Friday, May 15, 2009

More suck than not.

It just wasn't a good day. Shitty things kept happening and I kept feeling stupid, embarrassed, annoyed and wanted to bitch everyone out for some reason. No, I'm not about to start my period. Haha It was just one of those bad days.

In English, I had to catch up on all my journal writes that I was missing (5, which filled about 4 notebook pages and were really detailed) and like 16 vocab words/definitions.

In Spanish, we had a party (that was great!) but I had to finish my stupid social studies worksheet. I didn't understand some things and had to google answers for 30 minutes of the party.

In Social Studies, there was group confusion. Kyle "red-faced" Meyers said his person (report/bio) was the same as mine, so we prepared for our presentation together. During the presentations, he realized that he was in the group before us and went up with them. So, I was left alone for my presentation. Except when I got up for President of Syria, so did Bradie and someone else. So we had to figure out our ish for the presentation. They were/are stupid and it was just not good. Also in social studies, I realized I didn't do like 4 worksheets and they were all due today. I hate busy work, I've been preaching to sophomores to not take senior social studies. Seriously - PREACHING. I really was passionate about not taking ss to baby ingrid, aka kayley, aka molly pat's bff, i went into senarios and was pleased with how funny I was being as stupid as I sound. haha

At lunch, talking to Drew sucked so much. Hair and dress situations also sucked.

In 5th period, Locey made me do work again which I can't grasp because she hasn't made me grade things in 2 months. I was like, "seriously? i have things to do today." hahaha I did all the promy things. Restaurant reservations, nails, hair. Pepper's was booked other than 2 appts at 2, so I booked them at Gene Juarez to be safe. Then Hay and Meg said it was too expensive. (Btw, Hayley and I got into Pepper's because my mom called and she knows everyone there.) Erm yeah. Colin 2 came in, which was random. haha I showed him the famous wall of shame that everyone is fascinated with. He asked plenty of questions. :]

In 6th period, I realized that I forgot to edit/write notes all over the Cub feature (about mr. ferguson's photography which is so freaking ironic and awkward and i need to tell lizzie or send her this link. if i send her this link. hey lizzie. ~shout out~) so i edited dat. I don't like it very much but it will do. :/ I went to cub and talked a mile a minute but she followed me. I made Ryan a form for his article but the stupid printer wouldn't print again! Can you not? Oh and Laurel made me feel awkward about wanting to go to her little brother's play tonight. I JOKE about wanting Christian. I mean, sorry he's attractive? At the same time I'm like jealous that she has a cool brother and I have ~Conner~. Plus, I like plays but whatever. It didn't matter that much until she made me feel embarrassed for wanting to go in the first place. Yaaa.

After school, I started getting dizzy and hot. Heather took me home and we talked about how incredibly glad we aren't on staff next year. We also talked about how her only intern is RJ. Good planning, Chort. I know they want him to be sports, regardless Heather should have a sophomore as well interning with her because it's not like RJ could teach someone else. I filled out an application for a job and dropped it off. Blah blah blah.

That's why my day was shit. I'm disabling the comments because I don't want to talk about any of it.

Love, Negative Nancy...or Pessimistic Penny...or Gloomy Glenda. Damn, I'm awesome.