Saturday, March 28, 2009

Today was great, nothing huge happened but it was just a really pleasant day.

did the essay and ate/drew on a banana. contemplated using bananas instead of paper for homework.

finished act four of hamlet, quiz, powerpoint with an indie background.

muuuuuy buena fiesta! best party ever. we had 15 bottle of pop, a griddle, two quesadilla makers, copious amounts of cheese, lettuce, tomatoes, guacamole, meat, cookies, the best cupcakes ever, brownies. the funny boys in our class signed up for mystery items which were pre-toasted bread, tomato juice and cactus. hahahah

social studies
took more ideology quizzes, pimped the Commoner out hardcore, read from my article to the class. i really like mrs. turner, i thought i wasn't going to like her but i really do. i even asked her for a letter of rec today. also, eric, hayley, megan and i went to jamba. eric and i wrote on colin and blake's cars. MOST INDIEST, BYU or BUST

independent study
locey went home during 5th because she felt like she was going to throw up. i watched tv/filled out last minute letters of rec forms/went to the ccc to talk about my jr research paper problem/was sent to talk to mr. cox about it who is really cool, nice/then sent to ancheta to talk about my paper. thank ggggggggggggggggggod for saving all my junior research stuff on my laptop, that's all i can say. i also went into sarah garrett's 5th period to give her the paper/her original drawing/i talked to mr. johnston. he's so small, i've never talked to him before he's like a freaking leprechaun! aww. also, i was waiting for them to finish correcting a test (i could hear them and wanted to not be awkward) in the hallway and just stared at the bulletin board. that's when i found out that my evaluator is actually mrs. keen not mrs. hoskins. hoskins is such a good adviser by telling me the wrong evaluatorrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr. hahaha

distribution, free popcorn, mr. harrison is soooooo hilarious i might need him i laughed so much when talking with him, the paper went over well. <3

after school
i had megan and laurel take a political quiz. it was out of 30. 30 being an ultra liberal, 25 being liberal, 20 being moderate, 15 being conservative, 10 being ultra conservative. megan got a 30, laurel got a 22. i've been recording every one's scores. i got 26, robin was 27, eric was 29, natalie was 18. also, laurel and i looked at the nasty sex issue and compared it to 24/7 and laughed at all the nasty things/things we wouldn't be allowed to do this year because of 3220. drew also prepared to cheat on his test. haha drew drove me home. we stopped in the coldesac before mine to talk and my neighbor's dad (tommy frampton, senior at rhs) drove past and stared hardcore and was looking accusatory. i'm sure he thought drew and i were dating and like about to have sex or something scandalous.

once i got home, i emailed several of my teachers. including hoskins again, keen, leonardy, turner and whitley because i'm true. i really really like keen. i emailed her after school and we've been talking throughout the day. it's funny. she's totally sweet and complimentary. i just apologized for not coming into meet her and that i just found out she was my evaluator. apparently none of the kids being evaluated by her have come in anyways and she was impressed that i emailed her! ha but yeah, we talked about commoner and stuff. one of the reasons i said for not going to talk to her was deadline and i joked that she should read my article on page 11. and she was like, i'll just c/p it.

"I was actually going to email you and tell you that I did read your article and
it was really good. It's funny, I was reading it and thinking how good it was and
then it dawned on me, "Oh, Taylor evaluee" (no such word, but I like
it). This was one of my favorite Commoners this year - I read it cover to cover. "

So yeah, thought that was cool. :] Damn, my text is misaligned now because of that quote setting. Oh well. OH! Today I happened to drop my blackberry on the entertainment center and when i went down to get it, i noticed that my mom had a michael buble cd from years ago hiding there. i stole it. i love him so much. marriage plz?

tomorrow, waking up at 7:45 to work at my dad's new house and make money. the first thing i asked was "what should i wear" and he was like "just old work clothes" and i was so confused because A. I don't do manual labor. and B. I don't have old clothes (in that sense, i don't have ratty random things.) thankfully i figured something out that is comfy, not dumpy and not important in case some clothing disaster happens? hahaha i need you. no one blogs anymore, myself included. i just have to finish out senior year on this. can't believe i've been blogging since september. dayuuuum.