Saturday, February 28, 2009

- I threw up this morning. I basically ~overdosed~ on too much aleve. So now I'm laying in bed trying to calm down because I have the ifeelshakyandinpainfeelingand maythrowup going on.

- yesterday was lizzie mcguire day/hairspray in commoner. Fabulous.

- I loved reading the experiment papers where people circled what they actually read. So funny/sad. Ha

- megan and I made the sad sad connection between regina george and nadia (who died a few years ago by being hit by a bus).

- locey really wants a blackberry and is going to practice on mine to make sure she wants one.

- I was accepted to freed-hardemen university in tennessee. But I'm still planning on doing cc for a year to save money.

- lily has the cutest collar ever. It's pink and polka dots. So adorable. She's getting groomed tomorrow, thank god.

- my mom is still bitching at me about money. I remind her that I've accepted karen's job and she said that she talked to karen and they want me to wait and see about starbucks before I work in her office. Which is fine.

- into the woods and my birthday/party are approaching very soon. ~~~~~