Saturday, February 28, 2009

- I threw up this morning. I basically ~overdosed~ on too much aleve. So now I'm laying in bed trying to calm down because I have the ifeelshakyandinpainfeelingand maythrowup going on.

- yesterday was lizzie mcguire day/hairspray in commoner. Fabulous.

- I loved reading the experiment papers where people circled what they actually read. So funny/sad. Ha

- megan and I made the sad sad connection between regina george and nadia (who died a few years ago by being hit by a bus).

- locey really wants a blackberry and is going to practice on mine to make sure she wants one.

- I was accepted to freed-hardemen university in tennessee. But I'm still planning on doing cc for a year to save money.

- lily has the cutest collar ever. It's pink and polka dots. So adorable. She's getting groomed tomorrow, thank god.

- my mom is still bitching at me about money. I remind her that I've accepted karen's job and she said that she talked to karen and they want me to wait and see about starbucks before I work in her office. Which is fine.

- into the woods and my birthday/party are approaching very soon. ~~~~~

Friday, February 27, 2009


someone must be like punishing me hardcore for something i've done. i don't know what. but right as i got home, i just got a KILLER toothache. i haven't had one in forever and am currently in agonizing pain. i took medicine and stuff but kind of want to die.

must study for gov makeup that i'm taking before school and make it to bed before 2:24.

fuck my life, i'm so tired.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

i'm stressed.

eromyna renommoc ot potpal ym gnignirb ton

- laurel said ass.

- 2 girls, 1 _____ (not cup.)

- i am glinda, emily is elphaba. i am not checking the spelling on her name, deal. ha

- juicy juice white grapefruit juice courtesy of steffi. oh and blueberry muffins.

- haley hamilton and i are going to the midnight showing of the jonas brothers 3D movie tomorrow night. hopefully all of the little girls aren't allowed out so late so we will get in. yaaaa :]
- snow ~2 hour delay please~ NO ON FRIDAY THOUGH PLEASE.

- two of the little kids (youngest latika and the young version of his brother) in slumdog who were actually from the slums have homes now.

- chris pine: HAVE ME.
- kate nash is getting married in portland on saturday. aw.

i love being frustrated and complainingggg.

1. i really don't think that any "famous alums" will read the commoner and care that we posted a good photo of them that comes up on google image search. really?

2. i'm in the worst mood today and am pulling a taylor herrick hardcore.

3. i want my laptop because it has my homework on it. :[

4. my family listens to american idol way too loud. like, WAY TOO LOUD.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

you always dress in yellow, when you want to dress in gold.

we discovered a whole new world today at layout. it's a big group of strange people who make youtube videos combining skins, the oc, gossip girl, hannah montana and lizzie mcguire.

this is the best one that i've seen. my favorite part is 1:07 to the end.

megan, chelsea and i also sang about 10 hilary duff songs (badly, NO ONE can hit those notes) much to colin's dismay. hahaha we realized that her lyrics are really deep and insightful.

also, caty and i figured out that we both went to the hilary duff concert at the fair a couple of years ago. haha did you know that i have an autographed photo of her somewhere? yaaa winning kiss 106.1 radio contests. hahaha

oh and megan and i realized it was a good thing we weren't friends growing up since we're both selfish and always had to be Lizzie McGuire over Miranda Sanchez, and Ashley Olsen over Mary-Kate Olsen. haha :]

today at layout, i accomplished hardly anything other than finding facts for by the numbers and information for my genocide sidebar. yum. hey, emily, i need you story gurl. tomorrow's going to be a bitch dealing with jared's then and now story. well, mainly just doing the photos. fuckkkkk meeee.

gov it was a blur really. the best part was when iverson called on trevor and col made a loud sound of disgust and a lot of people heard him. hahaha oops.

spanish i got out of doing a skit in spanish and now i'm reading a story with this other girl who was been sick. it's about a very sad boy named juan pablo whose teacher, frenemies, horse, music and tv all hate him and reject him. I'M NOT KIDDING. if juan pablo wasn't in the 2nd or 3rd grade, he would be suicidal.

independent study graded tests, put two classes of stuff in the gradebook, ran errands to the pac and realized werno was not in there, went to the office of awk. etc etc.

layout you know the drill. i got a call from organic comfort foods cafe. interview on thursday. butttt i'm passing on it now because the hours are 11 am - 3 pm monday -saturday. i can't do that, why bother with all the stress of a group interview and just be automatically rejected. plus, my mom is telling me how starbucks is going to be a success. whateverrr.

my mom is baking us vanilla cupcakes for layout, and i might be eating a spoonful of funfetti vanilla frosting. ahhh. i feel disgusting but i honestly have not had funfetti since 8th grade when lyndsie and i ate a whole tub. ugh. haha she's making 24 cupcakes. elohel.

oh and megan and i just three way called josh and left him a giant voicemail.

Monday, February 23, 2009


i am so confused.

please go to

march 10th is my birthday in case you didn't know, and something is happening this day i guess. it's a handy countdown until my birthday nonetheless.

evil things that i love

1. when neon signs for businesses have 1 or more letter burnt out.

2. when people post ridiculous photos of themselves online, especially ones where they are "smiling".

3. when people cake on makeup and it makes them look terrible.

4. when people do the same face in every photo.

5. when people reveal too much skin online for attention.

Sunday, February 22, 2009

mickey rourke is disgusting. when ben kingsley (!! love) was announcing him as a nominee for best leading actor, i was staring at the convienently placed robert pattinson and tina fey in the background.

reese witherspoon's clear plastic straps that are meant for hanging up your dress in the closet looked awk.

apparently she said clit too, i'm so sad i missed it.

zac was cute, vanessa was vanessa.

beyonce was lip-synching?

hugh jackman has a new fan in me.

did you know that julie andrews is my hero?

add anne hathaway to that list too.

the end.


I've been talking to friends lately and I think that going to Pierce is a hidden message. Like, maybe UO isn't for me after all. I'm a bit thankful for this extra year to research colleges with my new found sense of what i'm actually looking for/can afford.

it's a blur

- reciting mean girls?

- my ring in a magic act

- i think i was also on "stage" for that magic act too?

- danny reciting the that's so raven theme song dedicated to me

- laurel's poem from the o.c.

- matt leitner band and cheer sex

- josh velliquette's hat

- da table of obnox

- everyone getting extra credit

- running away from ratar

- lots of wicked

- jolly ranchers

- hayley playing something on the piano

- shaking

- danny and annie reciting ingrid's epic quote

- shoaf being strong

- "mindfreakkkkkkkk"

- dancing to the charlie brown theme song thing

- julie performing sara b and doing fantastic

- danny singing along to love song to the side of julie

- drew holding the mic/mc-ing? awk?

- blake brown being cute and singing john mayer/another song (no one cares that he had a few stumbles, he still has more guts than most of us :])

- giraffe

- the gnome song? hahah

- suggestive lyrics

- ap lit skit, hey it ryhmes. elohel.

- phillip kidd's incredible magician of an uncle, i'm still amused/confused.

- long, amazing talk with laurel after beatnik until 12:24+ i luh yooh gurl. :]

Saturday, February 21, 2009

eric = accepted
cheryl = rejected


Friday, February 20, 2009

snalp loohcs hgih tsop

so, the community college thing. it's happening, i'm going. for sure. don't ask me about it right now though. thanks junior year self!

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Truden and Trudy Trues.

this made me think of drew. lolz.

somehow got myself a 6/7 on the quiz when i didn't read much last night. talked about garrison. watched 60 minutes.

went down to band. (see entry), goofed off on the laptops

got new seats. i still sit by hannah. but right next to me is the infamous Luz. she was in rehab for pot. she was caught with it at school/stoned at school/lied about it. idk it was a while ago. anyway, she's very odd and crunchy. i have a feeling she will have some great stories. we watched an american tail. you know, about the russian jewish rats who (in my version of the movie) speak spanish fluently. haha steffi told me an interesting story. apparently she was born in germany (army brat), then they moved to (damn i forgot the country, it was somewhere in south america!). anyway, she saw this movie, in that south american country and seriously thought that there weren't any cats in america since she had never been. haha she was four, keep in mind. lolz

had a ridic discussion that i could care less about. highlights: people who are idiots, i like natalie colvin and respect her a lot, celeste spoke once- i almost burst out laughing when she did. we all had to have name tags on our desks. eric took my name tag so it looked like this.

Taylor [trudy]

so i took his and wrote

Eric [truden]

which prompted us to be Truden and Trudy Trues. We have two children, a daughter named Truth and a son, name Trubert. :]

independent study if you really care. i sang lots and lots of gaga loudly. and i found the perfect volume where i can hear it loudly yet locey cannot hear it at alllll from her desk. yesss. ashley schleigh visited for 20 minutes. can i just say how gorgeous she is? seriously. even when she's having a lazy day, she still is so pretty. also, we started to figure out nationals problems.

i figured out the rooming situation. it will be entertaining to share a king bed with hayley and laurel. i've been assigned the middle since i don't mind. haha being in the middle (of beds, in the movies, while walking, in classrooms) for some reason always makes me feel loved. haha ~~ emily, you can have the roll-away bed so you aren't forced to cuddle with us. :] i cannot wait until nationals. like, i die. i'm so excited. beyonddddddddd.

after school
went home sick. ~~ stayed in bed for a long time, napped. got a REALLY REALLY TRUE thing in the mail from fidm. it has swirls, leaves and flowers on it. i called danny because i was convinced that he signed me up for fidm stuff as a joke. hahaha unfortunately he didn't since he didn't know my address. hahaha

um, played with lily, gave her a bath, watching american idol. that is all. 20 people are coming to my birthday so far. 21 if you include eric who is most likely coming late which i do. :D in case you care, my white board on my door now has a countdown until my birthday and i put my birthday on the important dates section on locey's white board. check it outttt.

Monday, February 16, 2009

today was jim's birthday. i was forced to bake a cake, clean, decorate and not hang out with drew.

but the cake turned out awesome.

we went to red robin, and then jim had a beyond awk (for me) birthday party. it included: me, my mom, jim, mike howe, megan howe, aaron howe, kelsie howe, my grandma, my grandpa, kelsie howe's boyfriend. i die.

also, i'm sick, wish we had another week of break, it does NOT feel like 11:30, i still have to finish my gov mock test thingy, i'm not looking forward to novanet tomorrow, i'm looking forward to my birthday a lot. p.s. if you're reading - megan, hayley, emily, laurel, jenna, chelsea, kortney. you're invited to spend the night after my birthday. mY cOnSeRvAtIvE gRaNdPaReNtS almost shit their pants when i suggested colin, danny, drew, robin, eric and josh spend the night unfortunately. :[ lolz

Sunday, February 15, 2009


1. i adore my friends.

2. when i drink enough milk, it turns into "alcohol" that makes me ridiculous.

3. they have "Swirls" gummy bears, and chocolate flavored candy that goes into Pez dispensers now.

4. is incredibly hilarious and makes ugly babies no matter what.

laurel's secert admirer

i have confirmation from the admirer himself, it's garrison burger.

Saturday, February 14, 2009

this scares the shit out of me.

can you not? this isn't looking good. thank god i applied to community college. ha. that wasn't a real laugh, that was a very very nervous laugh.
fyi, i contacted them and should be getting info soon. wouldn't it be awesome if i checked again while at the skins party and some how found out i was like rejected in front of my friends?
if that happens i'm so going home. or maybe being with my friends is much better than being with my mom...

in the words of chris miles..."fuck it"

Friday, February 13, 2009


to clear my head i'm posting my schedule for tomorrow.

9: wake up, breakfast, lily, clean room :[
12: shower, get ready, pack
2: leave for skins!

now i feel better. ~
cleaning my room is going to take forever. fuck. i love how i was supposed to do that today but procrastinated instead.

also: march 7th is my birthday party, so save the date. i will notify you all with details when my mom gives the 100% for sure. :]

you're going to CC!

i'm pretty sure i will be attending community college.
it scares me like no other but i
  • have a terrible gut feeling about uo
  • can't pay for uo right now

when my mom gets home, we're going to have a long talk about it. but, from what i've been reading, it makes the most sense to attend community college in oregon. that way i have the option of transferring credits to uo, if i go to uo after i get my associates. the only thing that is killing me is that i won't be getting "the college experience". :[ i don't feel ready at all to go live on my own in a different state. maybe i will go to tcc and live with my dad. buh. i hate this. I lOvE cRyInG! my junior year fucked up my life so bad.

EDIT: i applied to community college officially.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

i've been in a bullet-y mood lately, huh.

Things about this week that have made me happy.

  • How Laurel got a gift from a secret admirer (which ended up being Jordan Gerry) and 20+ Commoner member spent the entire period contemplating who it was, freaking out, brainstorming our list of options (jordan gerry, zach grah, barrett hopp, not jayson, mr. carlson, sterling, jin....hahaha most of these are jokes).
  • How at least 12 Commies and I jumped out the Commoner back room door into the hallway and I felt like we were clowns in a very small car and more and more people kept coming out. I was literally shoved by Commonerds into the hallway, it was incredible.
  • How 6 of us in Commoner stood in the door way for the last ten minutes of class + 6 minutes after school got out yelled and pointing to people saying "you're going to Pierce!" /yale/evergreen/western/uw/everything. We got some strange looks. It was fantastic though, omg.
  • How Robin eats his ice cream. He looks like a komodo dragon, he doesn't lick it, it's more of a sudden sloppy bite.
  • How Colin spanked me with giant FCCLA hands as Mrs. Adams walked by.
  • How Eric tagged me in the 25 People game as a sister who isn't really a sister. Aw.
  • How Sterling managed to play "Everything" by Michael Buble over the intercom in Commoner for Heather and then Harrison said "Provided by Sterling 'the ultimate romantic' Graham. I love Sterling.
  • How Justin Piger apparently stuttered on the word "country" in Chemistry. CUNTTTTT.
  • How I told Colin/Emily/Sam/Laurel that story and Iverson heard me say cunt (quietly) and he stared at me.
  • All the details coming out about the Rihanna/Chris Brown fight.
  • How Drew was super awkward during his lunch.
  • How I fell asleep everyday after school for 3 hours. yaaa I heard that's a good idea.
  • How Steffi is a complete pushover and I use her to my advantage.
  • How Nolan is really funny and I'm glad he's in Commoner
  • How all I have for this issue is a Speak Out and therefore don't have to do anythingggg. Love it!
  • How I need you all!

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

i stayed home sick today.
novanet was cancelled. :]

happy birthday eric! i learned that the author of roots died on eric's birthday and harriet tubman died on my birthday. yaaa black history month facts.

Monday, February 9, 2009


i handled my UO stress. they updated everything and all is good. it's now processing and i should know in four weeks. i'm semi-convinced i won't get in anyways, so whatever. but yeah.

i emailed sonic my resume and they emailed back. he was really nice/impressed that i read the newspaper? haha they start hiring in march. ya twirls.

irregardless, inhebriated.

katie couric is so swirly! "did it feel like 3 and a half minutes?" no quiz today, which made me kind of sad because i wrote hardcore notes this time. td talks all the time and colin suggests that i make out with him in order to keep him from talking.

watched an oprah segment at auschwitz.

played a game where you have to write on the board. stressful!

social studies
we got a seating chart. guess who i happen to sit right next to. yaaa Celeste!! i die!

independent study
also, laurel i read your i.s. blog. you're so swirly!! mine are like one sentence. also, your goals, lolz. i listen to music, call my mom, etc. lolz :]

i just talked? haha i need to bring my fact book for nolan. who does not look like a sophomore at all. that's so true. also, we found out that the jagwire had 45 misspellings of the same word. hahaha YA! also, i love the new heather perry so incredibly much. :] she's been so funny the past two weeks. yayyyy.

after school
fccla, photo, meeting until 2.50. stayed in yearbook with bella and jenna until around 4. went home. lily got a diaper. ahhh. this is so gross, i want it to be over right now and it's only day 2! ewww. i also scanned the gov reading for colin because i'm such a nice person. haha ;] speaking of colin, the most adorable picture ever of him is on the yearbook clubs pages. i can't get over how perfect it is. haha

novanet? i can't think of anything else that is significant. haha

Saturday, February 7, 2009

Hey, I just thought of this randomly. Want to know my grades from 1st semester?

English: a+
Spanish: a-
Civics: a+
Studio art: a
Commoner: a
Math: f


i need to do laundry so bad. haha

Just so you know, I'm currently sitting in the parking lot of pepper's hair salon waiting for my haircut at 10:45. My mom's was at 10 so now I have time to kill.

Gov love: we watched air force one, I was asked a question which I wasn't paying attention to when he asked, we took a quiz(note to self: take even better notes...). And at one point iverson was like "hold on, taylor is still giggling."

I thought it was funny that he said that and I giggled some more afterwards. Hannah is coming to colin and emily's wedding! She rsvp'd! December 6th, 2014 - save the date! :]

English: we were in the computer lab. I did absolutely nothing.

Spanish: swirled? Idk. Oh yeah, we played bingo. I won. Ya blackout.

Ss: robin might be switching out to accomodate for him being in 5th period gov. :[ I will miss him. Speaking of missing robin, yesterday I had a nap and a dream that the agency took robin back to norway in the middle of the night. He didn't even get to say goodbye. I woke up and thought it had really happened and cried. Haha I love yooh, robby baby! Lolz.

Independent study: really want to know? In this class we have to do a daily journal to prove that we are productive. I asked locey if I could do a blog instead. I suck at keeping journals updated, but I can definitely keep up a blog.

Kim was there and helped me alphabetize a bit. I also love that locey doesn't have a 5th period, meaning I can sing loudly to taylor swift. :]

Also, jarred I graded your sister's greek roots chapter 7 test. Haha she did...okay. a B+ or A- I think. Haha ~ I love grading papers. I think the fact that laurel and I both have this class is perfect. We both grew up grading papers, were TA's in junior high and used to/want to be teachers. Haha :]

Commoner: department meetings, I was beyond scatterbrained/strange. Haha and then I went and graded more papers so I could finish. I love having a speak out. So ridiculous. Haha :]

After school: swirled, and surprisingly watched a lot of tv. I caught up on real world, ray j, I love money 2 and then watched a stressful show called solitary and beauty and the geek. I don't normally watch a ridiculous amount of tv like that. Hahaha

So, I still have ten minutes to kill. Mer. Tonight: plastics sleepover. I still am not sure if it's at hayley's or megan's. Haha I should check on that.

I can't wait to get my haircut, I feel bleh.

Thursday, February 5, 2009

i'm yourssssssss.

GOV: We did a group worksheet. I feel a bit out of my element in there sometimes. I know I'm smart, but I'm just scared to share my opinions sometimes in gov. It's intimidating, when people talk in that class they seem so eloquent. Eloquent is definitely not a word I would ever use to describe myself, and to save my butt from sounding stupid, I don't speak up unless I'm positive I know what I'm talking about. Haha

ENGLISH: swirled around, we moved seats. i miss amanda so much. my table is full of boys (which i normally like) but not when they all they talk about is electrician stuff and basketball. ah! I can't even contribute to the conversation unless i'm asking what something is that they are talking about.

SPANISH: played the fly swatter game. read newsweek out of boredom.

SOCIAL STUDIES: turner talked to me about how i was in her psychology class sophomore year then transferred out after 3 weeks. she remembered! i was so surprised. i lamely covered up why i switched out which was
A. her camel toe was so bad i couldn't concentrate.
B. all we did in psychology was busy work.
We did a citizenship test and robin video taped our class. haha

FIFTH PERIOD: well, since i don't have a fifth period i went to the ccc. mrs. michel told me to do that so we could figure out my class. there ended up being absolutely nothing 5th period. i could choose between weight training, french, multicultural studies (she tried so hard to get me in that class.), welding. so, i now have independent study with mrs. locey like laurel has it 1st period. and locey doesn't even have a 5th period class so i just get to swirl around/grade things/make copies/whatever.

COMMONER: haha i like don't care, nothing eventful other than chelsea and megan dancing. yaaa i have speak out. haha i still want world at a glance!!

AFTER SCHOOL: josh, jenna, colin, adriana, heather reynolds, heather. we played mash! josh and i are getting married and my profession is ass floss cleaner? josh's mode of transportation is robin's dick. lolz. we also swirled a lot/put up beatnik posters.

then after school i had very swirly convos with drew and josh. accidentally took another nap again in the living room! this time in the recliner though. haha and we had this gigantic dinner that i could only finish 1/3. i love asparagus so much! haha

kkgurlies, nothing is interesante in my life.
tomorrow: bike riding? stuff? haha
saturday: plastics sleepover
sunday: amanda/baking?

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

tru confessions

gov: quiz, swirly swirly.

english: finished life is beautiful, almost cried.

spanish: my class talked about how they all love a double shot at love, maybe they aren't so bad after all...

social studies: took a fun american citizenship test. i got 13, eric got 14, robin got 18. you needed 14 to be a citizen. i faiiiiil. also, jordan inglin is in our class now. I DIE!! danny! i die!

child devolpment: gross gross gross. we drew babies/powerpoint.

commoner: ya twirls. ya caty. ya me being annoying. i kind of want to write for opinion, but i need to think more/figure out a topic. that might help me! haha

after school: went to the counselor's office. my 5th period (because it's disastrous) will either be A. Ed Careers or B. TA in the Attendance Office. both options have positive things going for them.

if i'm in ed careers, i get to basically be a student teacher at zeiger which would be really fun! i did ed careers in 8th grade all year and i loved it.

but if there aren't any classrooms available then and i get the attendance office i can goof off all the time/do homework/steal blue slips for skipping (i'm terrible!).

we'll see by tomorrow. haha

i love how it's wednesday and my days are all planned out already?
thurday-- jenna and i are going fast food job hunting. don't forget jennaaa.
friday-- mean girls sleepover i believe.
saturday-- sleepover/hair cut/family stuff
sunday -- amanda's house to make cupcakes for the incredible mrs. michel to show how thankful we are for her.

anyway, off to take a nap before i must leave.
so long, far well.

stop giving the name taylor a bad meaning.

taylor heimuli or whatev from yearbook just posted this bulletin. please dissect it for me?

"todayy was gayy.
i HATE hiighschhool.
ppl needa miind theiir own buisness and stayy outta otha pls iish.
iim ova iit.

BASKETBALL game taniight--->7:30.:]]
youu goiin??
ii am.
wellp iim outt.

comment myy new piics!!!
sankk you.

o and go liisten ta my new song.



Tuesday, February 3, 2009

just call me trudy.

Ya novanet. I really cannot concentrate at all, so i'm turning to blogger since i have nothing more entertaining to do.

monday, february 2nd

AP GOV: gov love. there is a reason that it ryhmes. seriously? more on gov later. we just talked about the previous reading and swirled around.
ENGLISH: we started watching the italian movie, life is beautiful, i didn't like it at first because of the dumb humor, but i like it now.
SPANISH: i sit next to totally obnox people, as always. should i be surprised? my spanish class is such hell. hahah
here's where it gets complicated. first, i went to lunch. then ceramics. and then mrs. michel. and then lunch some more. and then ss with mrs. turner.
SOCIAL STUDIES: i missed the first half before lunch of senior ss with turner, so i came for the second half. eric and robin are in there. among many swirly girlies. like celeste, bradie, red-faced kyle, people who have beards (multiple bearded men!), a lot of people who are crunchy, natalie colvin (i like her, she's not a bad swirly), holly slack (she's a bit frightening-looking i hate to say), jasmine hughes, um and some others that i don't remember. we did boring things.
CHILD DEVELOPMENT: oh my god. the student teacher is the like nauseating. and the class is even worse. it's one of those young, ghetto, obnox, super loud, in your face, my jeans don't have pockets and are super light wash and i'm wearing a sparkly yellow g-string, classes. i really hate it. alexa is in there but she's totally strange now (or maybe i'm just starting to notice it...or it's because like 5 of her friends are in that class) and it seems like it's going to be really difficult subject-wise too. i'm coming in tomorrow morning to get a new 5th period because i might just kill myself in there.
COMMONER: i left before commoner for my job interview.

long story short. i had a job interview at the downtown mcdonald’s, it went perfectly, they told me i was a fantastic candidate to work for them, and that my resume and attire were impressive, yet they unfortunately couldn't hire me since i plan on going to college (they asked me about school/college in the interview and i was honest) and wouldn't be at mcdonald's very long. yaaaaa. it was ridiculous and if i'm ever asked that again i'm just going to say that i'm going to pierce or something. haha

after that, i went home, walked lily around the block, then came home and rode my bike a couple times around the block. *killer hill, megan* then jim and i started to watch hamlet 2.

lyndsie came over just as we started the movie, but we couldn't get into hamlet 2 and so we stopped it. plus jim fell asleep. haha he's so sweird. anyway, lyndsie and i just talked a lot.

drew came over for dinner, we talked/caught up, we both felt swirly so we drove to colin's to waste time/blackberry help. we got to colin's house, swirled around for and hour+ish? left.

colin called us as we were leaving that i had left my purse on his bed and to come back. drew drove to colin's house (we were on the other side of greyhawk) backwards. like, we went backwards for a really long time, and he went fast. it was kind of awesome/scary at the same time. hahaha.

drew dropped me off at home, i played with LiLy and then i worked on my commoner portfolio for about a second.

danny and i planned our trip to denny's in the morning, i texted julie and kim, then went to beddddd. 10.24 p.m. it's a record.

tuesday, february 3rd
my morning started a bit earlier than usual. okay, a lot earlier, try two hours. i have this new habit of laying in bed checking my email/fb/blogger/celebrity gossip sites on my bb for about 10 minutes before i truly wake up. so i woke up at 4:35, and started getting ready. danny said he would be there by 5:25. danny's bb malfunctioned for the alarm and he was running late. so i was running late. which ultimately caused us breakfast problems.

we left for the free grand slam at denny's at like 5:40. we stood in the cold for 5 minutes then saw eric and ran to him. i was standing in an awkward place where old people kept touching me so i inevitably moved. hahaha we stayed there until 6:55. it was so packed and we had like 8 more people in front of us before we could eat and it just wasn't realistic to stay and go to school on time. haha also, drew was there from like 6:30 on ish. when they asked us our name to put on the list danny put trudy. since earlier i suggested we all be named trudy since that's a really true name and then we could have people call us tru. we wanted to hear them yell "trudy, party of 3" so badly but sadly, we couldn't. at like 6:55 we gave up and bought our own breakfast at mcdonald's. i am a dork and accidentally dropped my big pancake/sausage/egg/biscuit meal and had to begrudgingly ask for another (free) meal. we ate, departed and drew drove us to school. also, eric - we followed you. we were trying to be creepy. hahah we're so swirly.

we got to school, say mary yoest. she was like "hey drew! hey tr!" it always catches me by complete surprise when people who aren't exactly my closest friends call me tr. like, there's nothing wrong with it (now) but it's just funny that it has caught on. rhs has caught the tr fever? hahaahaha anyways, i was like "oh funny, you call me tr too" and she's like "i can't help it! it's so darn catchy." haha yay explanation i guess. lolz on another tr related note, i somehow had to explain how everyone calls me tr and that when i see teddy roosevelt/how in books he's always referred to as "tr" i'm like "oh that's me!~" (we were talking about the panama canal/teddy roosevelt with turner, i swear it was related. hahah)

wow, where am i. this is very long. thanks for reading still, jeez!
AP GOV: gov love, gov love. it's like lovebug. i had an awk (awk is going to happen!!) moment with td and iverson, i spoke and started adding life to the classroom. we discussed the reading. i'm really nerdy and take notes on everything. yaaa. lol i love it. i seriously find everything in that book/class interesting. i'm not normal.
ENGLISH: continued watching life is beautiful, i really lke it now. but it's stressing me out because it's too tense/holocausty and i'm too compassionate that i'm getting really attached/worried about the characters. i guess that's when you know if a movie is well-done or not, huh. oh, i also had a convo with tim sayama about all the black kids going to the historical black colleges thing where they all received $500 scholarships. we talked about the ridiculous double standard and racial issues we both have to deal with. haha i like him.
LINK: hayley and i drew maps of where everyone sits in 1st and 3rd period gov. it was swirly. colin was on the computer and we ...bow bow i'm derrrrrekkk and i can sing higherrrrrrr...'d it out for three seconds. haha hayley and i also talked about the troubles of white outfits/graduation gowns/sports pants. haha ya periods!~
SPANISH: ridic as usual. steffi showed some signs of life. i learned about scary diseases that come with participating in wrestling. ew, ringworm from mats? wtf.
SS: we took a state quiz. i got 13/15 (darn wyoming/colorado, new hampshire/vermont mix ups!) and robin out of everyone in our class got 15. he's the only one who got a 100%. can i move to norway, i will learn more about american states i guess. eric and celeste oth got 8/15 because they luv geograffy. elohel. we also did a map and colored. this is kind of bull, but i kind of love it.
CHILD DEVELOPMENT: what i dread each day now. we did retarded filler activities. i wanted to bitch out the teacher so bad for being a shitty teacher. i'm sorry (actually i'm not sorry) you need to improve. we split into groups, wrote out 20 classroom rules:

-be positive
-treat others like you want to be treated
-no cell phones
-no music
-respect each other
-no put downs
-no profanity
-clean up your messes
-listen when the teacher talks
-always say please and thank you

those are just a handful of the 40 rules we wrote on the board. this is such a waste of time. like seriously? am i five years old? after each group wrote 20 rules, the team selected their top 7 to write on the board. after that, the teacher went through each one and we voted on whether or not it was a good rule and if we should keep it. then we signed the class contract. yaaaaaa. then we talked about a stupid assignment due friday, i did my portfolio during this time. (colin, i was assigned to sit next to that annoying costume girl from activists! ahh.) then we had 15 minutes left, so we had to make ridiculous name tags. during this time a girl turned to me and...

*she is staring at me* *i give her a confused look*
her: "are you new here?"
me: "no."
her: "oh."
me: "why?"
her: "i thought you were new."
me: "um, i'm definitely not."
her: "oh, are you a sophomore?"
me: "NO. what grade are you in?"
her: *smug*"i'm a junior."
me: "oh really, you look like a sophomore..."
her: *annoyed* "what grade are you in, huh!?"
me: "i'm a senior."
her: "oh..."
*goes back to her work quietly.
HA. brat.

she was so awk too with her long sleeve orange and white top with a drawstring waist which look terrible on her since she's about 50 pounds to heavy to wear that shirt. and she had strange greasy yellow hair, glasses, acne. buhh.

COMMONER: "brainstorming" yaaa that worked well. some people being awkward, haha. locey saying the f-word (f as in feature, people, get your mind out of the gutter! :]), quizzzes, horoscopes, ya twirly sophomores i heard we do thatttt. also, i loved the suggestion about an article on hair strengtheners and stereotypes. ayayayyayaa. sorry friends, i'm only posting this on here because i'm allowed to be a catty bitch. haha also, i worked on my portfolio.

AFTER SCHOOL: swirly "ed board" meeting that hardly anyone attending, portfolio final touches, and then off to novanet.

and now this is where i am. i have spent entirely too long writing this blog and beginning to feel the onset of carpal tunnel. kkkbaizzz

also: haley hamilton and i share the same birthday. it's a jo bro ho thing. ;]

Monday, February 2, 2009

lonely, oh i'm so lonely.

i'm sitting here in commoner, bored, actually eating my lunch for once as i have no one to talk to that can distract me from eating.

i don't want to go to ceramics, this is so dumb. mrs. michel change my freaking class already. i'm coming to school really early tomorrow morn to get this fixed. in spanish we watched my hero sam brown for like 30 minutes. i hate sophomores. they are so rude. they all make fun of everything, they are so naive and immature. i'm sure seniors thought the same thing about me when i was a sophomore, but whatev. like, i love sam brown, and they alllll are like "is this supposed to be funny!?" "who is this old hag" like shut the hell up.

then they break into "remember 9th grade, it seems like so long ago!!!" "remember how suchandsuch took suchandsuch to the dance, and then suchandsuch broke up with them!?" "oh em gee!" "remember tamagatchi!?" "pokemon!?"


[this part has been removed]

end rant.
sorry, i'm just in a really irritable mood. mmm i love blueberries. that's what's in my lunch. so i have ceramics, then child development, and i'm leaving during passing period to go home and get cute for my interview. wish me luck. lolz.

ps chelsea nemec's portfolio is on the counter so i read her goal setting letter. one of her goals was to write an article about how cheer is a sport. she's so splish splashy. haha

kkbaibaibaybays. ew, did i just type that?

Sunday, February 1, 2009

likes lists.

favorite scene from this movie.

this is a list of my likes and dislikes from today.

  • when my favorite kind of pen is sold out, and they only carry it in red. or a 5 pack with 1 of my favorite kinds and crazy colors that i don't like that i inevitably ended up buying because i love those pens. yay black, blue, red, green, purple. so practical! ...
  • when i wake up late and then assume my hair is "clean enough" only to realize when i look closer in the mirror that is it disgusting. which causes me to be late, which causes my dad not being able to pick me up for a superbowl party, which causes my cousin katie to text to about me coming to said party, which causes her to rag on me for not driving already. thanks, katie!
  • when my mom attacks me and i now have cool scratches down my arms/chest.
  • how i accidentally let it slip about how i want youknowwho one time and now she wont stop teasing me about it.
  • when i'm in wal-mart and i walk past people who smell of cigarettes and have 6 kids of all different ethnicity which means she's had 6 kids with 6 different men.


  • when i'm in wal-mart and my mom and jim make fun of people in there but i'm secretly making fun of them.
  • getting new spiral notebooks/pens.
  • getting emer-gen-c or however it is split up, pink lemonade mmm.
  • singing the song from stepbrothers with colin on the phone for at least 45 minutes.
  • getting new bobby pins which i can never have enough of
  • riding my bike
  • sufjan stevens
  • john mayer
  • finding celeste's photobucket full of embarrassing photos of her in junior high.
  • not wearing any makeup at all and getting complimented at target by an older woman on how pretty i am. haha
  • letting my hair air dry and look like a total hippie. note to self: do this more often, so cute.

tomorrow: new classes, probably different lunch as all my friends until my schedule is fixed. :/ job interview at the downtown mcdonalds which i am leaving during 6th period to get ready for. haha i'm nervous, i can't help it, interviews always make me nervous. i'm just going to not think about it...

okay, night! off to reorganize my backpack/binder. i'm so entertaining.



sources: gap, urban outfitters, oldnavy, nordstroms, forever21.