Thursday, May 28, 2009

things that i like about today

things that i like about today
  • how good a haircut makes you feel
  • that conner failed his test to get his permit three times already, his grades are SO bad that jim isn't letting him take driver's ed until the beginning of october, which will give me time to get my license before him.
  • that my favorite restaurant is catering my grad party
  • southern belles - louisville on soapnet
  • that my state of being has dramatically improved since the blogs i posted earlier today. medicine is magical.
  • how when i was driving to pepper's, i carefully averted being in an accident. it wasn't my fault at all. this is the second time i've almost been in an accident while leaving pepper's in the past 8 months. SO DANGEROUS.
  • how my hair stylist's friend is getting married and needs a photographer and i told her about benj/wrote down his website for her.