Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Hey! I moved blogs.

Yeah, again, I know. But! The thing is, I change blogs when there's a major break of time between intense blogging or events. Plus, it's new, clean and feels better.


Monday, August 10, 2009

I keep

replaying moments over and over.

I've been having very strange dreams too.

I'm ridiculously independent now. LOVE IT!

Sunday, July 26, 2009

I just had to show you.

I took this quiz on facebook and the results are ridiculously accurate.

Taylor completed the quiz "Personality Analysis: What is Your Most Dominant Trait?" with the result Spirited/Expressive.

The persuader. You are a natural motivator and communicator. You are also very competitive. You can sway peoples emotions by the way you talk. You have a very warm and enthusiastic personality. When talking about something, you tend to exaggerate, or leave out facts and details just to make a good story. You are a free spirit and do whatever you feel. You are either an entertainer or leader. Sometimes you’d rather talk about things than do them. People often go to you with their problems because you can make them feel better after a talk. You may not give good advice but you generally know the right things to say to cheer them up. You’re the type that enjoys being with a large group of friends and taking the spotlight. Be careful not to have a big mouth or big ego. People with this personality trait have mood changes very quickly from cheerful to bitter and vice versa! You are susceptible to starting gossip or starting a fight because you can be obnoxious sometimes! Tone down your flames!

Tuesday, July 14, 2009


I got my license. It only took me 1 year, 4 months, 3 days after I turned 16. Hahaha

To make myself feel better, a lot of people still don't have their licenses (hannah! rachael! josh! emily! emily! adriana! lizzie!) and colin got his 1 year, 4 months after he turned 16. haha I'm such a dork. I'm really excited/happy that I finally have it though. Yayyyy. :]

Friday, July 3, 2009

what have i been doing lately?

living at megan's, playing badminton, working, seeing movies, spending money, shopping. in the rare time when i'm home - i veg, play online and read.

currently reading:
confessions of a shopaholic
the time traveler's wife
harry potter and the deathly hallows

ya, i read multiple books at a time.


Tuesday, June 30, 2009

i forgot

about blogger. it wasn't for a very long time. but i honestly forgot that it existed until i was researching something and the answer was on someone's blog.

I've had the perfect past 5 days and I'm loving it. PERFECT.

Thursday, June 25, 2009

hey bitches

you're insightful.

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

my (not so) shocking discovery!

So, I read this (http://i43.tinypic.com/1o95x2.jpg) a monthish ago, but either A. didn't really read it or B. assumed that I have magical powers that make it possible to do anything. It was a combination of the two option, which is not cool.

In case you didn't click my link, how dare you? that is what this entire post is based on, girl!, it says that all credits from Tacoma Community College transfer to 4-year universities in Washington state.

That means, I'm going to be a Washington girl until I graduate from college. Not so bad, since I like it here. Yet sad since I wanted to get away. I was only sad for about 3 seconds though. Then, I asked myself, "Taylor, what university will you attend?" and then I became worried.

Here are my options (not all of them but, yeah)/how I'm feeling right now about them.

Washington State University
Ew. Ew. No. Gross. Not happening. I think/know wsu is trashy, I do plan to be a party girl, it gets way too hot there after all the crazy snow clears, driving over the pass is not happening, shame to my dad's side, happiness for jim. That is a definite no.

University of Washington
I wouldn't fit in there, I'm not very academically motivated anymore which you would know you if you read that tweet from today about how I don't even want to go to college, so many people from RHS are going there, it's just really not for me. I can't see myself walking around UW.

Western Washington University
It's funny because all three of my uncles went to TCC, then Western. I don't know enough about it to know if I'd like it.

Central Washington University
This seems like a swirly school, I can see myself there. Plus, by the time I attend (fall 2011) Taylor Herrick will have died graduated.

Pacific Lutheran University
I used to want to go there. It's in Tacoma. I love Tacoma. Who knows. They have awesome study abroad options. Oh, so I just spent 10 minutes on the website. Love it.

I know there are more colleges, but my brain is going. I guess I will just study up until it's time to transfer and know what I want to major in so I can make the best choice. Speaking of majors - HAHAHA. I'm going where the wind blows me right now.

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

"Oh, my life is good, and the past is in the past"

My brain is all over the place tonight. I'm apologizing in advance.

  • I've been waking up (when I don't have ish to do) somewhere between 10 and 2 everyday.
  • Although I was worried at first (paranoid is gross!) I really love the new Jonas album. My favorite songs are: fly with me, don't speak, turn right and before the storm.

  • I'm ridiculously excited for the concert on Sunday with Lizzie. :] Hopefully I see Camille and/or Paul there too.
  • Megan and I have been hanging out so much lately. It's weird, we are both so bitchy/get on people's nerves but for some reason we don't bother each other. Yeah, probably because we're so similar. (Bob! Pinned bangs! Heels! Pinkberrys!) Normally with friends if we're together for like 3 days, they start to annoy me, too much togetherness. With Meggy, we're totally fine and it magically gets better. I still can't believe we used to hate each other. :]
  • I'm getting my license shortly. I'm obviously excited. It's just so inconvenient not having it. Now that I have a job, my mom is letting me. HeR pRiOrItIeS aRe In OrDeR.
  • I'm really looking forward to Megan's 4th of July party and my Luau. :D
As a result (ya wasl!) of all of these things plus more that i'm forgetting, I'm loving life. I'm going to leave you with some insightful Ashlee Simpson lyrics.
"And I'm always always always running late, and my hair's a mess, even when it's straight, but so what, I'm better off everyday"
Thanks, Ash.

Saturday, June 20, 2009

You're going to Hogwarts!!!!!!!!!!!!

Megan and I were driving to Puyallup from Lacey (after watching Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone, getting into a huge conversation about Hogwarts houses) and to pass the time we became the Sorting Hat.

I'm providing house information for you as well. :] If you are curious why you're in a certain house, contact me on Facebook.

By Gryffindor, the bravest were,
Prized far beyond the rest;
For Ravenclaw, the cleverest
Would always be the best;
For Hufflepuff, hard wokers were
Most worthy of admission;
And power-hungry Slytherin,
Loved those of great ambition.

Head: Minerva McGonagall
Founder: Godric Gryffindor
Colors: Scarlet and gold
Ghost: Nearly Headless Nick

Characteristics: "Daring, nerve and chivalry", and thus its members are generally regarded as brave, though sometimes to the point of recklessness. "You might belong in Gryffindor, Where dwell the brave at heart, Their daring, nerve and chivalry, Set Gryffindors apart" - The Sorting Hat

Famous Gryffindors: Harry Potter, All of the Weasleys, Albus Dumbledore
More Gryffindors: Hayley Edmonston, Colin Gorenstein, Heather Perry, Robin Hornslien, Mary Yoest, Ty Hill, Becca Bisson, Nolan Burger, Hannah Fikar, Justin Piger, Ryan McIntosh, RJ Lopez, Bethany Gebhart, Caleb Allison

Head: Pomona Sprout
Founder: Helga Hufflepuff
Colors: Yellow and black
Ghost: The Fat Friar

Characteristics: They value hard work, patience, friendship and fair play. Very hard-working, friendly, loyal, accepting and for equality. "You might belong to Hufflepuff, Where they are just and loyal, Those patient Hufflepuffs are true and unafraid to toil" - The Sorting Hat

Famous Hufflepuffs: Nympadora Tonks, Cedric Diggory, Susan Bones, Ernie MacMillan
More Hufflepuffs: Taylor Russell, Chelsea Nemec, Laurel Barrett, Ingrid Bergland, Chelsea Brooks, Jenna Pedersen, Jarred Velliquette, Emily Harm, Emily Nelson, Drew Britton, Ashley Schleigh, Bella Lohrman-Hake, Hannah Caprara, Haley Hamilton, Kay Locey, Rachel Sherman

Head: Filius Flitwick
Founder: Rowena Ravenclaw
Colors: Blue and silver
Ghost: The Grey Lady

Characteristics: Clever, intelligent, witty, academically motivated and talented students. "Or yet in wise old Ravenclaw, If you've a ready mind, Where those of wit and learning, Will always find their kind" - The Sorting Hat

Famous Ravenclaws: Luna Lovegood, Cho Chang, Moaning Myrtle
More Ravenclaws: Megan Thompson, Kortney Scroger, Josh Velliquette, Josh Aten, Zach Grah, Emily Gogerty-Northrip, Camille Wylie, Garrison Burger, Eric Gintz, Hannah Wise-Maas, Jin Stedge, Kristen Steenbeeke, Molly Pat

Head: Severus Snape, later Horace Slughorn
Founder: Salazar Slytherin
Colors: Green and Grey
Ghost: The Bloody Baron

Characteristics: Cleverness, resourcefulness, determination and a certain disregard for the rules. The house has a negative reputation, with many claiming that it is the source of most dark wizards in Britain. "Or perhaps in Slytherin, You'll make your real friends, Those cunning folk use any means, To achieve their ends." - The Sorting Hat
Famous Slytherins: All of the Malfoys, Tom Riddle (Voldemort), Bellatrix Lestrange
More Slytherins: Danny Serna, Brian Shoaf, Zach May

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

you know what...?

I'm loving summer already.

I made a to do list on Sunday and I'm in the process of doing all of those things.

Also, I feel like I need to figure out what I should buy with the $1,500 I've received as of today. New laptop? Save up for fall when I know I will want things? Wait until Christmas when I will most likely be in Europe?

Oh and I've got a lot of secrets up my sleeve for the future too. Heh. :D

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Focused Writing

So, I've been downloading a lot of (nerdy) applications for my laptop. Kind of giving it a new life. The app that I'm currently using is called focused. All I can see right now is a black screen with white text. It blocks out all distractions. No music, no pop ups, no frozen computer screens, no flashing Facebook windows with "New message from _____!" glaring at you. It's purpose is for writers and students - which I consider myself both. I love technology more and more every day.

*I just added a character count and it makes the sound of a typewriter now. I'm about to remove the sound of the typewriter because I will go insane in 3...2...1.

I feel much better now that the sound is gone. I also changed my font color (light yellow), font (mighty to save, it keeps me typing) and my window size (narrower, like a word document with margins). I'm such a nerd. Can I marry someone who works for Adobe so I can get freebies/info? :] Hey look I'm at 956 characters. lolz

Saturday, June 13, 2009


"The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams." -Eleanor Roosevelt

Thursday, June 11, 2009


I tried, it fizzled out, it's dead and I'm done.

Also, high school is done. We aren't going to school tomorrow and that is very very bizarre.

I wish I could sleep in. But, no, I will have to wait until Sunday for that.

Typing from da pinkberry is obnox - night.

Lyndsie and graduation junk.

Lyndsie was over an hour ago. She wanted to read the last Commoner. It's crazy how much Commoner has an impact on people. Lyndsie was only on staff for one year, but she has intense Commie Pride. Here are all the things she said/did.

She always reads the entire Jagwire and then tells her classes/friends that "it is definitely not as good as Commoner and she knows it". Lyndsie always complains to me about how she wishes they had something like ours at ER. Her boyfriend often hears her talk about how amazing newspaper is and he suggests joining Jagwire. Lyndsie laughs and explains how it is just not the same and it would feel degrading/gross. I love Lyndsie. She's so ridiculous.

She read through this issue and started crying when she got to the Commoner goodbye part. She read all of them and especially liked Hayley's, Colin's and mine. She was cute and kept being like, "awww i remember this from sophomore year" and she was thrilled when she saw the photo with her in it on one page.

Lyndsie was telling me how ridiculous she felt for crying because she's not even on staff anymore. She said Commoner was one of her favorite HS things and even though she's at ER, she's a commie at heart. It was really cute and we both cried a lot. <3 We also reminisced a bit about school over the years and how it was our last day of school ever tomorrow. She's coming to the RHS graduation (depending on whether or not they will give me another ticket lolz) and I would have gone to the ER one if it wasn't during my grad party. But she's going to stop by, take photos and we will generally freak out over how old we are now. Gosh. :]

Okay, so I literally have no clue who I'm sitting with at graduation. I don't really care either about the specific seats, I just want to be near friends. haha It sucks because the logical friends I would sit next to are: Hayley - but she's academic top 10 and i think they sit somewhere else, Megan - she's not graduating, Laurel - she's avoiding me/I don't really want to bring it up/feel stupid talking about it anyway but don't want to end on a bad note if it's even possible because I have no clue what she thinks about me anyway (which by the way, if you're reading/care, can all be better if you just talk to me). So, I'm a bit screwed, possibly? I don't know. Locey is stressing me out about the seating/telling me like horror stories. Doesn't help.

Gov: I got an "award" from my 5th grade teacher (aka Adriana Cranston's dad?), it was cute. I also realized that there are less than 15 people I went to elementary school, junior high and high school with. I'm going to try and count.

Julie Smith, Lyndsie Horn (she counts!), Julia Nix, Janelle Kapsh, Alexis
Pederson, Chelsea Olivas, Breana Yardis, Breanna Moore, James Johnson, Nick

Omg, 10 people. That's crazy, considering I went to all the schools that my boundaries told me to.

I need to make cards/etc for people for all the grad parties I'm going to. I've limited myself to what's reasonable/people I actually really want to go their party/that aren't during my own party. They are: Natalie's, Josh and Jarred's, Colin's, Heather (Perry)'s, Josh's, Hannah's, and maybe Colin 2's. I had (or wanted) to say no to a lot haha: BL, Anna, Emmy, Nichole, Hayley and as of right now Laurel. I would die if I tried to go to all of those. 13!

Okay, i'm so tired.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

I found this in my desk in commoner and...

apparently I was procrastinating hardcore and typed up my saved texts folder after Anaheim.

http://tinypic.com/r/2duw8bl/5 & http://tinypic.com/r/2n85468/5

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

i fell asleep (seriously) trying to title this entry.

Recently, the bad has been outweighing the good. I've been fighting with my mom and Jim more than ever, Laurel's note really hurt my feelings and I had been having an "overwhelming sense of icky-ness" i guess.

But that all is dramatically improving now! :]

Yesterday (it's midnight right now, so i guess on Monday) I had my Starbucks interview right after school. It was the best interview I've ever had (which makes sense). i was really relaxed and for the first time pleasantly pleased with how funny i was being? It was a nice change. She hired me at the end of the interview. I really like her and the new people I met and am absolutely thrilled to be doing something new. On Monday, i also bought a really cute green dress for graduation, two pairs of heels, assorted clothes for work. The term "work" sounds so foreign. I'm a total dork, I know. haha It's fun to pass a Starbucks and be like "I work there!" It's great. Oh and on Monday night, Meggy and I resumed our late night chats and loled at everything.

Today was interesting because I wore heels to school for the first time in forever. Note to self: don't ever take your shoes off during 5th period then put them on because they will be really different and make you hurt. In gov, Iverson addressed our picks for 2012 President (Palin, Miley Cyrus + other candidates that Emily knew about). Later when I was in 5th period (in gov) I asked Iverson if he loved my drawings of Sarah Palin and Miley Cyrus on our assignment and he said they were great and made his day because grading papers is very dull. He's so cute. ~sweet pea~ In English, we finished watching Into the Wild. I've already seen it and it was the ending (which is traumatic) so instead I googled Alpha Dog which is a movie that I want to watch again. I don't care if Colin used to make fun of me for it. haha Also, Mrs. Anderson gave us hugs, the chocolate kind and the gesture kind. In Spanish, we are still watching Eres tu, Maria? so Hannah/Steffi/Molly (we got to pick our seating chart, btw) and I (but mostly Hannah and I) make sarcastic/sexual/ridiculous comments about Lola, Julio and Pedro. Whitley and I talked about my link situation which she thought was the funniest thing ever and I was almost late to 4th because she was so curious at how this all happened. Social studies was the death class, surprised? I got my cba back and passed, so yay. In 5th period I wrote in jenna's yearbook, megan's yearbook, stalked gov and then was in gov again. I wrote in sean's yearbook and am coming again tomorrow with my own yearbook. heh. Commoner was spent writing in yearbooks and Locey being really odd. Which we should be used to already, but it's a transition.

After school, I just floated around in Commoner waiting for Megan to finish in Chemistry. OH! I also collected all of my random crap from the back room/old issues/things i've been meaning to bring home for a long time. I put it in a giant garbage bag. I dragged that down the C hallway, down the stairs, down the lower floor (Lisa saw me and was cracking up because it's a very weird site to see a girl in a dress, in heels, dragging a giant, awkwardly-shaped bag across the school.) and into Niemela's room. Megan, Caty and I talked for a bit, I explained all the stuff in the "bag of dead bodies" according to Lisa. Then, Meggy and I left. I dragged the bag across her classroom and outside. I decided that I would drag it forever, unless it broke and then I would sit and wait for Megan/car. It was really loud schlepping that across campus to the junior lot. I got some very odd looks, and found it all really funny myself. I almost made it across the street thing (between the tennis courts and choir) when my bag died and everything came out. I waited for Megan and she brought her car around. So much stuff. After we got gas, we went to Cold Stone (i went back to my regular banana ice cream with gummy bears). A little girl loved Meggy's pretty prom shoes. We always have the best "fun families" that we meet. I swear, it's so funny. We talked about it after ice cream and we've met like 10 fun families together where we bond with them. Anyway, we got out ice cream and headed to Bradley Lake Park. It's really fun going there after school and we did it last Friday too. It wasn't the best decision to walk through grass/hills in short dresses and 3 and 4 inch heels. Around 6, I got home.

I learned that we had a fire while I was gone. A plastic container was being stored in the oven (tanks Maria) and Jim turned it on to pre-heat the oven. He was outside, it caught on fire after 40 minutes and he extinguished it. The house only just stopped smelling like burnt plastic. I've been begging my mom to make asparagus (my favorite ever) with dinner and she finally did after three weeks of asking.

After dinner, I took a little nap and watched The Curious Case of Benjamin Button. I've known about this movie a long time and when it was in theatres my mom didn't allow me to have money so i never saw it. BUT - OMGOMGOMG it's seriously my new favorite movie. I'm not exactly sure what my old favorite movie was but this one wins times a million. If you haven't seen it, wow, you need to.

The movie was like 2+ hours and then I went outside to take Lily to the bathroom. She was on the leash and I heard a crying sound. It was a baby bird that had fallen out of tree in my neighbors yard. I went over and put it back gently. It was amazing.

So, there is my confusing day (I need to stop using side notes) and I'm going to pass out.

2 days of school left. I'm very ready. I don't even really want to do commencement, but will anyway. haha My grandma wants me to go to a dinner/party for my dad's birthday tomorrow. But my dad doesn't even want to go. Gahhh.

1. I can't stop listening to Kelly Clarkson's new(ish) cd. OMG.
2. Typing/texting with a band-aid is hard.
3. I have nail polish on my toes that changes color in the sun. Do you? No. Suck it.

Monday, June 8, 2009

why am i so excited?

like, it's just a job. but i'm really excited! i'm a total dork. :]
also, i love natalie, she cracks me up.

Sunday, June 7, 2009


i don't want to go to baccalaureate. my mom is forcing me. so last night i told her that this is pointless, i don't want to go, i'm the one graduating. she didn't say anything other than that i was a selfish brat like veruca salt in willy wonka.

this morning i presented my argument again. "you're still going." and i was like NO. I called my grandparents (my mom invited them) to give them a 4 hours heads up that we're not going.

now my mom is freaking out about how i'm so selfish, this isn't for me to decide, i won't amount to anything because i'm a selfish bitch and that i need to clean my room.

i really would be fine if someone decided to dispose of her for the rest of eternity.

oh and fyi, i won, we're not going.

Thursday, June 4, 2009

honors and awards

was really really hot.

thank you circle was really really emotional. especially after school.

i love you guys so much. <3

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

my new and improved commoner goodbye, the uncut 600 word version of it.

When you think of high school, what comes to mind? What is that thing you always are going to remember? My answer, undoubtedly, is being apart of the Commoner.

As soon as I joined newspaper my sophomore year, I knew that this class was unlike any that I had ever taken before. It was loud, people were dancing, everyone was talking at light speed and animatedly using their hands. It was a completely unique situation, one that I had never encountered before. All the sophomores looked around, enchanted at what was going on around us. This was something special - and we were apart of it now.

Immediately Commoner was my favorite class. I counted down, “only two more classes to go”. I knew that once it was 6th period, there were an extraordinary amount of things to involve myself in.

Being apart of journalism has taught me a lot. I now carry in my tool belt an insane amount of AP style rules, an extensive knowledge of Adobe InDesign, the ability to talk to complete strangers about the most obscure topics for articles thanks to newspaper.

I’ve almost become a pro at stapling. Wait, what? Yes, stapling. The part of our room that is most often stared and gawked at is the Wall of Shame. It’s an enormous bulletin board where items deemed worthy enough are placed upon it. It’s a Commoner tradition that has been going on for years and hopefully many more years to come. No Scotland allowed, sophomores!

My favorite pieces on the Wall include: a yamaclaus invitation from the 2007 Chrismukkah that Colin and I memorably burned our fingers making, photos of Ratar, Batar, Kyrie and core four, the letter we each contributed to that won Locey her well-deserved WJEA adviser of the year award last year, the translation of “You can’t sit with us!” from Mean Girls in Korean which I‘m sure will come in handy some day, a “vignette” written by one very unconfident teen and an article cut out from The Apple Leaf about a woman named BJ Kuntz (don’t think I’m kidding).

These things may seem trivial, but they represent all those hours after school that we slaved away on the paper. “Slaved” because I often feel like an over-worked, under-paid slave after we finish each issue.

If I told you how often I’m in the Commoner room, you would think I was a total freak. But, I guess we’re all just a bunch of freaks. Who else sings musicals loud enough that visitors stop by our room after hearing us from the other end of the second floor, organizes frequent meal/drink orders with a cute, font-friendly list, points obnoxiously to strangers in the hallway saying “You’re going to Western!” and has a mini fridge with spray butter. (In case anyone is curious, the spray butter is actually kind of awesome and I suggest you all buy it.)

So, instead of leaving with you thinking about spray butter, I’ll leave you with this. Being on the Commoner has been the most magical experience.

If you aren’t on staff - I hope you walk past the room, peer in, see how incredible it is and walk away with utter jealousy. If you are on staff - thank you for everything you do. You’re all my favorite swirly babes. Ed. Board - you guys have made my life more colorful. Colin, Laurel, Hayley and Megan - you all are the kindest, most insightfully true people I know. I love you more than the Jonas Brothers and you know that’s saying something.

Monday, June 1, 2009

I'm copying Emily.

buy graduation tickets (the office said i can still do it because i've been so fucking sick), get photos from benj, send to costco, print them there, put together announcements, mail announcements, finish commoner goodbye!, bella's photo, bella's page, CBAAAAAAAAAAAAAA, figure out all my blue slips/notes/early release forms and get it handled, turn in gov book, turn in algebra II book, turn in two library books I still have, give eric beauty and the beast back which i borrowed like in january, give jenna her shoes back, give jenna her twilight book back, get deathly hallows back from jenna's mom, buy my dad a birthday present, get application from ~~~~~~~~~~~~~, job interview on wednesday, job interview on monday, make food for late night or get money, give them their baby photos back, send laurel baby photos/disk of assorted photos?, keep taking/not forgetting to take my medications, suffer from cramps (i hate you period, but thanks for not happening during graduation), buy graduation dress, buy yearbook!!!!!, pay fines, get all my shit from the back room out (...:[), bring my commoner portfolio back to locey? haha, do spanish worksheets/tests that i've missed, give lily a bath, write in everyone's yearbooks, buy giftcards/gifts for locey, leonardy and michel, take placement test for school, pay muniez, figure out who i'm living with?


Sunday, May 31, 2009

I had the best one-sided conversation with Colin today.

Okay, technically, it wasn't one-sided because he responded once, but still.

[over facebook IM]

Taylor: Hi
Colin: Hi
Taylor: So, I need you.

[an hour later]

Taylor: I like you the way you are.
When we're driving in your car.
And when you're talking to me one on one.

Taylor: Why'd you have to go and make things so complicated?

Taylor: No, no, no.
Take off all your preppy clothes.
You fall, you CRAWL, you take what you get.

Taylor: Colin, i'm so fucking hyper right now.

Taylor: i'm listening to avril lavigne for fuck sake.
*jim answers the phone, walks out the front door, stands in doorway with door wide open.*
*aly, the cat escapes in the front yard*

Taylor: "That could of easily have been Lily!!! You need to be careful and close the doors. What if that had been Lily!?" (By the way I had Lily on the lease outside.)
Jim: "Then maybe she would have been run over!"
Taylor: "You are such a fucking asshole, how dare you say that."

Saturday, May 30, 2009

Jimmy Fallon is so plush.

So those animals above are how i've been looking/feeling lately. My mouth/jaw/cheek on the right side is completely swollen. It's kind of a long story but i'm going to try and make it easy to understand? Maybe?
I've been sick all week. I woke up on Friday and my mouth was slightly swollen/felt weird. Iverson thought I had my wisdom teeth pulled out. I felt sick still and called my mom. Jim picked me up from school at the beginning of 3rd period. I went home and cried over how sick I was/mouth pain/stress. My mom made a dentist appointment after I forced her to. I researched and I have an abscess tooth. Which is not fun/extremely painful/dangerous/needs to be treated asap or it gets worse. The dentist said I have to get that tooth pulled out/another one that the abscess went to too/root canal. It was confusing and the dentist I went to had a strong African accent so I wasn't sure what he was saying. The cost of all my dental work will be $2,600+ because my mom is a bad person and didn't put me on her dental plan.
I am taking two giant pills three times a day, advil every 5 hours, this other prescribed pill every 4 hours. I'm not allowed to have any dairy. (Technically I can as long as it's 2 hours after I take a pill and 3 hours before the next pill, which is so confusing/basically impossible.)
SOOOO life is sucking. I had to reschedule my senior photos that were supposed to be tonight for monday night after layout.
today rest, trying to recover, find something to eat that doesn't have dairy in it
sunday prepare hardcore for my CBA on monday/tuesday during 4th period ahhh
monday cba, layout, finish commoner goodbye that i only have on my computer at school/meant to finish on thursday but i've been too sick to be at school/photoshoot with benj and hayley
tuesday cba, late night
wednesday job interview (i had to reschedule because i was dying.)
thursday the last thank you circle ever, honors and awards night
friday the last issue of commoner comes out :[, senior assembly

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Our Playlist


Lovebug - Jonas
Goodnight and Goodbye- Jonas
Hoedown Throwdown - Miley Cyrus from Hannah Montana: The Movie
Taylor the Latte Boy – Kristin Chenoweth
Why Not - Hilary Duff
This is What Dreams are Made of – Hilary Duff
Life is a Song – Patrick Park
Too Cool – Camp Rock

things that i like about today

things that i like about today
  • how good a haircut makes you feel
  • that conner failed his test to get his permit three times already, his grades are SO bad that jim isn't letting him take driver's ed until the beginning of october, which will give me time to get my license before him.
  • that my favorite restaurant is catering my grad party
  • southern belles - louisville on soapnet
  • that my state of being has dramatically improved since the blogs i posted earlier today. medicine is magical.
  • how when i was driving to pepper's, i carefully averted being in an accident. it wasn't my fault at all. this is the second time i've almost been in an accident while leaving pepper's in the past 8 months. SO DANGEROUS.
  • how my hair stylist's friend is getting married and needs a photographer and i told her about benj/wrote down his website for her.

Because Jenna said to two.

Nothing interesting has been going on lately. My mom has been dragging me around to apply for jobs, embarrassing me and generally making me feel like crap. Which, in fact, I already do feel like crap because I'm sick. I feel as if my throat is continuously getting smaller because it's swollen and it's hard to breathe. It doesn't help that my nose is plugged as well. YA AIR. haha

Also, I like, haven't gone to school this week other than Wednesday. I'll go tomorrow though.

Speaking of tomorrow. Layout. I have one page, and it's about Bella. I just got a phone call and I have a job interview tomorrow at 3:30, so I won't be able to go to layout on Friday. I probably can come when my interview is over though. I can't imagine getting out of there any later than 4:15. Then I can work a bit (if Bella ever writes Laurel back!) and we can all go to dramafest.

On Saturday, I'm getting my senior photos taken finally by the same amazing guy that took Hayley and Eric's photos. We're going to point defiance, the waterfront and this "indie hill with tall grass". :] Hayley is coming with me because she is made of awesome. (lol 5AG)

Sunday will be devoted to preparing for my CBA about oil in the middle east. SO INTERESTING. blarg.

Monday = layout
Tuesday = late night
Wednesday = layout
Thursday = the last thank you circle ever. OMFG.
Friday = senior assembly/senior slideshow. OMFG.

It just really occurred to me that school is almost done and we're on our last production cycle...ever. Gah!

I need to:
Pick up my extra graduation tickets -- tomorrow
Buy my yearbook
Figure out what I'm wearing for my job interview
Let Laurel know about me not being at layout for the first part in case you
aren't reading this right now. :]
Give Jayson/Bryan/Maggie their baby photos back because I scanned them last
week and then layout happened. haha
Pick out all the stuff for my graduation party.
Buy giftcards
for my favorite teachers as a tank yooh for everything.

TODAY: find inspiration for bella's page, get over this stupid cold, take more medicine, take a shower for my haircut that conveniently is today before the interview/photos. haha

Because Jenna said to.

Well, I haven't blogged in a while. Correction - I've blogged, I just haven't posted them. I have a few drafts saved on here but decided they were dumb. Also, I've technically been "blogging" over on twitter. I think I will share some with you. They are really insightful. Here are a couple of my favorite tweets.

I'm a realist. You know why? I don't kid around by puttting 6:20 as an alarm. We all know I'm waking up at 6:45 regardless of my intentions. from TwitterBerry

It freaks me out when girls smell like deodorant. from TwitterBerry

"I like you a lot - all I want is hot hot hot." -gaga from TwitterBerry

i'm so glad that jet lag has never affected me. from web

Donde esta la lista, la lista, esta aqui! from TwitterBerry

It's so bizarre that I'm GRADUATING, like, me, in less than two months. I'm wearing my cap and gown. from web

So, what do circus performers have to do with journalism? from TwitterBerry

2 girls, 2 laptops, 1 bed. from web

Thursday, May 21, 2009


my life is so complex with my mom right now and prom things. she is refusing to help contribute 5 dollars for caleb's ticket and wants danny to pay for it because it's his fault. like danny would ever pay for anything, ever. this is retarded.

she's like we're not buying the ducks money until tomorrow when caleb gives you money and remind megan she owes me 66 dollars from florida.

fuck you, you selfish prick.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

dear petite, stylish, asian woman...

dear petite, stylish, asian woman who will be giving me a manicure and pedicure tomorrow,

i'm sorry that my toenails are so small, they've always been like that. i'm also really sorry that my fingernails are a mess. i've been biting my nails my entire life except for 2 months last year but that obviously didn't last long. i bite my nails when i'm stressed, anxious, bored in class, sad, mad, frustrated - a lot. not only do i bite my nails, i but i accidentally give myself multiple hangnails per hand. i don't even realize i'm doing it until my fingers are bleeding. oops. so this is my early, virtual apology.

love, that girl who can't relax and takes it out on her nails

Monday, May 18, 2009

2 days until my senior board presentation.
4 days until Laurel's bonfire, which i need to find some papers to ceremoniously burn/food to contribute.
5 days until senior ball.
17 days until graduation.
43 days until the Jonas Brothers concert that Lizzie and I have 7th row.

Grandma, who the heck is TR?

Something just occur ed to me.

Now, I may be (insert that one chicken/egg metaphor that I always say wrong here) buttttt I will be blogging until graduation. That means...wait for it...wait for it. I BLOGGED FOR MY WHOLE SENIOR YEAR! Which was my goal. I mean how many of you readers (who reads blogs any more, maybe 3 people? does it matter - no.) or former readers can say that? Uh, none. Not even Jarred, who started this blog this technically before I publicized the hell out of my blog back in September.

I'm really proud of myself for sticking to my blog(s). Sure, I've gone weeks without blogging, but I over-blogged plenty of times and it's even.

Every birthday until I was 15, I received an object. Spiral, bound, homemade, personalized with a photo, leather, plastic, under lock and key, shiny, covered in fabric. Diary, journal, secret keeper - you name it, I had it. (In fact, I wish I still had that one diary where you had a password on it. Gah.) The point is, every single birthday I would sit down with my new journal and go "This is the year.". This would be the year that I would stick to the plan, follow through and write in my journal consistently. Well I was in the lie tribe growing up apparently since I never managed to do it. I would write on my birthday night talking about all my new presents, my friends, what grade I was in, my teacher/school, what I like to do. You know, so the journal could get to know me? Screw logic. Three days was as far as I could get back then. Now look at me. A whole school year. Yay. :]

On my that's so true, tr blog, I've posted 259 blogs. On my i know i saw a light in you blog, I've posted 115. That's 374 total, which is more than enough for one blog per day for an entire year. Holy crap.

It was so worth it. I caused drama on accident several times, I caused drama on purpose a few times, I whined, I cried, I deleted about 10 blogs because they were ridiculous, I was called a cunt via comments, I was told a lot of really rude things via comments actually, I posted photos, videos, links, my dreams, my experiences, my ~true~ feelings. It was a nice outlet. It was never about other people reading my blog (even though there was a time where I was getting 100 hits a day, and a lot of people joined blogger after the new year...), it was for me in so many ways. <3 blog.

I didn't mean to write so much about a trivial topic, but I did. It's done. And I'm not deleting any of it.

Maybe one day I will make this blog into a physical copy so I can keep it forever. Then I can say, "Hey look - this is all from my senior year of high school!" to my grandkids and they can say "grandma, who the heck is TR?"

Saturday, May 16, 2009

is it possible?

Is it possible to have a crush on a song? Because I'm pretty sure I do. And I'm pretty sure I've been sending this songs flirty texts for about four months now.

But seriously - I adore this song. It's in French, I have no clue what it is saying, but it's so beautiful, light, cute and girly. I can't help myself.

The video is also really adorable.

So I just translated it and this is the chorus. How cute!

"It likes me again, and you you like me a little stronger But it likes me again, and me I like you a little stronger And despite that it likes me again, and me I like you a little stronger But it likes me again, and I like you a little stronger"

Blogging is fun again for some reason. Today I went and picked up all my prom stuff. I'm really true. Senior boards. ahhh i can't even think about that. sjaksjdksjdkad,kxasjdks. NO.

Friday, May 15, 2009

More suck than not.

It just wasn't a good day. Shitty things kept happening and I kept feeling stupid, embarrassed, annoyed and wanted to bitch everyone out for some reason. No, I'm not about to start my period. Haha It was just one of those bad days.

In English, I had to catch up on all my journal writes that I was missing (5, which filled about 4 notebook pages and were really detailed) and like 16 vocab words/definitions.

In Spanish, we had a party (that was great!) but I had to finish my stupid social studies worksheet. I didn't understand some things and had to google answers for 30 minutes of the party.

In Social Studies, there was group confusion. Kyle "red-faced" Meyers said his person (report/bio) was the same as mine, so we prepared for our presentation together. During the presentations, he realized that he was in the group before us and went up with them. So, I was left alone for my presentation. Except when I got up for President of Syria, so did Bradie and someone else. So we had to figure out our ish for the presentation. They were/are stupid and it was just not good. Also in social studies, I realized I didn't do like 4 worksheets and they were all due today. I hate busy work, I've been preaching to sophomores to not take senior social studies. Seriously - PREACHING. I really was passionate about not taking ss to baby ingrid, aka kayley, aka molly pat's bff, i went into senarios and was pleased with how funny I was being as stupid as I sound. haha

At lunch, talking to Drew sucked so much. Hair and dress situations also sucked.

In 5th period, Locey made me do work again which I can't grasp because she hasn't made me grade things in 2 months. I was like, "seriously? i have things to do today." hahaha I did all the promy things. Restaurant reservations, nails, hair. Pepper's was booked other than 2 appts at 2, so I booked them at Gene Juarez to be safe. Then Hay and Meg said it was too expensive. (Btw, Hayley and I got into Pepper's because my mom called and she knows everyone there.) Erm yeah. Colin 2 came in, which was random. haha I showed him the famous wall of shame that everyone is fascinated with. He asked plenty of questions. :]

In 6th period, I realized that I forgot to edit/write notes all over the Cub feature (about mr. ferguson's photography which is so freaking ironic and awkward and i need to tell lizzie or send her this link. if i send her this link. hey lizzie. ~shout out~) so i edited dat. I don't like it very much but it will do. :/ I went to cub and talked a mile a minute but she followed me. I made Ryan a form for his article but the stupid printer wouldn't print again! Can you not? Oh and Laurel made me feel awkward about wanting to go to her little brother's play tonight. I JOKE about wanting Christian. I mean, sorry he's attractive? At the same time I'm like jealous that she has a cool brother and I have ~Conner~. Plus, I like plays but whatever. It didn't matter that much until she made me feel embarrassed for wanting to go in the first place. Yaaa.

After school, I started getting dizzy and hot. Heather took me home and we talked about how incredibly glad we aren't on staff next year. We also talked about how her only intern is RJ. Good planning, Chort. I know they want him to be sports, regardless Heather should have a sophomore as well interning with her because it's not like RJ could teach someone else. I filled out an application for a job and dropped it off. Blah blah blah.

That's why my day was shit. I'm disabling the comments because I don't want to talk about any of it.

Love, Negative Nancy...or Pessimistic Penny...or Gloomy Glenda. Damn, I'm awesome.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009


I've had a slight obsession with names for my entire life. Maybe it has something to do control. I get to control the person's/animal's/object's name, and hopefully make it stick/dictate their future. Regardless, I've always been intrigued by names and their meanings.

Do you remember when Target randomly sold fish? They sold them on the ends of the cash registers like candy. Well, I persuaded my parents and got one. There were 4 fish in my container (later there were 13, 37 snails and they wouldn't die! but that's a different story for a different time). I don't remember how old I was but if I look it up, I can connect my age to when certain shows were on tv. My dad told me 2 of the fish were girls and 2 were boys. (Years later he told me he just guessed for fun.) I had a big decision to make, FOUR names! After a long decision-making process I settled on Jenna, Jaws, Jewler and Josh. Reflecting on this it's funny because I'm now friends with a Jenna and a Josh. Jenna from Survivor: The Amazon which was on in 2003. I supported Jenna from the start and she was my favorite. Josh from Big Brother, the first season. He ended up being the runner-up and I loved him because he was funny. Jaws is obviously the infamous shark from the infamous shark movie. It was my 10 year old attempt at irony naming a fish smaller than my pinky after a giant man-eating shark. Jewler is my aunt Sue's childhood fish's name that she accidentally killed. My dad would tell me stories from his childhood every night before I went to bed and that was my favorite one. Also, I was anal as a child seeing as all of the names had to start with the letter J.

Back to names. It's really hard for me to not ~waste~ names on pets. Aly is my transgendered cat. Aly had about 4 name changes. First, she was Lavender (Brown from the Harry Potter series). My mom ended up hating it because it was hard to call out. Then, she was Charlotte, which is a name I used to love. But my old friend Megan (Bradley, lol) had a stuffed bear named that and it had awkward meanings. Aly it is! Then we found out months later that she was really a he. We attempted Alan, but had to change it because it reminded me of a smelly boy in my classes. Ollie (short for Oliver) didn't last long at all and Aly was Aly the boy cat. I learned my name lesson from that and became decisive after Aly.

Lily is a name I loveeee. It is really meaningful to me because of Lily Potter. It symbolizes the Harry Potter series which helped me love reading again in the 6th grade. Also, Lily Allen and her third nipples and drinking problems are hilarious to me.

I didn't mean to be so elaborate about my old pets' names, but here I am. Here is a list of names I love right now and their meanings according to babynames.com. I have an account on their too? Such a freak.

LAYLA This is my favorite name for a girl. I think it's just really sweet and girly. I think about naming all my children after songs sometimes. Layla means night or black - which I didn't know until now. Black bitch.
GABY Shortened from Gabriella. I like names that end in As and Ys, this does both. I can imagine this name in the future for some reason. Gaby means God is my strength...random.
AMELIA I was almost named this, it was my dad's idea. I love Amelia Earhart tremendously and think this name is adorable. This is the only girl name on my list that I actually have looked up the meaning before and it means to strive or to excel. Yay.
SASHA This name is sassy. I was a sassy child, and I would assume my future child would be a sassy brat at times. Sasha means defender of the leader. Aw, a little leader. hahaha

BEN Short for Benjamin obviously, but I don't really like Benjamin and would rather just name him Ben. I found this name when I searched for names that meant helpful, and this came up since it means "son of my right hand", like a right-hand man. Every boy I've ever met that was named Ben was really kind, polite and helpful.
JAMES I like strong, traditional names and this is definitely an example. I think this name is really cute, but only when the boy is actually called James. Not Jim, like my terrible step dad - EW.
PARKER I've liked this name since junior high. I'm not going to bother looking this up because I'm almost positive it means the one who cares for a park.

Time to do my current event that I would have forgotten about if JV didn't post that status! ahh.

Fredrick and Georgia

I'm convinced I will have boy/girl twins when I'm older. How ridiculous would it be to have their middle names be Fredrick and Georgia?!

An Open Letter to Laurel:

hahaha, not that kind of open letter.

Laurel, I'm loving that your splish splash is over and that we keep having lots of fun together. :] It's like old times and I luhhhhhhhvb it. haha

Sunday, May 10, 2009


so, i went on career cruising today for fun.

tell me why no matter how many times throughout the years i've taken the career matchmaker test...something called communication specialist is always in my top two. it's been my number one match all year and i think i've taken this test about three times during senior year.

why? i don't like it.

also, i have no clue what i want to be these days. absolutely no direction. it's strange and i've scarcely been in this state since kindergarten. i have a few ideas, but who knows.

on my most recent matchmaker test that i just took, the following options struck my fancy. i love that saying.

event planner
planning, controlling, budgeting, blackberry-ing, persuading, dressing cute, shopping, living in a big city, micro-managing, spreadsheets - need i say more?

elementary school teacher
i feel like laurel when saying that is an option. i've become freakishly good at ~dealing~ with things lately. i may seem like an unlikely candidate for this job, ya swearing, ya true, but i wanted to be a teacher until sophomore year when i joined commoner and ditched teaching for journalism. but now that i've ditched journalism, why not go back to the career i always wanted. maybe I will be the one with a white picket fence, 2.5 kids and a dog.

Thursday, May 7, 2009

megan is pooping her pants and eating cookies.

1. i need to move out.

2. i'm tempted to have my dad break the news to my mom on sunday, aka mother's day, to be extra evil.

3. i'm tired.

4. i want anchorman to load.

5. i need my prom dress.

6. i hate bitches.

i love

that megan and i haven't fought or been bitchy towards each other at all. the only bad thing about this vacation is my mom and jim, other than that it's great.

the way my hair feels underwater.

going upside down on roller coasters

that universal studios is getting a harry potter world for 2010

that legally blonde the musical is coming to seattle

megan's indie music that is playing

the hulk roller coaster that we went on yesterday that was incredible

how soaked we got on a "kiddy" log ride and how i was in the front

how the 2nd row on jurassic park doesn't get wet at all and how we went on again but sat in the front row

that 4 years ago i would never have gone on any of these rides because i used to be so afraid of them

how every time that we went on dueling dragons, our toes went numb

i hate

not having the control

people trying to be insightful

people trying to be insightful, intriguing, unique online/blogs/text when they aren't

the sticky, greasy feeling on your skin after you put sunscreen on

not having money

feeling helpless in some situations

not knowing where i am going to live

worrying about my mom taking away everything i own when my dad calls her to say i want to live with him. goodbye fun, goodbye ruining the end of my senior year. fuck.

feeling so overwhelmed by everything that i just want to let the current take me out to sea forever

Thursday, April 30, 2009


So, I was taking a break from my pages and found this dress. It's exactly what I'm looking for, except the color is awk. I'm going to check it out in the store soon and see if the color actually is cute.


UPDATE: I found it in navy blue! Perf.

infamous college list.

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

i have a feeling that i will fall off the face of the earth in september and stay in touch with maybe 5 people from high school.

sounds good to me, actually.

Monday, April 27, 2009

Sunday, April 26, 2009

i love lily with all my heart, but my life would be so much easier without her. she's taught me a lot about myself, but still. it's hard.


i hate how there isn't anything in this house to eat other than the following things.

1. leftover pizza
2. hot dogs
3. frozen chicken nuggets
4. lettuce
5. cherry poptarts

i'm not a fan of pizza, but have had it for dinner three times this week. i get tired of hot dogs easily because i don't think they taste good, i had one last night for dinner. conner and i ate all the chicken nuggets this week when we weren't having pizza. our parents got into them too and soon they were all gone. i hateeeeeee cherry poptarts and refuse to eat them. so basically, all i've been eating is lettuce. i feel like a rabbit, it's ridiculous. i've had two bags of salad in three days. when i'm tired of salad as meals, i refil my water bottle.

this is so pathetic. my mom asked me if i want a hot dog for dinner and i said "not again! why don't we have real meals any more?" and she answered with "too many dishes. have a hot dog or go hungry."

another reason that i want to live at my dad's, he's an awesome cook, he's a healthy cook, there's always food, cooking is one of his favorite hobbies, he can count the times he's had fast food on one hand.

today i've had the following things: 9 bottles of water, 2 bowls of lettuce, 1 white chocolate lindt ball, 2 pieces of plain toast. i feel like i'm on a strange reality show or something.

this is getting really old.


every 2 minutes a bitchy remark comes out of my mom's mouth from the other side of the house hitting me where it really hurts on subjects i'd rather not talk about, where she knows she will get a reaction and make me cry.

i need out NOW.

Friday, April 24, 2009

today started off with me turning my cell phone alarm off, thinking i was awake, and placing it on my face. 45 minutes later...i woke up. with less than 25 minutes to get ready, i skipped washing my hair and felt disgusting.

i had to do my current event. i am such an awkward person. i could sing my heart out in front of some classes and not care (english, social studies, civics, art, commoner) but i am so afraid in gov and start shaking. :/

finished our group project. i really love it. if you want to see it, it's right next to hallberg's room and is the painted one. check out the TR "engraved" on the willow tree. ;]

we're ~preparing~ for spanish III and a couple days a week we speak only spanish. when we do this, we earn little pesos. i had to ask something in spanish today. also, she asked me when my practice senior board was/whether it was the speech or interview/if i was nervous and i had to reply. haha we took a quiz, that i did bad on. i'm fine when i'm at school for the whole lesson and i never need to study, but from nationals i was really confused. hahah :P

social studies
i officially checked out that period. eric and robin were the only ones in the entire class contributing to the class discussion. it was so pathetic. i'm so tired of reading things in there. fml.

independent study
went to the office with the cart and got more paper for the teacher's lounge. locey was impressed with how fast i was and i decided i'm now a professional at these tasks. i should really work in an office or something as a temp. i know my way around the whole main office/lounge/that book room. mrs. yahn and mrs. scheidt address me by name now because i'm in there often. i helped a sophomore's dad (who was lost in the C building and had a cool, very strong European accent) find the main office to get ahold of his son. haha then locey made me write something for mr. brittain's blog.

the only thing i can remember really is the spooky in the middle game with the ball, and spook in the middle with megan where we were ridiculous to people in commoner.

after school
i took my hamlet test, it went well...ish. then i had to wait 45 minutes for jim to pick me up. i ended up outside in the sun reading my magazine. heather approached me with a weird look, took pity on me and drove me home. haha

i made a calendar on indesign that is from today until graduation, color coordinated and super cute. except it stresses me out hardcore because i realize i actually have to do all of those things.

i had a lot of energy so i alternated from running and speed walking on the treadmill for about an hour. is it weird that i was holding a magazine and on the treadmill at the same time? hahaha. i was really tired after that, so i went in the backyard and played with lily. then i collapsed (on purpose...ha) onto the grass and looked at the clouds because i'm true. thank God my backyard is fenced and no one can see me well. i was literally leaping around the yard and dancing funny with lily. HA.

after this, my mom decided to yell at me for a good half hour. my dad called to say he has a meeting with his lawyer this week and he's almost positive it won't be that big of a deal because i have the most say in my main location because of my age. he said it won't be as bad as i think. so that's great.

erm, i think that's it.
tomorrow i'm dropping off an application at amanda's work, because someone is about to leave and they will be hiring. amanda is going to give my app to her manager. last time she did this, they hired her friend. fingers crossed.

Thursday, April 23, 2009

I just talked to my Dad.

We are officially starting the custody battle now. He made me wait a bit to make sure this was what I wanted and it's been two weeks. So, here we go. He's calling his lawyer to set up a meeting this weekend. In the meantime, I'm researching child custody in Washington state.

If only I was 18. 11 months until I am free from custody drama. But I honestly can't wait that long. This is affecting where I go to college. You would think if I am making big decisions like college, I would be able to decide if I live with my mom or dad? We'll see how this plays out. Merrrrr.

Wish me luck.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

anything can happen in the woods.

before school
My mom has the flu. Maria drove me to school. Colin saw the drop off. lolll.

late to english, leonardy was in a bad mood, started our group project, one of the girls in my group might be pregnant and one might not graduate. :[

social studies
popcorn reading, AYE-RABBS, Natalie was the big blue giant.

cake and brownies to celebrate!! :] talking, group talking.

after school
tried to upload photos, ended up cutting out/printing off feature articles and tips on how to write features for jared, watching rj's fighting videos. colin and i went to jamba juice. we saw katie danner, fylisha and her bf, cammi who graduated two years ago. then we went to taco del mar and ate sexy tacos. then we went over to border's [deja vu, last time we found the "don't you just hate..." book]. we were sexual beings, went to our favorite section, saw someone from else from vanguard, colin got hilary's birthday present [which is incredible, love love love], i searched for on sale books in the ~blowout~, talked about colin's beard.

i got home, played with lily, watched tv [thrilling!], changed my clothes, and started uploading the photos. colin gave me his memory disk [yayyy] and it took forever and a half to upload 1200 photos. once i did, i sorted them into folders for uploading, edited some. then my fb was freaking out so i had to upload them to photobucket, go on the home computer, go to photobucket, save the photos, and THEN upload to fb. fml. it took hours. so worth it though.

drew texted me "let's go get ice cream." randomly, so we did.
we went to cold stone, saw blake brown working. [meggy, i got the strawberry banana rendezvous] then we went to the park on 86th and went ~into the woods~. we had a ground-breaking conversation and i love drew a whole lot/we are hanging out more often that's for sure.

i came home, relaxed, worked on my portfolio, applied for 8 jobs at wild waves. ya ya ya.

tomorrow? working in the art room during 5th period with amanda. also, talking to ancheta, printing something at lunch and turning my portfolio into keen hopefully.

and apparently we have an editorial board meeting on thursday after school, which sucks because i told leonardy that i would take my hamlet test that day. and since the last meeting was, what? 2 hours, i now i have to take the test on friday. also, on friday i'm spending the night at lizzie's house and we're going to be very jonas-y. haha i almost forgot about that. i hope lizzie didn't forget. lol.

about to pass out.
OH WAIT. fun? fact. when drew was leaving, we hugged inside my house and katie (jim's big black dog) bit drew! it freaked me out. katie was growling. i think it was because it was a like, extended hug or something. after drew left, i told my mom and she said that katie is very protective and would kill anyone who got too close to me. she also said that katie hates men and probably thought drew was trying to hurt me.
the end. night.

Monday, April 20, 2009

A. in the font FloralTwo, if you type "42" (a number i was using for my pages) it comes out saying "TR". i died!!

B. i have a really good theory about locey/ her retirement, ask me about it at lunch or something.

C. i still love amy winehouse.

Sunday, April 19, 2009

three things about nationals.

nationals = absolutely incredible.
i'm not in a blogging mood tonight but i can say a few things.

1. i'm shocked i placed individually at all and it feels great to be a nationally recognized journalist.

2. i'm so happy we placed as a paper. 10th is better than not placing. we didn't place at all last year. (...)

3. i love my friends on Commoner so much. it's going to be tough to graduate and leave something good behind. of course we will all do it - but it will be interesting to see how it all plays out.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

tits galore on i love money 2.

hamlet worksheet

social studies
middle east map. coloring is so productiveeeeee. natalie attempted to read me from her play for dramafest but we're apparently not allowed to read in class.

world at a glance, check on hannah montana nationals people, haley and i started learning the hoedown throwdown. LOVES IT.

after school
starbucks with julie, novanet - very accomplished, hence other blog. pain with lily, see dailybooth. i miss blogging.

~the best years~

Study for Gov. test that I'm taking tomorrow after school. Colin, was it hard?
Clean room for random person inspecting our house tomorrow.
Start packing/making lists for Phoenix. I keep wanting to say Anaheim.
Go to store for random nationals things.
Stop breaking out? hahaha Seriously, the tension in my house is killer.
Fix one minor thing in my portfolio and give it back to Mrs. Keen.
Finish Novanet by June 1st or risk not graduating.
Bring Megan's peacoat to school.
Pay for Commoner shirt tomorrow.


(Teddy Roosevelt and I of course)

I worked really hardthis novanet and finished a bunchhhh of stuff. Only a couple more things to go. Woo hoo!

so amazing. :]

I saw a photo of someone I haven't seen/talked about/thought about in months and it took me by surprise. Who is this? Oh yeah - them. It was great what a little time could do. :]

swirliness, video, reading.

we learned the cha cha. i danced a lot. i got extra credit. i did the hoedown throwdown with my friends.

independent study
locey cried. i ran back and forth to the office carrying heavy things a lot. i was forced awkwardly into hallberg's class for a stupid reason. i got my planned absence signed by jim, iverson and leonardy.

after school
nap! reading, lizzie came over for a sec, nightly (i swear, haha) phone call with megan, started thinking about packing, cleaned my room, played with lily. it was really relaxing to not do anything. also, my house was freezing all day so i wore a blanket dress.

children should listen.
if only i could sing.

also: attend hannah montana nationals. hahahaha

Sunday, April 12, 2009

It's funny when you start to realize that people are treating you like an adult.

Like, my aunt just poured me champagne for dinner. And then I had red wine (gaga) with dessert. Haha

~growing up~

Saturday, April 11, 2009

time for a real blog!

I'm in a really good mood today. Maybe it's because I'm listening to Ben Lee. Or maybe it's because Battle of the Bands was a success last night? :]

We made over $1,700 last night for our charity and hopefully gave heartbreak hero some new fans. They are fantastic.

Last night there were three things I said numerous times.
1. It's really cool to see 20 people wearing shirts that I made.
It's not like I worked hard to make them, but it was fun to see.

2. I can't stop staring at the drummer in each band.
It's my favorite part. I have a lot of respect for drummers and find them the most interesting.

3. Hi!!!
Colin and I worked in the ticket booth office and sold tickets/did money. It was bomb seeing everyone come in and that room is fun. haha :] Everytime someone came to the window my automatically upbeat/friendly self said a high-pitched/excited "Hi!!" and it was funny.

We sat with Laurel and her too-old-looking/adorable-to-be-in-8th-grade-brother, Christian. Then Jarred and Kelsey Olson joined us. We all went into the ~mosh pit~ thing. I shoved Colin into strangers. Laurel shoved me really hard into this guy in front of me, who I apologized profusely to. Christian and I shoved Laurel into some bitchy girls. Kelsey and I imitiated this white krumping girl from phs with a star belt and yelled a "WHAT WHAT!" when it got really quiet down there. hahah TD and Caleb Allison MCed, they were good enough for dealing with rude kids and talking. It's not like I could have done that. haha

Oh, before the event started, (at like 3) Julie, Colin, this other girl, Faith and I started setting up. We made red arrows because apparently it's hard to find the P.A.C. We taped them up really classy and I made my "mark" on the P.A.C. wall. :]

quiz, reading, current events. my current event is now the in-depth for commoner. hahaha :D

senior boards presentations. i still am dead-set on doing the interview.

test, i feel good about it.

social studies
worksheet, surprise! eric was very very hyper and i loved it. natalie learned about the word "awk" too. hahah

independent study
locey left to go to the bathroom for the whole period. she ended up going to safeway and getting candy for easter/our boxes. she's going insane.

headline writing with our groups. YA waste of time. then stories, signing up for stories.

after school
since my grade in english was an F, i wasn't going to let locey or iverson see that on my planned absence, so i talked to leonardy after school. i turned in a missing worksheet that i found in my bag. and then did two of the SSRs i missed (I read the average american male for an hour, yaaa) and it took my grade from the F to a B. YAAAAAA. :] haha So, now I'm going to nationals. I just have to get my gov grade (~B- or C+) and 5th/6th period by Locey. haha We don't get grades in 5th period, just credits, so i don't know how that is working. elohel

Sidenote: I woke up at 2 p.m. last night. HOW? No clue.

Thursday, April 9, 2009


I'm failing english.
(these grades are a little old and i have a missing assignment from when i was absent.)

but still.
FML. I have to make up my SSR (YES! SSR still exists in regular english.) during lunch/link/after/before school until it's done. 45 minutes + 45 minutes = 1 hour, 30 minutes of reading to get my grade up?


Monday, April 6, 2009

I didn't realize

just how much work i had to do on my portfolio.
It doesn't help that i'm a perfectionist and like things to look clean/cute/me.

I've been working since 2.

Left to do:

personal essay
cover letter editing
table of contents
community experience essay

I bs-ed so much shit today, you don't even know. Thanks junior year self for not saving anything. FML! Also, thanks sophomore year self for not saving anything from English. Thanks senior self for saving complete selves (selfs? i'm tired) ass and being awesome on the computer/saving things. ahhhhhh.
This portfolio is a joke. hahahaha see, laughing.

Also, I'm thankin

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Monday, March 30, 2009


do i love the hannah montana movie soundtrack.

a lottttttt.

Sunday, March 29, 2009


loves stalking mormon facebooks with megan.

Saturday, March 28, 2009

Today was great, nothing huge happened but it was just a really pleasant day.

did the essay and ate/drew on a banana. contemplated using bananas instead of paper for homework.

finished act four of hamlet, quiz, powerpoint with an indie background.

muuuuuy buena fiesta! best party ever. we had 15 bottle of pop, a griddle, two quesadilla makers, copious amounts of cheese, lettuce, tomatoes, guacamole, meat, cookies, the best cupcakes ever, brownies. the funny boys in our class signed up for mystery items which were pre-toasted bread, tomato juice and cactus. hahahah

social studies
took more ideology quizzes, pimped the Commoner out hardcore, read from my article to the class. i really like mrs. turner, i thought i wasn't going to like her but i really do. i even asked her for a letter of rec today. also, eric, hayley, megan and i went to jamba. eric and i wrote on colin and blake's cars. MOST INDIEST, BYU or BUST

independent study
locey went home during 5th because she felt like she was going to throw up. i watched tv/filled out last minute letters of rec forms/went to the ccc to talk about my jr research paper problem/was sent to talk to mr. cox about it who is really cool, nice/then sent to ancheta to talk about my paper. thank ggggggggggggggggggod for saving all my junior research stuff on my laptop, that's all i can say. i also went into sarah garrett's 5th period to give her the paper/her original drawing/i talked to mr. johnston. he's so small, i've never talked to him before he's like a freaking leprechaun! aww. also, i was waiting for them to finish correcting a test (i could hear them and wanted to not be awkward) in the hallway and just stared at the bulletin board. that's when i found out that my evaluator is actually mrs. keen not mrs. hoskins. hoskins is such a good adviser by telling me the wrong evaluatorrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr. hahaha

distribution, free popcorn, mr. harrison is soooooo hilarious i might need him i laughed so much when talking with him, the paper went over well. <3

after school
i had megan and laurel take a political quiz. it was out of 30. 30 being an ultra liberal, 25 being liberal, 20 being moderate, 15 being conservative, 10 being ultra conservative. megan got a 30, laurel got a 22. i've been recording every one's scores. i got 26, robin was 27, eric was 29, natalie was 18. also, laurel and i looked at the nasty sex issue and compared it to 24/7 and laughed at all the nasty things/things we wouldn't be allowed to do this year because of 3220. drew also prepared to cheat on his test. haha drew drove me home. we stopped in the coldesac before mine to talk and my neighbor's dad (tommy frampton, senior at rhs) drove past and stared hardcore and was looking accusatory. i'm sure he thought drew and i were dating and like about to have sex or something scandalous.

once i got home, i emailed several of my teachers. including hoskins again, keen, leonardy, turner and whitley because i'm true. i really really like keen. i emailed her after school and we've been talking throughout the day. it's funny. she's totally sweet and complimentary. i just apologized for not coming into meet her and that i just found out she was my evaluator. apparently none of the kids being evaluated by her have come in anyways and she was impressed that i emailed her! ha but yeah, we talked about commoner and stuff. one of the reasons i said for not going to talk to her was deadline and i joked that she should read my article on page 11. and she was like, i'll just c/p it.

"I was actually going to email you and tell you that I did read your article and
it was really good. It's funny, I was reading it and thinking how good it was and
then it dawned on me, "Oh, Taylor Russell...my evaluee" (no such word, but I like
it). This was one of my favorite Commoners this year - I read it cover to cover. "

So yeah, thought that was cool. :] Damn, my text is misaligned now because of that quote setting. Oh well. OH! Today I happened to drop my blackberry on the entertainment center and when i went down to get it, i noticed that my mom had a michael buble cd from years ago hiding there. i stole it. i love him so much. marriage plz?

tomorrow, waking up at 7:45 to work at my dad's new house and make money. the first thing i asked was "what should i wear" and he was like "just old work clothes" and i was so confused because A. I don't do manual labor. and B. I don't have old clothes (in that sense, i don't have ratty random things.) thankfully i figured something out that is comfy, not dumpy and not important in case some clothing disaster happens? hahaha i need you. no one blogs anymore, myself included. i just have to finish out senior year on this. can't believe i've been blogging since september. dayuuuum.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

total nonsense. wth.

layout was very interesting/fun. it was mostly me, laurel, megan, hayley and colin all night. haha lots of hilarious things.

um, jayson's shirt. i still think it's so funny that it was his. we were so confused why this random pink shirt with sparkles was in the back room. hahahaha. also it was a very musical layout. so into the woods. lawl's mama brought us all the ingredients for banana splits. :D fantastic.

i need to finish my article. buh. do i have time to do it in my classes... 1st: in class reading (maybe) 2nd: taking photos (no) 3rd: definitely will have time to work on it LUNCH, oh yeah i have first lunch tomorrow. buh. 4th: test YAAAAAAAA NOT STUDYING. 5th: i will need almostall of it done by this.fuck.

TO DO: print online sources, print off quotes and have them sign it tomorrow during sixth, interview ~source~ during 5th period, get the fucking notes from muffin !!!, complete my article? haha

i'm so out of it. i can't believe laurel cleaned my room. we talked in the car from like 8 - 8:42 and then talked/cleaned/died until 12. ahhh.
hahahaha "i'm at layout with taylor and colin still..."
YA lawl's mama. ahhahaha i can't think.

reasons i'm stressed: welding photos. ya ya ya yaayayaa, khrys ross photo during 2nd period tomorrow, finishing my article/talking to admin apparently?/ chelsea nemec finishing her article/costa rica photo (crap totally forgot.)

wow, this is messy/gross/confusing/i don't care/too detailed for normal people.
oh and i have to finish botb shirts. ya y ayayayayayayyayayayayaya

passing out in three...two....one.
"hey can i finger her?"

Monday, March 23, 2009

hanging my head in shame.

Blogging? Really?

I went out to lunch with my dad today. I have to figure out my plans, but we're talking about me moving in with him after HS. He just bought a new house, plenty of room. He thinks the environment would be better for studying/living/not crying (which it is/makes more sense/feels new). My dad also thinks I should go to Tacoma CC. He lives in a fun area of Tacoma. HI, Starbucks within walking distance.

But, Lily. I have a fenced yard there/my dad has a dog. Buttttt, Lily would be completely my responsibility, my dad wouldn't be too helpful/accommodating like my mom and jim are. And if she ever ran out of the house, she would be gone forever. I'm not willing to risk that at all.

Also, job? My dad doesn't want me to work much in college (hey, i guess cc is still college~) if i live with him. My mom does. If I have a job in Puyallup, then Lily would be at my mom's and i would see her a lot?

Hmm, who knows. I feel like by not going to a 4 year, like UO or something and having a traditional college experience that I'm going to grow up a lot more. It's kind of getting thrown out into "the real world" right after high school and not having that transition time all the way. Jeez. I need to grow up. I feel so entirely young and being forced to make all these big decisions. I cannot imagine myself in my own apartment already, are you fucking kidding me? That's just not happening, I don't even have my license yet. Which is another thing that makes me feel pathetic everyday of my life. My mom is sew awesum. It's not like I can't drive or haven't done driver's ed. I just need to go out there in the new car more and actually take the time to practice parallel parking and backing around a corner since i've never had a reason too in the blazer. My mom makes an excuse for me not to drive constantly to, it's annoying. BUH.

ya frustration.

sorry, i'm just a complainer. i feel so inadequate for anything.

Sunday, March 22, 2009


you have to admit that christy carlson romano (ren from even stevens) and annalise van der poole (chelsea from that's so raven) have fantastic voices, no wonder they both were on broadway. yaaa beauty and the beast, evita, avenue q.

okay, done. hahaha

Saturday, March 21, 2009

i gotz problhems.

twitter: serendipitousy
dailybooth: sdrawkcabsisihtyeh
myspace: flyandsoar
facebook: ~
youtube: hhhhcorefour

maybe i like addictions with the computer.

hey, this is backwards.


Thursday, March 19, 2009