Monday, March 9, 2009


I swear, if Justin Piger adds me one more time to some stupid group, profile for the school district bond or networking strategy I will strangle him. Or at least imagine that I am.

Justin, we are 16-18 year olds who for the most part don't care about the school district that takes away our press rights, has unreasonable ways of dealing with snow and makes us do this terribly annoying culminating project.

I'm getting fed up with your way too idealistic ways, rambling to the point of no return, confusing everyone in commoner, lack of a website that you took on for yourself when no one asked you to and then once it inevitably failed you blamed the us for not cooperating. sorry we are a newspaper, not a website class. newspaper is the number one priority.

okay, end rant. that felt really good. hahaha