Tuesday, June 9, 2009

i fell asleep (seriously) trying to title this entry.

Recently, the bad has been outweighing the good. I've been fighting with my mom and Jim more than ever, Laurel's note really hurt my feelings and I had been having an "overwhelming sense of icky-ness" i guess.

But that all is dramatically improving now! :]

Yesterday (it's midnight right now, so i guess on Monday) I had my Starbucks interview right after school. It was the best interview I've ever had (which makes sense). i was really relaxed and for the first time pleasantly pleased with how funny i was being? It was a nice change. She hired me at the end of the interview. I really like her and the new people I met and am absolutely thrilled to be doing something new. On Monday, i also bought a really cute green dress for graduation, two pairs of heels, assorted clothes for work. The term "work" sounds so foreign. I'm a total dork, I know. haha It's fun to pass a Starbucks and be like "I work there!" It's great. Oh and on Monday night, Meggy and I resumed our late night chats and loled at everything.

Today was interesting because I wore heels to school for the first time in forever. Note to self: don't ever take your shoes off during 5th period then put them on because they will be really different and make you hurt. In gov, Iverson addressed our picks for 2012 President (Palin, Miley Cyrus + other candidates that Emily knew about). Later when I was in 5th period (in gov) I asked Iverson if he loved my drawings of Sarah Palin and Miley Cyrus on our assignment and he said they were great and made his day because grading papers is very dull. He's so cute. ~sweet pea~ In English, we finished watching Into the Wild. I've already seen it and it was the ending (which is traumatic) so instead I googled Alpha Dog which is a movie that I want to watch again. I don't care if Colin used to make fun of me for it. haha Also, Mrs. Anderson gave us hugs, the chocolate kind and the gesture kind. In Spanish, we are still watching Eres tu, Maria? so Hannah/Steffi/Molly (we got to pick our seating chart, btw) and I (but mostly Hannah and I) make sarcastic/sexual/ridiculous comments about Lola, Julio and Pedro. Whitley and I talked about my link situation which she thought was the funniest thing ever and I was almost late to 4th because she was so curious at how this all happened. Social studies was the death class, surprised? I got my cba back and passed, so yay. In 5th period I wrote in jenna's yearbook, megan's yearbook, stalked gov and then was in gov again. I wrote in sean's yearbook and am coming again tomorrow with my own yearbook. heh. Commoner was spent writing in yearbooks and Locey being really odd. Which we should be used to already, but it's a transition.

After school, I just floated around in Commoner waiting for Megan to finish in Chemistry. OH! I also collected all of my random crap from the back room/old issues/things i've been meaning to bring home for a long time. I put it in a giant garbage bag. I dragged that down the C hallway, down the stairs, down the lower floor (Lisa saw me and was cracking up because it's a very weird site to see a girl in a dress, in heels, dragging a giant, awkwardly-shaped bag across the school.) and into Niemela's room. Megan, Caty and I talked for a bit, I explained all the stuff in the "bag of dead bodies" according to Lisa. Then, Meggy and I left. I dragged the bag across her classroom and outside. I decided that I would drag it forever, unless it broke and then I would sit and wait for Megan/car. It was really loud schlepping that across campus to the junior lot. I got some very odd looks, and found it all really funny myself. I almost made it across the street thing (between the tennis courts and choir) when my bag died and everything came out. I waited for Megan and she brought her car around. So much stuff. After we got gas, we went to Cold Stone (i went back to my regular banana ice cream with gummy bears). A little girl loved Meggy's pretty prom shoes. We always have the best "fun families" that we meet. I swear, it's so funny. We talked about it after ice cream and we've met like 10 fun families together where we bond with them. Anyway, we got out ice cream and headed to Bradley Lake Park. It's really fun going there after school and we did it last Friday too. It wasn't the best decision to walk through grass/hills in short dresses and 3 and 4 inch heels. Around 6, I got home.

I learned that we had a fire while I was gone. A plastic container was being stored in the oven (tanks Maria) and Jim turned it on to pre-heat the oven. He was outside, it caught on fire after 40 minutes and he extinguished it. The house only just stopped smelling like burnt plastic. I've been begging my mom to make asparagus (my favorite ever) with dinner and she finally did after three weeks of asking.

After dinner, I took a little nap and watched The Curious Case of Benjamin Button. I've known about this movie a long time and when it was in theatres my mom didn't allow me to have money so i never saw it. BUT - OMGOMGOMG it's seriously my new favorite movie. I'm not exactly sure what my old favorite movie was but this one wins times a million. If you haven't seen it, wow, you need to.

The movie was like 2+ hours and then I went outside to take Lily to the bathroom. She was on the leash and I heard a crying sound. It was a baby bird that had fallen out of tree in my neighbors yard. I went over and put it back gently. It was amazing.

So, there is my confusing day (I need to stop using side notes) and I'm going to pass out.

2 days of school left. I'm very ready. I don't even really want to do commencement, but will anyway. haha My grandma wants me to go to a dinner/party for my dad's birthday tomorrow. But my dad doesn't even want to go. Gahhh.

1. I can't stop listening to Kelly Clarkson's new(ish) cd. OMG.
2. Typing/texting with a band-aid is hard.
3. I have nail polish on my toes that changes color in the sun. Do you? No. Suck it.