Tuesday, January 27, 2009

ya trues

i hate blogging during layout. i just want to go to sleep.

math: fuck math.
english: book project due, presentations, read everyone's board, collected candy. a kid in my class thought i was mrs. leonardy and asked me if he could go to the nurse. i pointed him in the direction of mrs. leonardy. i think it was because our outfits and hair were similar today? haha we look nothing alike though.
spanish: corrected our tests. she kept talking about it like this big old scary test that everyone failed. i got 43/46. which was amazing compared to the rest of our class. yikes.
lunch!: it was different with out all our language friends. jenna was an angel and brought me an inpanada [ya spelling] from taco bell. it was muy fantastico.
civics: worksheet for the book, review.
art: more of the student art "wasl" thing. i'm drawing two lemons and a pear. it's so gay.
commoner: layout, stress, working, eating, my mom brought us all subway, chips, pop and ice cream bars. laurel's mom visited againnn and brought almond ice cream bars. we worked, we had some very tense moments and found some problems....
caty was there and it was cute to see her working with us since she'll be the new editor at semester. oh yeah, tomorrow they get to find out. yay. i'm so excited. i love caty. which reminds me of j camp, which reminds me i need to send jenna photos! crap!

also, i'm not taking yearbook. i don't want it to get in the way of commoner and i want an easy and not as stressful second semester. lolz. um, so yeah. that was layout. i organized the fridge? jenna, jarred, josh and heather visited us too.

at one point i was at the wrestling match. jenna, we were in front of sean and alex, yur luvers. haha oh yeah and wrestling is SO AWKWARD. we watched it with locey and lisa. we love lisa. in case you didn't know, lisa is the janitor. we loveeeeeee her. she used to do second floor but now she does first. which is technically a good thing even though we never get to see her because she's being promoted to like the person in charge. but yeah, she's so sweet, knows our names/activites that we're involved in, reads the commoner, saves our vitamin waters for our wallpaper, etc etc. :] guys we must get lisa a present before graduation. she's such a nice person. haha

it's strange to be on a first name basis with the night janitors, huh? hahah

i got home at like 9, watched the duggars, toddlers and tiaras with lily until like 11. oops. and now i'm here. tomorrow is deadline. It'S CaLlEd a DeAdLiNe BeCaUsE iT kIlLs.