Thursday, June 11, 2009

Lyndsie and graduation junk.

Lyndsie was over an hour ago. She wanted to read the last Commoner. It's crazy how much Commoner has an impact on people. Lyndsie was only on staff for one year, but she has intense Commie Pride. Here are all the things she said/did.

She always reads the entire Jagwire and then tells her classes/friends that "it is definitely not as good as Commoner and she knows it". Lyndsie always complains to me about how she wishes they had something like ours at ER. Her boyfriend often hears her talk about how amazing newspaper is and he suggests joining Jagwire. Lyndsie laughs and explains how it is just not the same and it would feel degrading/gross. I love Lyndsie. She's so ridiculous.

She read through this issue and started crying when she got to the Commoner goodbye part. She read all of them and especially liked Hayley's, Colin's and mine. She was cute and kept being like, "awww i remember this from sophomore year" and she was thrilled when she saw the photo with her in it on one page.

Lyndsie was telling me how ridiculous she felt for crying because she's not even on staff anymore. She said Commoner was one of her favorite HS things and even though she's at ER, she's a commie at heart. It was really cute and we both cried a lot. <3 We also reminisced a bit about school over the years and how it was our last day of school ever tomorrow. She's coming to the RHS graduation (depending on whether or not they will give me another ticket lolz) and I would have gone to the ER one if it wasn't during my grad party. But she's going to stop by, take photos and we will generally freak out over how old we are now. Gosh. :]

Okay, so I literally have no clue who I'm sitting with at graduation. I don't really care either about the specific seats, I just want to be near friends. haha It sucks because the logical friends I would sit next to are: Hayley - but she's academic top 10 and i think they sit somewhere else, Megan - she's not graduating, Laurel - she's avoiding me/I don't really want to bring it up/feel stupid talking about it anyway but don't want to end on a bad note if it's even possible because I have no clue what she thinks about me anyway (which by the way, if you're reading/care, can all be better if you just talk to me). So, I'm a bit screwed, possibly? I don't know. Locey is stressing me out about the seating/telling me like horror stories. Doesn't help.

Gov: I got an "award" from my 5th grade teacher (aka Adriana Cranston's dad?), it was cute. I also realized that there are less than 15 people I went to elementary school, junior high and high school with. I'm going to try and count.

Julie Smith, Lyndsie Horn (she counts!), Julia Nix, Janelle Kapsh, Alexis
Pederson, Chelsea Olivas, Breana Yardis, Breanna Moore, James Johnson, Nick

Omg, 10 people. That's crazy, considering I went to all the schools that my boundaries told me to.

I need to make cards/etc for people for all the grad parties I'm going to. I've limited myself to what's reasonable/people I actually really want to go their party/that aren't during my own party. They are: Natalie's, Josh and Jarred's, Colin's, Heather (Perry)'s, Josh's, Hannah's, and maybe Colin 2's. I had (or wanted) to say no to a lot haha: BL, Anna, Emmy, Nichole, Hayley and as of right now Laurel. I would die if I tried to go to all of those. 13!

Okay, i'm so tired.