Sunday, June 14, 2009

Focused Writing

So, I've been downloading a lot of (nerdy) applications for my laptop. Kind of giving it a new life. The app that I'm currently using is called focused. All I can see right now is a black screen with white text. It blocks out all distractions. No music, no pop ups, no frozen computer screens, no flashing Facebook windows with "New message from _____!" glaring at you. It's purpose is for writers and students - which I consider myself both. I love technology more and more every day.

*I just added a character count and it makes the sound of a typewriter now. I'm about to remove the sound of the typewriter because I will go insane in 3...2...1.

I feel much better now that the sound is gone. I also changed my font color (light yellow), font (mighty to save, it keeps me typing) and my window size (narrower, like a word document with margins). I'm such a nerd. Can I marry someone who works for Adobe so I can get freebies/info? :] Hey look I'm at 956 characters. lolz