Wednesday, January 21, 2009

here we go again.

hi friends. i love you all. thanks for reading. :]here's a cupcake as a gift. look how cute that is. it's from a shop called Sweet Revenge. i've taken to watching martha stewart after school and the episode from today was all about cupcakes.

do i even care? i don't. i don't even want to go to class tomorrow since there is a test. my teacher always takes attendance so i can't skip like jarred unfortunately.

read night. it's getting better. i just need him to get to the point.
i'm always in a bitchy mood in spanish. i have to be partners with this one girl for every activity. she's black, trashy, has a nose ring, wears disgusting white/liiiiight blue jeans, and is just dirty. she talks ghetto and i just am very annoyed by her. i asked her if she has every lived anywhere other than puyallup [maybe she picked up that accent?] nope! born and raised in p town. i hate people.
iverson was gone for like the 3rd time ever. we watched a inauguration video.
we all forgot our lunches and "ate" at the multicultural food fair or something. it was much better when anmol was president. haha i was also reminded about why i hate the cafeteria.

had a sub, painted butterflies, i'm running out of color ideas. haha i just want this project to be done. i need to do my journal. art show is tomorrow/friday. last year i spent about 15 hours in 3 days in the art show. haha

what did i even do? i don't remember. all i know is i can't go to the design workshop because i'm poor. oh, i talked to brent about mcdonald's for a long time. and i was summoned creepily by bryan and that made me laugh. by the end of the day i get loopy.

after school
took megan's mean girl photo. we'll leave it at that. only me, megan, hannah, colin and laurel saw it. oh and mr. crust. ;] i watched youtube videos, and laurel's awkward video with her brother and neighbor that always makes me crack up. that's a blooper right thurr.

jim went to the store because he finally got a paycheck, yay! so we had/have good food again. i made a sandwich and lily and i took naps/watched oc in the recliner. we are classy, classy girls. i swirled around until recently talking to josh, megan, hayley. i'm glad i have this new private blog going on.

of course i realize it's simple to read my blog if you don't have access yourself but through another person, but that's obnoxious to do everyday. haha i just felt like i had so many people reading it that i didn't know well that i had to pretend to be someone i'm not at times. i missed how my blog used to be in the beginning of the school year.

also, i'm most likely in gov at semester. it's a very good chance. we'll see soon.

tonight, td, editing, hardly sleeping. :[

tomorrow, detention. oh yeah i got a detention. guess i forgot to write that. yeah, i was late to school because my mom was yelling at me. she's crazy and just picks at everything and everyone. i need out.