Tuesday, February 3, 2009

just call me trudy.

Ya novanet. I really cannot concentrate at all, so i'm turning to blogger since i have nothing more entertaining to do.

monday, february 2nd

AP GOV: gov love. there is a reason that it ryhmes. seriously? more on gov later. we just talked about the previous reading and swirled around.
ENGLISH: we started watching the italian movie, life is beautiful, i didn't like it at first because of the dumb humor, but i like it now.
SPANISH: i sit next to totally obnox people, as always. should i be surprised? my spanish class is such hell. hahah
here's where it gets complicated. first, i went to lunch. then ceramics. and then mrs. michel. and then lunch some more. and then ss with mrs. turner.
SOCIAL STUDIES: i missed the first half before lunch of senior ss with turner, so i came for the second half. eric and robin are in there. among many swirly girlies. like celeste, bradie, red-faced kyle, people who have beards (multiple bearded men!), a lot of people who are crunchy, natalie colvin (i like her, she's not a bad swirly), holly slack (she's a bit frightening-looking i hate to say), jasmine hughes, um and some others that i don't remember. we did boring things.
CHILD DEVELOPMENT: oh my god. the student teacher is the like nauseating. and the class is even worse. it's one of those young, ghetto, obnox, super loud, in your face, my jeans don't have pockets and are super light wash and i'm wearing a sparkly yellow g-string, classes. i really hate it. alexa is in there but she's totally strange now (or maybe i'm just starting to notice it...or it's because like 5 of her friends are in that class) and it seems like it's going to be really difficult subject-wise too. i'm coming in tomorrow morning to get a new 5th period because i might just kill myself in there.
COMMONER: i left before commoner for my job interview.

long story short. i had a job interview at the downtown mcdonald’s, it went perfectly, they told me i was a fantastic candidate to work for them, and that my resume and attire were impressive, yet they unfortunately couldn't hire me since i plan on going to college (they asked me about school/college in the interview and i was honest) and wouldn't be at mcdonald's very long. yaaaaa. it was ridiculous and if i'm ever asked that again i'm just going to say that i'm going to pierce or something. haha

after that, i went home, walked lily around the block, then came home and rode my bike a couple times around the block. *killer hill, megan* then jim and i started to watch hamlet 2.

lyndsie came over just as we started the movie, but we couldn't get into hamlet 2 and so we stopped it. plus jim fell asleep. haha he's so sweird. anyway, lyndsie and i just talked a lot.

drew came over for dinner, we talked/caught up, we both felt swirly so we drove to colin's to waste time/blackberry help. we got to colin's house, swirled around for and hour+ish? left.

colin called us as we were leaving that i had left my purse on his bed and to come back. drew drove to colin's house (we were on the other side of greyhawk) backwards. like, we went backwards for a really long time, and he went fast. it was kind of awesome/scary at the same time. hahaha.

drew dropped me off at home, i played with LiLy and then i worked on my commoner portfolio for about a second.

danny and i planned our trip to denny's in the morning, i texted julie and kim, then went to beddddd. 10.24 p.m. it's a record.

tuesday, february 3rd
my morning started a bit earlier than usual. okay, a lot earlier, try two hours. i have this new habit of laying in bed checking my email/fb/blogger/celebrity gossip sites on my bb for about 10 minutes before i truly wake up. so i woke up at 4:35, and started getting ready. danny said he would be there by 5:25. danny's bb malfunctioned for the alarm and he was running late. so i was running late. which ultimately caused us breakfast problems.

we left for the free grand slam at denny's at like 5:40. we stood in the cold for 5 minutes then saw eric and ran to him. i was standing in an awkward place where old people kept touching me so i inevitably moved. hahaha we stayed there until 6:55. it was so packed and we had like 8 more people in front of us before we could eat and it just wasn't realistic to stay and go to school on time. haha also, drew was there from like 6:30 on ish. when they asked us our name to put on the list danny put trudy. since earlier i suggested we all be named trudy since that's a really true name and then we could have people call us tru. we wanted to hear them yell "trudy, party of 3" so badly but sadly, we couldn't. at like 6:55 we gave up and bought our own breakfast at mcdonald's. i am a dork and accidentally dropped my big pancake/sausage/egg/biscuit meal and had to begrudgingly ask for another (free) meal. we ate, departed and drew drove us to school. also, eric - we followed you. we were trying to be creepy. hahah we're so swirly.

we got to school, say mary yoest. she was like "hey drew! hey tr!" it always catches me by complete surprise when people who aren't exactly my closest friends call me tr. like, there's nothing wrong with it (now) but it's just funny that it has caught on. rhs has caught the tr fever? hahaahaha anyways, i was like "oh funny, you call me tr too" and she's like "i can't help it! it's so darn catchy." haha yay explanation i guess. lolz on another tr related note, i somehow had to explain how everyone calls me tr and that when i see teddy roosevelt/how in books he's always referred to as "tr" i'm like "oh that's me!~" (we were talking about the panama canal/teddy roosevelt with turner, i swear it was related. hahah)

wow, where am i. this is very long. thanks for reading still, jeez!
AP GOV: gov love, gov love. it's like lovebug. i had an awk (awk is going to happen!!) moment with td and iverson, i spoke and started adding life to the classroom. we discussed the reading. i'm really nerdy and take notes on everything. yaaa. lol i love it. i seriously find everything in that book/class interesting. i'm not normal.
ENGLISH: continued watching life is beautiful, i really lke it now. but it's stressing me out because it's too tense/holocausty and i'm too compassionate that i'm getting really attached/worried about the characters. i guess that's when you know if a movie is well-done or not, huh. oh, i also had a convo with tim sayama about all the black kids going to the historical black colleges thing where they all received $500 scholarships. we talked about the ridiculous double standard and racial issues we both have to deal with. haha i like him.
LINK: hayley and i drew maps of where everyone sits in 1st and 3rd period gov. it was swirly. colin was on the computer and we ...bow bow i'm derrrrrekkk and i can sing higherrrrrrr...'d it out for three seconds. haha hayley and i also talked about the troubles of white outfits/graduation gowns/sports pants. haha ya periods!~
SPANISH: ridic as usual. steffi showed some signs of life. i learned about scary diseases that come with participating in wrestling. ew, ringworm from mats? wtf.
SS: we took a state quiz. i got 13/15 (darn wyoming/colorado, new hampshire/vermont mix ups!) and robin out of everyone in our class got 15. he's the only one who got a 100%. can i move to norway, i will learn more about american states i guess. eric and celeste oth got 8/15 because they luv geograffy. elohel. we also did a map and colored. this is kind of bull, but i kind of love it.
CHILD DEVELOPMENT: what i dread each day now. we did retarded filler activities. i wanted to bitch out the teacher so bad for being a shitty teacher. i'm sorry (actually i'm not sorry) you need to improve. we split into groups, wrote out 20 classroom rules:

-be positive
-treat others like you want to be treated
-no cell phones
-no music
-respect each other
-no put downs
-no profanity
-clean up your messes
-listen when the teacher talks
-always say please and thank you

those are just a handful of the 40 rules we wrote on the board. this is such a waste of time. like seriously? am i five years old? after each group wrote 20 rules, the team selected their top 7 to write on the board. after that, the teacher went through each one and we voted on whether or not it was a good rule and if we should keep it. then we signed the class contract. yaaaaaa. then we talked about a stupid assignment due friday, i did my portfolio during this time. (colin, i was assigned to sit next to that annoying costume girl from activists! ahh.) then we had 15 minutes left, so we had to make ridiculous name tags. during this time a girl turned to me and...

*she is staring at me* *i give her a confused look*
her: "are you new here?"
me: "no."
her: "oh."
me: "why?"
her: "i thought you were new."
me: "um, i'm definitely not."
her: "oh, are you a sophomore?"
me: "NO. what grade are you in?"
her: *smug*"i'm a junior."
me: "oh really, you look like a sophomore..."
her: *annoyed* "what grade are you in, huh!?"
me: "i'm a senior."
her: "oh..."
*goes back to her work quietly.
HA. brat.

she was so awk too with her long sleeve orange and white top with a drawstring waist which look terrible on her since she's about 50 pounds to heavy to wear that shirt. and she had strange greasy yellow hair, glasses, acne. buhh.

COMMONER: "brainstorming" yaaa that worked well. some people being awkward, haha. locey saying the f-word (f as in feature, people, get your mind out of the gutter! :]), quizzzes, horoscopes, ya twirly sophomores i heard we do thatttt. also, i loved the suggestion about an article on hair strengtheners and stereotypes. ayayayyayaa. sorry friends, i'm only posting this on here because i'm allowed to be a catty bitch. haha also, i worked on my portfolio.

AFTER SCHOOL: swirly "ed board" meeting that hardly anyone attending, portfolio final touches, and then off to novanet.

and now this is where i am. i have spent entirely too long writing this blog and beginning to feel the onset of carpal tunnel. kkkbaizzz

also: haley hamilton and i share the same birthday. it's a jo bro ho thing. ;]