Tuesday, March 10, 2009

i feel like today is my 18th birthday,

not my 17th. this whole skipping a grade thing really gets me confused.

all of my friends (in my grade) turned/are turning 18 this year, i feel like senior year is the "18 year" and it's only natural for me to feel as if, i too, am turning 18.

on my birthday card my mom wrote something about "only 2 (then crossed it out and wrote 3) years left until you're 20!!"

i saw leah at the rock and we talked for like 20 minutes. i miss her, she's fantastic. she's about to transfer to the art institute for graphic design since she's almost done with her AA at pierce.

also, at the rock, a ridiculously drunk (and attractive) customer named Terry came over. He marveled at my presents "that's a damn shitload of presents!" and led my family in singing happy birthday to me? he also introduced himself to my grandpa and conner. it was so funny. he was at our table for like 10 minutes. hahaha

i don't feel like blogging. buh.

what are pencils?


eric and i attempted starbucks but joe was standing in the senior lot yelling at people and we were terrified. we went to leonardy and did the hall of fame. hardest to forget: celeste and garin. most likely to succeed: k'vasea symth

ugly version of stephanie tanner announced to the class that it was my birthday.

worked on gay rights amendment with eric and natalie. learned that her brother was gay.
eric, hayley, laurel and i went to starbucks! we listened to the little mermaid, i had a delicious venti iced apple chai (payed in quarters of course!), and learned that eric's middle name is russell. :] and his dad's name. haha aww.

had a long talk with megan. locey joined and we had a conference call about in-depth. i "worked on dummies" aka researched baby names BECAUSE I'M SO PRODUCTIVEEEE!

wished happy birthday by many, chelsea nemec wrote "happy birthday, taylor!" and drew a huge cake with a 17 on it. :] and then they all sang to me. i saved haley hamilton from the embarrassment of being sung to in class yesterday but couldn't save myself. i was very red but that was the best class for embarrassing moments to happen in since it's mostly friends/people i'm comfortable with. haha we officially changed in-depth to sexting. jackie ashley.

coral, jalex, yearbook, fetticine alfredo. haha :]

Then later the family went out to the rock, presents, cupcakes, food, etc etc. i can't wait to wear all my new clothes.