his teacher is also blind. His peers begin to treat him differently, and he soon finds out that it is because people think that he is a snob, and not because he is blind. Desperate to fit in, he finds out that if he wants to be accepted, he must join a sport. He decides to try his luck with wrestling.
you might remember it because: a very attractive andy lawrence, his recorder, basketball, wayne brady, the drums, fixing the dislocated shoulder. ow.

9. wish upon a star

summary: It focuses on two teenage sisters that magically swap bodies because of a wish made on a shooting star. They spend several days living each other's life, sometimes with the intent to sabotage the other's reputation and achievements, but they learn to appreciate and help each other before they finally return to their own bodies.
you might remember it because: katherine heigl of grey's anatomy, "cute" outfits, stars, magic.

8. tru confessions

summary: Trudy "Tru" Walker is a teenager who wants to have her own TV-show. Tru dislikes her life, and is embarrassed because her twin brother, Eddie, has a mental disability which causes him to act like a young child. Tru feels sorry for him, but she is tired of people assuming she is also disabled. Tru, with the encouragement of her friends, decides to enter a contest, the winner of which will get their own TV show. With the documentary contest submission deadline coming close, Tru has her friends, Eddie, and her mom watch it first. To Tru's dismay, they all found it dreadfully boring. So Tru makes a video of her brother's life, and all of his complications.
you might remember it because: shia labeouf, he plays a mentally challenged teen, he freaks out/takes photos/screams paparazzi in one scene.

7. full-court miracle

summary: Alex Schlotsky is a freshman at Philadelphia Hebrew Academy, where he and his friends are on the school's struggling basketball team, the Lions. Without a coach and with a dream of winning the Liberty Tournament and defeating their school's rivals, the Warriors, Alex and his friends are determined to find their own Judah Macabee to coach their team. During one day of practice at a local park, Alex finds what he believes is their coach--Lamont Carr, an African-American college basketball star whose knee injury forced him to quit. After interrupting his game, Alex and Lamont don't get off to a good start. The next day, however, Alex offers to pay Lamont to coach their team--and Lamont reluctantly agrees.
you might remember it because: jewish tween boys playing basketball, hannukah scenes, homeless coach, they wore yarmulkes when they played basketball, bar mitzvah, vanessa hudgens was in it.

6. brink

summary: Andy "Brink" Brinker and his in-line skating friends, who call themselves "Soul-Skaters" (meaning they skate for the fun of it, and not the money), clash with a group of sponsored skaters - Team X-Bladz. When Brink discovers his family is in financial trouble, he decides to go over to the dark side of skating and joins Team X-Bladz for 200 dollars a week. His friends, who don't know about Brink's situation, begin thinking of him as a sell-out.
you might remember it because: erik von detten, cute skaters, the milkshake scene, "nun ya biz'ness."

5. pixel perfect

summary: Samantha's band, the Zetta Bytes, is meeting with little success, so her friend Roscoe uses his knowledge of technology designed by his father to create a holographic lead singer, Loretta Modern. The band instantly becomes successful, but Samantha begins to feel alienated, Roscoe discovers feelings for Loretta and Samantha, and Loretta struggles with individuality. Ultimately Loretta is sold to a record company, but one of the executives, Darryl, gives her a choice and helps her escape into the Internet when she decides on freedom.
you might remember it because: phil of the future's ricky ullman, bad singing, holograms.

4. high school musical

summary: ya ya ya
you might remember it because: oh shut up.

3. cadet kelly

summary: The plot of the movie concerns Kelly, a hyperactive and free-spirited middle school girl whose mother gets married to Brigadier General Joe "Sir" Maxwell (played by Gary Cole). When her new stepfather becomes the Commandant of a military school, Kelly enrolls there because it is the only school in the area. Kelly at first has trouble fitting in and obeying the orders of the officers above her, especially Cadet Capt. Jennifer Stone, played by Christy Carlson Romano, who likes a fellow student named Cadet Major Brad Rigby who is played by Shawn Ashmore. They reach the point of being taken to court and seeing Kelly sentenced to shine the uniforms of the drill team, a team she looked down upon, seeing the drill team members as robots. However, she gradually takes a liking to them and tries out. She makes the drill team and even helps the school win second place at the regional drill competition.
you might remember it because: of my awesome childhood role model hilary duff, painting the hair, boot camp, the dance, the "cool" ribbon dancing thing at the end during the competition.

2. camp rock

summary: The story follows Mitchie Torres (Demi Lovato), an aspiring young musician who is hoping to become a professional singer. Mitchie wants to go to a music camp for young musicians named "Camp Rock". Since the family can't afford the tuition, Mitchie's mother (Maria Canals Barrera) arranges to cater food for the camp, thus allowing Mitchie to attend. Mitchie wants to be friends with the camp's 'mean girl' Tess Tyler (Meaghan Jette Martin). When Mitchie introduces herself, the girls seem uninterested in her, so she lies about her mom, by saying she is the president of Hot Tunes TV China. They immediately take an interest in her and let her be their friend, making her very popular. Meanwhile, spoiled rock star Shane Gray (Joe Jonas) has been forced to also attend the camp, after walking off the set of Connect 3's latest music video by his other band members Jason (Kevin Jonas) and Nate (Nick Jonas). Shane hears Mitchie singing, and falls in love with the voice, but does not know the identity of the singer. Shane spends much of the movie searching for the girl with the voice. He and Mitchie have various interactions, and, when Shane learns of the person she pretends to be, a romance between the two blossoms until he finds out that she was lying about who she was. But when he realizes that Mitchie is the girl that he had heard singing, he re-instates their relationship.
you might remember it because: it's a mostly terrible movie but the jonai are in it so i had to put it on the list.

1. the color of friendship

summary: Mahree Bok lives on in a mansion in the apartheid-era in South Africa with her parents and little brother, Ronald. They also have a maid who cleans their house. Her father, Pieter Booker, cannot hide his joy when Steve Biko is caught by the South African authorities. Piper Dellums lives in Washington, D.C. is the daughter of Ron Dellums, an outspoken opponent of the South Africa apartheid system and the oppression of black South Africans. When Mahree is chosen to spend a semester at the Dellums's house as part of a foreign exchange program, she is surprised to find that the Dellums are black, and the Dellums are equally surprised to find that Mahree is a white South African. After an initial period of tension and distrust, during which Mahree locks herself into Piper's room, the two get to know each other. During her stay, Mahree sees people in America, black and white, getting along with each other and realizes that Piper, despite racial differences, is really no different than her. When Steve Biko is killed by South African police, there are mass protests around the world at South African embassies. Employees from the South African embassy in Washington, D.C. comes to the Dellums' house while Mr. Dellums is away and take Mahree with the intention of sending her back to South Africa, presumably to prevent her seeing the mass protests and rallying against the South African government. Mr. Dellums, upon hearing of Mahree being taken away, immediately goes to the South African embassy to get her back, by threatening to announce to the press that the embassy kidnapped Mahree from her host family. During this time, Mahree becomes sympathetic to the anti-apartheid cause and liberation of blacks in South Africa, even bringing back a freedom flag stitched to the inside of her coat when she returns, despite the fact that these flags are banned by the South African government.
you might remember it because: shadia simmons, the '60s, south africa, racist issues, the shopping trip, birds, public school, accents, washington d.c.

I can't wait for black history month so the color of friendship is on tv! :]

Saturday, January 24, 2009

america, america.

"from the state where the bigger the hair, the closer to god - i'm miss texas."

"my name might not be hannah, but i'm sure representing montana - i'm miss montana."

so, in case you're wondering. tonight's winner of the miss america pageant was miss indiana. here are the photos they provided me with on the website.

"oh my goodness, it's mee!"

"omg, i beat all those other bitches. i'm so amazing."

"i still can't believe i won! why is 2008 taking so long to put on my crown, i need my glory walk!"

"is my mascara going to run?"

"365 days left."

it's a beautiful life.

you caaaaaaaan't sit with usssss.

We've adopted a new voice, it's terribly annoying (sorry josh).

So this weekend has quite amazing. Friday started off like dis. Oh and I'm blogging from my bb fyi.

Math: swirled, I am looking forward to leaving this class.

English: finished the book, night. I don't remember what else we did. Haha oh yeah! We went to the mlk assembly. I hate poetry.

Spanish: my class was a mess because it is all sophomores and junior except for 2. And only 4 juniors. Haha so I played intense uno with mrs. Whitley and two other girls. I won of course. Whitley noted on my "not used but well loved uno cards". I was like "yeahhh, I'm intense." Hahah

Civics: I'm officially switched into ap gov! Yayayayay. First student to ever switch in at semester according to iverson. Haha I'm very excited. We watched air force one which is a really incredible yet stressful flick.

Studio: swirled. Picked up art show pieces.

Commoner: colin and I walked in late with all our rejected for the art show pieces. Haha then we were like fuck commoner and went to yearbook for the rest of the period. I was complaining how I wish I could've done commoner and yearbook and bella suggested I take 5th period yearbook which has like 7 people. Haha :) so I'm going to email mrs michel about that the next time I go on my laptop. I'm super excited for that! Eee.

After school: layout, a very swirly layout. We all laughed about how the new editor will be at hayley's computer in a week. It's going to be weird because hayley has always sat right next to me pretty much (megan for a semester) and now I will have lil ole katy (I'm saying katy because they can't read my blog) most likely next to me. Haha it will be very twirly.

After layout we (megan, hayley and I) headed to my house so I could pack. We searched all over the house for mean girls and finally found it thank god. We left, went to jamba (tanks bryan greenberg! :]), waited in danny's driveway for 20 minutes, then danny came and we were off to lacey!

We got there for robin's birthday and it was swirly. Whenever several of us are together it's overwhelming, loud and fast. We met up with robin, josh and robin's denmark friend michael. We had pizza, mean girls'd, watched superbad, megan wore the paints and danny wore megans' jeans and THEY FIT! I took photos but accidentally left my camera under megan's couch. Haha. also, megan, danny and hayley all like snuggled on a small couch, it was funny. I was on da boy couch because dey listen tew movies and are funny. Haha :) okay after that we went to megan's room and everyone except robin and denmark watched mean girls!! It was perfection. ;) even though danny and I (mostly me) kept getting kicked for saying the lines. Hahaha oh wellz.

Josh had to go home, after that we just went downstairs as it was around 11.30. We all just talked for a long time. Megan headed to bed before 12, she wasn't feeling well. But we stayed up and kept talking. We started to plan a senior road trip, talked about newspaper, college, my family haha, new zealand. Robin headed to bed somewhere between 1 and 2 I think.

We just kept talking and it was nice to catch up with hayley and danny. We ended up staying awake until 5 am chatting. Hahahaa and instead of the sandwich of life, hayley and I had the cookies of life. We kind of went insane. Hahaha we were delirious, hysterical. We tucked danny in, attacked him, tried to find his ass, tickled him, everything. Hahahahaha just thinking about it I laugh.

Hayley was supposed to sleep in megan's bed and I was supposed to sleep in robin's, but they both looked so comfortable/spread out so we didn't want to be rude and shove them to the side. Hahaha hayley and I slept on the floor by danny. We watched him sleep too, he has angelic features. Aww. Lolz

Danny and I both woke up somewhere between 9 and 10 a.m. I went to take a shower. Which is very difficult for people over 5'6" - I don't know how robin uses that everyday. Haha. Eventually everyone woke up, we had breakfast, made bomb smoothies, watched miss america on tv. Maine was ridiculousssss. I wonder who won, it was tonight. Haha.

Anyway, I luv dos pepol n had uh g8 tyme. Baibai. Hahahah I'm ridiculous. Ps sorry for mistakes, I don't have spell check. Hahaha

Thursday, January 22, 2009

honey and the moon.

math: i really wasn't feeling taking a test which i wouldn't work on and being unproductive for 50 minutes. so i went to the library and worked on my article. which is pretty much done! rejoice.

english: read night some more, learned about the triangles of the holocaust.

spanish: the boy next to me told me about how he's going to trial today over his mom's ex who hit her. ...

civics: had a dumb substitute, watched a video we've already seen. adriana, sean and i played uno.

studio: art show! i found myself impressed/interested in several projects. i was with my friend and i'd say "omg look at this one! i love it" and then i would look at the name and it's colin's. i wish you would go to risd. :] here are photos i took at the art show.

all of them are by colin unless notedmy mom and jim love colin's work now and are freaking out. also, they screamed HARRY POTTER! jim was wearing his beatles shirt too. yaaaa. it's freaking john lennon!

audrey by mckinzy nasinec.

greece by amanda lawrence

commoner: worked on my article/talked.

after school: swirrrrrrly detention. omg. i was asked for a lighter, sat next to a ghetto urkel, listened to parenting tips from my peers who are parents (3 of them near me!). finished my article, had swirly commoner things to do...

as i was outside i took this photo of mr. hodous because i'm creepy. we never see him outside of the social studies hall (or the bathroom in colin's case) and to see him outside was shocking and i knew i had to capture the moment. he would be wearing shorts in january

1, 2, 3, 4.

i'm very excited for mary beth tinker at nationals. omg.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

here we go again.

hi friends. i love you all. thanks for reading. :]here's a cupcake as a gift. look how cute that is. it's from a shop called Sweet Revenge. i've taken to watching martha stewart after school and the episode from today was all about cupcakes.

do i even care? i don't. i don't even want to go to class tomorrow since there is a test. my teacher always takes attendance so i can't skip like jarred unfortunately.

read night. it's getting better. i just need him to get to the point.
i'm always in a bitchy mood in spanish. i have to be partners with this one girl for every activity. she's black, trashy, has a nose ring, wears disgusting white/liiiiight blue jeans, and is just dirty. she talks ghetto and i just am very annoyed by her. i asked her if she has every lived anywhere other than puyallup [maybe she picked up that accent?] nope! born and raised in p town. i hate people.
iverson was gone for like the 3rd time ever. we watched a inauguration video.
we all forgot our lunches and "ate" at the multicultural food fair or something. it was much better when anmol was president. haha i was also reminded about why i hate the cafeteria.

had a sub, painted butterflies, i'm running out of color ideas. haha i just want this project to be done. i need to do my journal. art show is tomorrow/friday. last year i spent about 15 hours in 3 days in the art show. haha

what did i even do? i don't remember. all i know is i can't go to the design workshop because i'm poor. oh, i talked to brent about mcdonald's for a long time. and i was summoned creepily by bryan and that made me laugh. by the end of the day i get loopy.

after school
took megan's mean girl photo. we'll leave it at that. only me, megan, hannah, colin and laurel saw it. oh and mr. crust. ;] i watched youtube videos, and laurel's awkward video with her brother and neighbor that always makes me crack up. that's a blooper right thurr.

jim went to the store because he finally got a paycheck, yay! so we had/have good food again. i made a sandwich and lily and i took naps/watched oc in the recliner. we are classy, classy girls. i swirled around until recently talking to josh, megan, hayley. i'm glad i have this new private blog going on.

of course i realize it's simple to read my blog if you don't have access yourself but through another person, but that's obnoxious to do everyday. haha i just felt like i had so many people reading it that i didn't know well that i had to pretend to be someone i'm not at times. i missed how my blog used to be in the beginning of the school year.

also, i'm most likely in gov at semester. it's a very good chance. we'll see soon.

tonight, td, editing, hardly sleeping. :[

tomorrow, detention. oh yeah i got a detention. guess i forgot to write that. yeah, i was late to school because my mom was yelling at me. she's crazy and just picks at everything and everyone. i need out.


i'm skeptical, will this work? i'm testing it out right now.
if you can read it, please get in contact with me and say "zestyblogger". hahaha just do it.