Wednesday, May 13, 2009


I've had a slight obsession with names for my entire life. Maybe it has something to do control. I get to control the person's/animal's/object's name, and hopefully make it stick/dictate their future. Regardless, I've always been intrigued by names and their meanings.

Do you remember when Target randomly sold fish? They sold them on the ends of the cash registers like candy. Well, I persuaded my parents and got one. There were 4 fish in my container (later there were 13, 37 snails and they wouldn't die! but that's a different story for a different time). I don't remember how old I was but if I look it up, I can connect my age to when certain shows were on tv. My dad told me 2 of the fish were girls and 2 were boys. (Years later he told me he just guessed for fun.) I had a big decision to make, FOUR names! After a long decision-making process I settled on Jenna, Jaws, Jewler and Josh. Reflecting on this it's funny because I'm now friends with a Jenna and a Josh. Jenna from Survivor: The Amazon which was on in 2003. I supported Jenna from the start and she was my favorite. Josh from Big Brother, the first season. He ended up being the runner-up and I loved him because he was funny. Jaws is obviously the infamous shark from the infamous shark movie. It was my 10 year old attempt at irony naming a fish smaller than my pinky after a giant man-eating shark. Jewler is my aunt Sue's childhood fish's name that she accidentally killed. My dad would tell me stories from his childhood every night before I went to bed and that was my favorite one. Also, I was anal as a child seeing as all of the names had to start with the letter J.

Back to names. It's really hard for me to not ~waste~ names on pets. Aly is my transgendered cat. Aly had about 4 name changes. First, she was Lavender (Brown from the Harry Potter series). My mom ended up hating it because it was hard to call out. Then, she was Charlotte, which is a name I used to love. But my old friend Megan (Bradley, lol) had a stuffed bear named that and it had awkward meanings. Aly it is! Then we found out months later that she was really a he. We attempted Alan, but had to change it because it reminded me of a smelly boy in my classes. Ollie (short for Oliver) didn't last long at all and Aly was Aly the boy cat. I learned my name lesson from that and became decisive after Aly.

Lily is a name I loveeee. It is really meaningful to me because of Lily Potter. It symbolizes the Harry Potter series which helped me love reading again in the 6th grade. Also, Lily Allen and her third nipples and drinking problems are hilarious to me.

I didn't mean to be so elaborate about my old pets' names, but here I am. Here is a list of names I love right now and their meanings according to I have an account on their too? Such a freak.

LAYLA This is my favorite name for a girl. I think it's just really sweet and girly. I think about naming all my children after songs sometimes. Layla means night or black - which I didn't know until now. Black bitch.
GABY Shortened from Gabriella. I like names that end in As and Ys, this does both. I can imagine this name in the future for some reason. Gaby means God is my strength...random.
AMELIA I was almost named this, it was my dad's idea. I love Amelia Earhart tremendously and think this name is adorable. This is the only girl name on my list that I actually have looked up the meaning before and it means to strive or to excel. Yay.
SASHA This name is sassy. I was a sassy child, and I would assume my future child would be a sassy brat at times. Sasha means defender of the leader. Aw, a little leader. hahaha

BEN Short for Benjamin obviously, but I don't really like Benjamin and would rather just name him Ben. I found this name when I searched for names that meant helpful, and this came up since it means "son of my right hand", like a right-hand man. Every boy I've ever met that was named Ben was really kind, polite and helpful.
JAMES I like strong, traditional names and this is definitely an example. I think this name is really cute, but only when the boy is actually called James. Not Jim, like my terrible step dad - EW.
PARKER I've liked this name since junior high. I'm not going to bother looking this up because I'm almost positive it means the one who cares for a park.

Time to do my current event that I would have forgotten about if JV didn't post that status! ahh.