Sunday, February 1, 2009

likes lists.

favorite scene from this movie.

this is a list of my likes and dislikes from today.

  • when my favorite kind of pen is sold out, and they only carry it in red. or a 5 pack with 1 of my favorite kinds and crazy colors that i don't like that i inevitably ended up buying because i love those pens. yay black, blue, red, green, purple. so practical! ...
  • when i wake up late and then assume my hair is "clean enough" only to realize when i look closer in the mirror that is it disgusting. which causes me to be late, which causes my dad not being able to pick me up for a superbowl party, which causes my cousin katie to text to about me coming to said party, which causes her to rag on me for not driving already. thanks, katie!
  • when my mom attacks me and i now have cool scratches down my arms/chest.
  • how i accidentally let it slip about how i want youknowwho one time and now she wont stop teasing me about it.
  • when i'm in wal-mart and i walk past people who smell of cigarettes and have 6 kids of all different ethnicity which means she's had 6 kids with 6 different men.


  • when i'm in wal-mart and my mom and jim make fun of people in there but i'm secretly making fun of them.
  • getting new spiral notebooks/pens.
  • getting emer-gen-c or however it is split up, pink lemonade mmm.
  • singing the song from stepbrothers with colin on the phone for at least 45 minutes.
  • getting new bobby pins which i can never have enough of
  • riding my bike
  • sufjan stevens
  • john mayer
  • finding celeste's photobucket full of embarrassing photos of her in junior high.
  • not wearing any makeup at all and getting complimented at target by an older woman on how pretty i am. haha
  • letting my hair air dry and look like a total hippie. note to self: do this more often, so cute.

tomorrow: new classes, probably different lunch as all my friends until my schedule is fixed. :/ job interview at the downtown mcdonalds which i am leaving during 6th period to get ready for. haha i'm nervous, i can't help it, interviews always make me nervous. i'm just going to not think about it...

okay, night! off to reorganize my backpack/binder. i'm so entertaining.