Tuesday, June 23, 2009

"Oh, my life is good, and the past is in the past"

My brain is all over the place tonight. I'm apologizing in advance.

  • I've been waking up (when I don't have ish to do) somewhere between 10 and 2 everyday.
  • Although I was worried at first (paranoid is gross!) I really love the new Jonas album. My favorite songs are: fly with me, don't speak, turn right and before the storm.

  • I'm ridiculously excited for the concert on Sunday with Lizzie. :] Hopefully I see Camille and/or Paul there too.
  • Megan and I have been hanging out so much lately. It's weird, we are both so bitchy/get on people's nerves but for some reason we don't bother each other. Yeah, probably because we're so similar. (Bob! Pinned bangs! Heels! Pinkberrys!) Normally with friends if we're together for like 3 days, they start to annoy me, too much togetherness. With Meggy, we're totally fine and it magically gets better. I still can't believe we used to hate each other. :]
  • I'm getting my license shortly. I'm obviously excited. It's just so inconvenient not having it. Now that I have a job, my mom is letting me. HeR pRiOrItIeS aRe In OrDeR.
  • I'm really looking forward to Megan's 4th of July party and my Luau. :D
As a result (ya wasl!) of all of these things plus more that i'm forgetting, I'm loving life. I'm going to leave you with some insightful Ashlee Simpson lyrics.
"And I'm always always always running late, and my hair's a mess, even when it's straight, but so what, I'm better off everyday"
Thanks, Ash.