Friday, January 30, 2009

troot bawhx

good idea drew.

I have dreams at night of cutting off your head and raping the eyesocket of your skull.
Sad thing is, it really gets me off.
I wake up and masterbate sometimes.

you're too wrapped up in your "core four" you forget about me.

can i like... have your dilly bar?

-this will ALSO remain anonymous.

have all

still can't comment... lol.
i love you more than my song :]

You are nice, albeit weird.

You were right all along.

it won't let me comment you... buh.
but that video of 'love song' is amazing! :]
love, megan.
four, tres, two, uno!

I think you are a fuzzy pica!

You are a good listener.

you need to stop being so cocky. i know you know you're arrogant and you just think it's kind of cute, but honestly you're starting to alienate some of your friends.

stop thinkig the world revolves around you. you might not care what you say bluntly to someone but they do. just watch what you say because sometimes it hurts.

you keep going on with your life, no matter what.
you dont care what people think.
in a way, it inspires me.

EIC is totally in your grasp. Perform well during cub edition, and it's yours.

kathleeeeeeeeeeeeeen !

oh, cool, that kathleen was supposed to be a comment.
my bad.
this is hayley, btw.

the truth box fucking sucks
also I hate hairy vaginas

hhhhhhhhhhhhhHHHHHHH HHHHHHHHhhhHhhhhhhhHh hhhhHHHHHHHHHHhhhhhhh hHHHHHHHhhhhhhhhhhhhh h


i miss you.

i think taylor is confident with who she is. i respect that.

i think that you deserve better treatment than you get from a lot of people. you're very sweet, and you're also a good listener.

I think you're awesome, Taylor. You have been nothing but nice to me. You're always trying to stay positive and it makes others around you want to keep their heads up. I'm glad that you're back to your happy self.
Ily and I'm glad we're friends. I don't know what I'd do without you.

you hella tight

Hey Taylor. I'm just going to tell you that this is Kortney because i am just as bad as you when it comes to staying anonymous. haha. But, I definitely think we should become better friends. I have really gotten to know you this year, more than I think i ever have since we've known each other. I think you are a sweet, fun person, and i've enjoyed hanging out with you. ps. you are welcome. :D

Taylor, you totally deserved the comment below this one.
Whoever wrote that is equally as awesome.
Surround yourself with people like that and you'll do just fine :]

You are such a wonderful person. Your laughter and happiness is contagious and lightens every harship or stress in my life. People gravitate to you in hopes of absorbing some of your sunshine. Even when masked by jokes and "Taylor moments", I see a strong, intelligent individual who has the potential to make a difference in this world.

you have changed so much.
your not the same person i knew last year. i think you try to hard to have other people like you and want to be your friend.
also, you might want to actually put some effort into things now


it must be fun being Taylor.
your passion, spontaneity, laughter, confidence, and heart perpetuates even through your rough days.
keep your head up and never give in.
keep on looking forward, because you never know what may become of your future.

sometimes i feel like im not good enough to be your friend anymore

You're kind of annoying and easy to make fun of, but I love you anyway. And I never liked making fun of you.

you're ridiculous, but you're so funny. i like you a lot.

you're a really good friend and you don't deserve the treatment you get from people. ily.

i'm glad we became close friends this year. a lot of shit has been going on, but at least we went through it together. you helped me realize that this is just high school; when everyone's opinion seems to matter the most...and that its just a part of life. i'm hoping that next year will be a better year, and that we continue to become closer friends and have more good times. you are a true friend, and I don't know where i'd be without you. don't change

I have this unsatiable urge to stick my finger into your asshole and then lick it.

eat me outtttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttt