Monday, March 30, 2009


do i love the hannah montana movie soundtrack.

a lottttttt.

Sunday, March 29, 2009


loves stalking mormon facebooks with megan.

Saturday, March 28, 2009

Today was great, nothing huge happened but it was just a really pleasant day.

did the essay and ate/drew on a banana. contemplated using bananas instead of paper for homework.

finished act four of hamlet, quiz, powerpoint with an indie background.

muuuuuy buena fiesta! best party ever. we had 15 bottle of pop, a griddle, two quesadilla makers, copious amounts of cheese, lettuce, tomatoes, guacamole, meat, cookies, the best cupcakes ever, brownies. the funny boys in our class signed up for mystery items which were pre-toasted bread, tomato juice and cactus. hahahah

social studies
took more ideology quizzes, pimped the Commoner out hardcore, read from my article to the class. i really like mrs. turner, i thought i wasn't going to like her but i really do. i even asked her for a letter of rec today. also, eric, hayley, megan and i went to jamba. eric and i wrote on colin and blake's cars. MOST INDIEST, BYU or BUST

independent study
locey went home during 5th because she felt like she was going to throw up. i watched tv/filled out last minute letters of rec forms/went to the ccc to talk about my jr research paper problem/was sent to talk to mr. cox about it who is really cool, nice/then sent to ancheta to talk about my paper. thank ggggggggggggggggggod for saving all my junior research stuff on my laptop, that's all i can say. i also went into sarah garrett's 5th period to give her the paper/her original drawing/i talked to mr. johnston. he's so small, i've never talked to him before he's like a freaking leprechaun! aww. also, i was waiting for them to finish correcting a test (i could hear them and wanted to not be awkward) in the hallway and just stared at the bulletin board. that's when i found out that my evaluator is actually mrs. keen not mrs. hoskins. hoskins is such a good adviser by telling me the wrong evaluatorrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr. hahaha

distribution, free popcorn, mr. harrison is soooooo hilarious i might need him i laughed so much when talking with him, the paper went over well. <3

after school
i had megan and laurel take a political quiz. it was out of 30. 30 being an ultra liberal, 25 being liberal, 20 being moderate, 15 being conservative, 10 being ultra conservative. megan got a 30, laurel got a 22. i've been recording every one's scores. i got 26, robin was 27, eric was 29, natalie was 18. also, laurel and i looked at the nasty sex issue and compared it to 24/7 and laughed at all the nasty things/things we wouldn't be allowed to do this year because of 3220. drew also prepared to cheat on his test. haha drew drove me home. we stopped in the coldesac before mine to talk and my neighbor's dad (tommy frampton, senior at rhs) drove past and stared hardcore and was looking accusatory. i'm sure he thought drew and i were dating and like about to have sex or something scandalous.

once i got home, i emailed several of my teachers. including hoskins again, keen, leonardy, turner and whitley because i'm true. i really really like keen. i emailed her after school and we've been talking throughout the day. it's funny. she's totally sweet and complimentary. i just apologized for not coming into meet her and that i just found out she was my evaluator. apparently none of the kids being evaluated by her have come in anyways and she was impressed that i emailed her! ha but yeah, we talked about commoner and stuff. one of the reasons i said for not going to talk to her was deadline and i joked that she should read my article on page 11. and she was like, i'll just c/p it.

"I was actually going to email you and tell you that I did read your article and
it was really good. It's funny, I was reading it and thinking how good it was and
then it dawned on me, "Oh, Taylor evaluee" (no such word, but I like
it). This was one of my favorite Commoners this year - I read it cover to cover. "

So yeah, thought that was cool. :] Damn, my text is misaligned now because of that quote setting. Oh well. OH! Today I happened to drop my blackberry on the entertainment center and when i went down to get it, i noticed that my mom had a michael buble cd from years ago hiding there. i stole it. i love him so much. marriage plz?

tomorrow, waking up at 7:45 to work at my dad's new house and make money. the first thing i asked was "what should i wear" and he was like "just old work clothes" and i was so confused because A. I don't do manual labor. and B. I don't have old clothes (in that sense, i don't have ratty random things.) thankfully i figured something out that is comfy, not dumpy and not important in case some clothing disaster happens? hahaha i need you. no one blogs anymore, myself included. i just have to finish out senior year on this. can't believe i've been blogging since september. dayuuuum.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

total nonsense. wth.

layout was very interesting/fun. it was mostly me, laurel, megan, hayley and colin all night. haha lots of hilarious things.

um, jayson's shirt. i still think it's so funny that it was his. we were so confused why this random pink shirt with sparkles was in the back room. hahahaha. also it was a very musical layout. so into the woods. lawl's mama brought us all the ingredients for banana splits. :D fantastic.

i need to finish my article. buh. do i have time to do it in my classes... 1st: in class reading (maybe) 2nd: taking photos (no) 3rd: definitely will have time to work on it LUNCH, oh yeah i have first lunch tomorrow. buh. 4th: test YAAAAAAAA NOT STUDYING. 5th: i will need almostall of it done by this.fuck.

TO DO: print online sources, print off quotes and have them sign it tomorrow during sixth, interview ~source~ during 5th period, get the fucking notes from muffin !!!, complete my article? haha

i'm so out of it. i can't believe laurel cleaned my room. we talked in the car from like 8 - 8:42 and then talked/cleaned/died until 12. ahhh.
hahahaha "i'm at layout with taylor and colin still..."
YA lawl's mama. ahhahaha i can't think.

reasons i'm stressed: welding photos. ya ya ya yaayayaa, khrys ross photo during 2nd period tomorrow, finishing my article/talking to admin apparently?/ chelsea nemec finishing her article/costa rica photo (crap totally forgot.)

wow, this is messy/gross/confusing/i don't care/too detailed for normal people.
oh and i have to finish botb shirts. ya y ayayayayayayyayayayayaya

passing out in
"hey can i finger her?"

Monday, March 23, 2009

hanging my head in shame.

Blogging? Really?

I went out to lunch with my dad today. I have to figure out my plans, but we're talking about me moving in with him after HS. He just bought a new house, plenty of room. He thinks the environment would be better for studying/living/not crying (which it is/makes more sense/feels new). My dad also thinks I should go to Tacoma CC. He lives in a fun area of Tacoma. HI, Starbucks within walking distance.

But, Lily. I have a fenced yard there/my dad has a dog. Buttttt, Lily would be completely my responsibility, my dad wouldn't be too helpful/accommodating like my mom and jim are. And if she ever ran out of the house, she would be gone forever. I'm not willing to risk that at all.

Also, job? My dad doesn't want me to work much in college (hey, i guess cc is still college~) if i live with him. My mom does. If I have a job in Puyallup, then Lily would be at my mom's and i would see her a lot?

Hmm, who knows. I feel like by not going to a 4 year, like UO or something and having a traditional college experience that I'm going to grow up a lot more. It's kind of getting thrown out into "the real world" right after high school and not having that transition time all the way. Jeez. I need to grow up. I feel so entirely young and being forced to make all these big decisions. I cannot imagine myself in my own apartment already, are you fucking kidding me? That's just not happening, I don't even have my license yet. Which is another thing that makes me feel pathetic everyday of my life. My mom is sew awesum. It's not like I can't drive or haven't done driver's ed. I just need to go out there in the new car more and actually take the time to practice parallel parking and backing around a corner since i've never had a reason too in the blazer. My mom makes an excuse for me not to drive constantly to, it's annoying. BUH.

ya frustration.

sorry, i'm just a complainer. i feel so inadequate for anything.

Sunday, March 22, 2009


you have to admit that christy carlson romano (ren from even stevens) and annalise van der poole (chelsea from that's so raven) have fantastic voices, no wonder they both were on broadway. yaaa beauty and the beast, evita, avenue q.

okay, done. hahaha

Saturday, March 21, 2009

i gotz problhems.

twitter: serendipitousy
dailybooth: sdrawkcabsisihtyeh
myspace: flyandsoar
facebook: ~
youtube: hhhhcorefour

maybe i like addictions with the computer.

hey, this is backwards.

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

today's "accomplishments" & music

1. I made Locey blush because I started reading to her part of my sexting interview. She preceded to say "oh goll! wow. that's from a student? i'm really showing my age now."

2. I gave Jenna some awesome quotes (in my opinion) for the Commoner page.

3. I condensed 3 years of high school in 45 photos for the senior slide show. (Not included my separate section full of creepy folder-like photos...)

4. Overachieved on my gov paper, and Iverson held it up for the class. ...I thrive on school projects. Have you ever seen my poster boards? hahaha

5. My mom was going to throw out this sweater/zip up thing of hers because it looked weird on her, I saved it and it's really fun to wear/I wear it like a boyfriend sweater. Though, I wish it were a neutral/blue...not tangerine.

6. Took lots of facebook quizzes.

7. Listened to some exceptionally fantastic music, like this!

i don't like sports

but i like winning, and bragging. so i made a march madness bracket for fun. hahaha

Monday, March 16, 2009

it was true. i drew in colin's planner a lot, contemplated juice coming out of faucets, said "RATAR!" in class and everyone laughed because they so are friends with him on facebook.

graded the test, everyone failed except hannah. i graded the uglier version of stephanie tanner's paper. 31/63 ya!

independent study
two classes' greek roots test, interview request forms. they kill me. wasl interviews with people who have p.e. are helllllllllllll.

after school
looking at dresses with megan, then me/megan/libby/robin went to the doctor's for megan's appt. oh and starbucks. we made fun of sexy t and did impersonations of locey a lot.

pretty boring day. oh well. 30 days until nationals.


for the past month or so, i've been extremely frustrated with my hair. so i'm going to do something about it. whenever my next haircut is, i'm doing this. like 1.5 - 2.5 inches longer than krisin callivari's cut though. haha but yeah, i'm excited. my hair is killing me. stop being stereotypically jewish, hair! it's not very fun.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

not so fun facts

fun facts
  1. janelle kapsh put FCCLA first on her list of activities for her letter of recommendation request sheet when she has never been to an fccla meeting before.
  2. colin asked me to stop saying suggestive things about him and emily getting married. he used the "you're going to wwu" thing as an example of how when i keep pushing an idea, it doesn't happen/he doesn't want it to happen. and i interpreted that as him basically telling me to stop talking about colin/emily's relationship being fate so that it can happen. that means, i am not joking about colin and emily getting married anymore because i will not jinx it. unless colin ends up going to western, because then i will proceed with my cemily theories times 10 to make sure it happens. ;]
  3. every time i wear my green spring scarf, i put it around my head like latika. sometimes i bring part of it over my nose/mouth and pretend i'm from iraq. yeah, i'm terrible. haha ~

maybe the mormons are onto something - i'm moving to utah!

Utah was just named the happiest state according to a study done.

went over our tests, i missed 8. started chaper 16, i'm a powerpoint fan and love organization in that way.

watched hamlet aka talked/texted. oh and we had a quiz.

contemplated how i want to skip that class sometime. it kills me. all those sophomores are so determined and i'm definitely not. hahaha

social studies
i tried to give kelsey weber benefit of the doubt because she's allix's sister, but she's a total bitch. it makes me angry talking about her. i was like "yaaaaaa i'm glad you're being productive right now!" to her.

independent study
locey was like freaking out. she's about to crack. gretchen weiners had cracked.
between 5th and 6th period drew came into the back room for the sole purpose of a hug. <3>commoner
i put state and national countdowns on the board, and don't really remember anything else i did of importance? ha oh. chelsea nemec and i are going to welding on friday during 6th period. colin, you should come too since you have painting. ~photographer~

after school
yearbook with core four. core four as in jenna, colin, robin and i. haha we listened to current chart-topers in norway. the girl from m2m (don't say you love me, you don't even know meeee) is a successful solo artist now. :]

my house is a mess because jim started tearing up the carpet in their room and all of the contents from their room was put in my room, conner's room, and the living room. NOT FUN. i even knew my house could be anymore crowded. i literally scaled their king size bed (imagine me climbing up a mattress) and went over it/jumped to get into the bathroom. :] it was really fun.

i called mcdonald's, left a message for the girl who interviewed me before to say i was sticking around the area next year and will be able to work there now.

we find out if we win the house on or around friday. let's hope so. no clue what i'm talking about? everyday for two months, my mom and jim both entered this hgtv contests for a free million dollar home in sonoma (wine country), california. i know it's a slim chance, but it would dramatically improve my well-being if we won.

dog house for lily.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

i feel like today is my 18th birthday,

not my 17th. this whole skipping a grade thing really gets me confused.

all of my friends (in my grade) turned/are turning 18 this year, i feel like senior year is the "18 year" and it's only natural for me to feel as if, i too, am turning 18.

on my birthday card my mom wrote something about "only 2 (then crossed it out and wrote 3) years left until you're 20!!"

i saw leah at the rock and we talked for like 20 minutes. i miss her, she's fantastic. she's about to transfer to the art institute for graphic design since she's almost done with her AA at pierce.

also, at the rock, a ridiculously drunk (and attractive) customer named Terry came over. He marveled at my presents "that's a damn shitload of presents!" and led my family in singing happy birthday to me? he also introduced himself to my grandpa and conner. it was so funny. he was at our table for like 10 minutes. hahaha

i don't feel like blogging. buh.

what are pencils?


eric and i attempted starbucks but joe was standing in the senior lot yelling at people and we were terrified. we went to leonardy and did the hall of fame. hardest to forget: celeste and garin. most likely to succeed: k'vasea symth

ugly version of stephanie tanner announced to the class that it was my birthday.

worked on gay rights amendment with eric and natalie. learned that her brother was gay.
eric, hayley, laurel and i went to starbucks! we listened to the little mermaid, i had a delicious venti iced apple chai (payed in quarters of course!), and learned that eric's middle name is russell. :] and his dad's name. haha aww.

had a long talk with megan. locey joined and we had a conference call about in-depth. i "worked on dummies" aka researched baby names BECAUSE I'M SO PRODUCTIVEEEE!

wished happy birthday by many, chelsea nemec wrote "happy birthday, taylor!" and drew a huge cake with a 17 on it. :] and then they all sang to me. i saved haley hamilton from the embarrassment of being sung to in class yesterday but couldn't save myself. i was very red but that was the best class for embarrassing moments to happen in since it's mostly friends/people i'm comfortable with. haha we officially changed in-depth to sexting. jackie ashley.

coral, jalex, yearbook, fetticine alfredo. haha :]

Then later the family went out to the rock, presents, cupcakes, food, etc etc. i can't wait to wear all my new clothes.

Monday, March 9, 2009


I swear, if Justin Piger adds me one more time to some stupid group, profile for the school district bond or networking strategy I will strangle him. Or at least imagine that I am.

Justin, we are 16-18 year olds who for the most part don't care about the school district that takes away our press rights, has unreasonable ways of dealing with snow and makes us do this terribly annoying culminating project.

I'm getting fed up with your way too idealistic ways, rambling to the point of no return, confusing everyone in commoner, lack of a website that you took on for yourself when no one asked you to and then once it inevitably failed you blamed the us for not cooperating. sorry we are a newspaper, not a website class. newspaper is the number one priority.

okay, end rant. that felt really good. hahaha

little things that i loved.

gov: i loved that iverson left his radio on and i got to listen to it for all of first period. he wasn't able to hear it from the front of the room. it's a love story, baby just say yes.

english: we finally got another chance to sign up for roles in hamlet. i'm rosencrantz. i figured it ought to be a good part if you all read rosencrantz and guildenstern. ~ [NOTE: jenna didn't think i knew that rosencrantz was a small part, but i do know that haha. all the big parts were taken the day i was absent.]

spanish: started drawing my pages, did some work, twirled. i hate that class, it's so dull and there isn't anyone fun to talk to in there.

social studies: celeste wished me a "happy happy happy early birthday!!!" it was true. we played a competitive game again. my team was filled with absent people/stupid people (ya brandon phillips, david swenson, bradie ayala). we lost. we got 60 points, all of which were my doing. the top team had 200 points. fuck. it also really didn't help that she kept not seeing me since i was in a corner. it wasn't fair. :[

independent study: got caught up on my journal, it's dumb. organizing the room, talked to locey. she left and went home for 35 minutes of the period. she's so mysterious and true, always leaving. hmm...

commoner: i have the michael mcallister story. normally i would be very happy but 1. i wanted something simple 2. if i couldn't have something simple, i would have something that's not to challenging. but instead i now have the lead story for in-depth? YAAAAAAAAAAA. oh well. i just feel very lazy.

after school: fccla, waiting in the cold, yearbook for a second, home, bad smoothie for once, fire poems, clothes, etc etc.

i also posted some really good things/photos on emily's wall.

Tomorrow: MY BIRTHDAY! :] love itttt. going out to dinner with my mom, jim, conner, my grandpa, my grandma and my aunt kate to the rock. :] eee. okay i'm shutting up now.
i want colin firth also.

Sunday, March 8, 2009

sorry blog

i've been neglecting you.

i had a fantastic birthday and it was nice reconnecting with some friends i don't get to hang out with often. <3

Friday, March 6, 2009

sixteen going on seventeen.

because i'm a bad person, i hacked into my mom's email/account online and found what she ordered me for my birthday. i mean, it's not that bad because i told her all these items but it's nice to know for sure which ones i can expect. :P i like blue, yeah?

Thursday, March 5, 2009


famous people portraying famous people. on stands march 11th. i can't wait.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

my stepdad is missing and no one has been in contact with him since 11 a.m.
1. this happens every once and a while.
2. my bet is that is he out gambling the money we don't have a way at a casino because he's such white trash.
3. my mom is stressing out and calling everyone. this is so retarded.
4. i honestly couldn't care less about his location.

  • i taught conner how to use the magic bullet. we made strawberry banana smoothies
  • i'm a returned fan to cup of noodles. mmmm.
  • colin, megan, robin, julie and i went to yearbook/mcdonald's/emerald ridge/glacier view until like 4.30. haha avalanche avalanche! yeti yeti!
  • i'm getting a terribly sore throat... :[ ~mono~

GOV i like lectures. and i really like not doing the readings before class. haha :] OMG. must do current event right now.

ENGLISH more hamlet. i'm dying of monotone boys. i can't wait to finish act one because then we get to sign up for parts. and this time i will be in class. ~~~

SPANISH yaaa copying 6 pages of steffi/hannah's workbook. haha

SOCIAL STUDIES this giant constitution packet, being true. i'm secretly wanting to feature celeste. imagine: brown power!

INDEPENDENT STUDY i really need to update that journal. ha! lyndsie left school because of boyfriend problems and visited me. i went to french to see matt berry too. hahahaha fslitbrnpogcjdqkemah abdbcabdac

COMMONER more brainstorming. megan and i played with a toy car. (she punched me.) it was awesome. megan didn't punch me. hahaha

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

locey hasnt graded our portfolios still.

Stress, pressure, threats ~yaaaaa.

On the plus side, I learned several very interesting pieces of information today.

Everyone has their princesses picked out. For something that started as a joke, people sure got into it and intense about their characters. Hahaha
Me...sleeping beauty
Kortney...snow white

So true. Tomorrow is novanet, god I really need to get that done. Ugh. Remind me to never sink into depression and fail my classes ever again? Haha.

Today in the car colin and I talked about college and stuff. It was indie.

BaTtLe Of ThE bAnDs is on april 10th. Mark your calendars, gurls. Elohel.

I wish I was in megan's french class, it sounds completely amazing/hilarious. Haha tomorrow after school should be interesting. Haaa.

So, I'm buying the into the woods tix and I just counted out 8 dollars in quarters. I'm pretty sure it's 8? I like remember the bookkeeper saying it was 10 for adults and 8 for students. But it might be 8 for just students with asb, and I don't know who all has asb/how am I to prove that while buying tickets. Ugh. So true.

Eric talked about the drama behind drama. It's ridic. It makes me want to have a meeting with wernofsky and give him a piece of my mind. Grr.

7 days until my birthday.

The next paragraph will be graphic and you will think less of me most likely. It's part of the game would you rather that I play and colin sent me this proposition, "Get pissed on by Hodous in the men's restroom and then licked clean or have Locey lodge 12 hersheys hugs in your cunt and then get eaten?"

Guess which one I picked. Hahaha ewww.

GOV: ya truth.ya undies/socks.

ENGLISH: started reading hamlet. All the monotone slow reading boys signed up to read. Awesome!

SPANISH: sub, video. I texted locey, lyndsie and hayley a lot while reading online articles.

SS: true things. Took a constitution, got them all right but one. Elohel. On the way coming back to lunch eric and I were bitching about stupid assignments we were doing in ss and as we turned the corner so did mrs. Turner. She was fully aware of what we were talking about. OOPS.

INDIE STUDY: locey was gone and I read everyone's commoner portfolios, learned some interesting things. I think you all should know that locey hasn't graded a single one.

COMMONER: critique, miniiii lizzie party with megan, only one song. Haha

After school: fccla, commoner, portfolios, jenna.

I accidentally napped from 4 to 7. Ya! Then I made a blueberry milkshake for dinner and a taco. Woahz! Then I did nothing but talk on the phone and watch gossip girl. Hahaha

I should have done gov reading. Oh well, I'm tired/unmotivated today. I need all the drama/band kids who were at rehearsal until 10.30 :[ so sad. Hopefully worth it though.

Okay, night. I'm so scatter brained, that really should be the title of my blog, not shoaf's. :]

Sunday, March 1, 2009

  • so, lily was groomed today and she is hilarious looking. hahaha
  • i watched way too many movies today but i loved every second of it.
  • we're having tacos tonight, yum.
  • my birthday is in 9 days
  • tomorrow is the three year anniversary of troy's death.
  • today is my stepsister's birthday who i've met once.
  • i'm not expecting presents for my birthday because i understand everyone is going through financial troubles, but i'm selfish and would totally love some if possible.
  • kevin jonas said that he used to want to work at gap. elohel.